
Chapter 182. Trip to America (2)

Chapter 182. Trip to America (2)

The time to reach Los Angeles was approximately 14 hours. Ren was pretty much bored on the plane, the most he could do was to watch some movies.

After the long flight, Ren and his parents finally reached LA international airport.

His parents seemed to be affected as they were going through the procedures of entry.

"It would be better if we had gone somewhere in Korea. America is too dangerous."

His father grumbled after they were done with the procedures. Seeing him, his mother clicked her tongue and said.

"You are always like this. Putting up a fake front in front of your son."

His mother completed her sentence while looking at Ren.

"Don't worry about your father. He was actually very happy about the trip. He's just acting in front of you."

"I am not acting…."

His father said with an annoyed face, but Ren and his mother were already familiar with his antics.