
Creating a cave in the wall


Pang!!!!!!!!!! Booom!!! Booom!!! Crack !!! Crack !!! Crack !!!!


Pang!!!!!!!!!! Booooom!!! Booooom!!! Crack !!! Crack !!! Crack !!!!

Sounds of someone screaming and hitting heavily on hundreds of heavy things at the same time are heard. In the same instant, hundreds of cons of something cracking and breaking can be heard.

Looking more closely, we can see that a young man was walking forward with slow steps while swinging a large, heavy steel club to the right and left with both arms. Along with the swings, he shouted the name of a skill.

In front of him was a large horde of crystal creatures carrying fearlessly towards him. But when the creatures are within their area of ​​attack, the giant, heavy steel club hit their hard bodies, they are destroyed with one stroke.

The swing power of the giant, heavy club combined with the skill is very great.