Thrown into the world of magic and the myriad races, those of myths and those unimaginable, Ryan finds himself grasping for all that he can to keep himself alive and protect those he loves. All the while a prophecy unfolds that no seer could have foretold, yet was known, an ancient promise to be fulfilled, the supreme wager to be concluded. - - - Note: Not a Tomb Raider story! Updates: 7/Week
Yawning, a beautiful red haired woman exited her modest tent outside the village. Behind her, one could see half the tent filled with paperwork. Stretching the soreness out of her joints, she looked around.
There was much activity around her, though almost no one paid attention to her disheveled state. Looking around, she remembered why she had left the paperwork that was supposed to be finished by yesterday.
Man... This sucks. That bastard always runs away at the slightest inconvenience. Why can he not help me?! Will it kill him if he does some of the work himself?!
Dodging various carts of food and supplies being hauled around, she approached the edge of the encampment facing the forest and screamed at the top of her lungs...
"Oi, come here right this instant, you stupid little hairy ars—moof!" Before she could complete... whatever she was going to say, a dense mass of silk webbing shot out from one of the canopies and sealed her mouth.
None of the soldiers or knights reacted to this act of aggression with any more than a glance or the shake or their head, as if this was a daily occurrence.
"Why must you tarnish your beautiful image like that, fiery chicken? Hmm?" A black robbed six feet tall lithe man teased the woman as he walked out of the foliage slowly. He slowly pulled back his hood and his handsome, hairless face was made visible with long black hair tied behind his head.
Before his voice faded away, the tip of the index finger of the red haired woman glowed for a brief moment and the mass of webbing on her face was set ablaze. Within moments, her cherry lips were visible again with no damage to her face whatsoever.
"Bastard," She spat on the ground, as if getting rid of any webbing that might have gotten into her mouth. "Do that one more time and I burn you alive personally."
"Ooh, I am so afraid. So what did you call me here for? Caught yourself lacking, I assume?" The man waved one of his hands around exaggeratedly as his other one was busy digging for coal in his ear.
Ignoring his jabs at her competence, she declared in plain tone, "First, Go to the logistics and get yourself assigned a team, you are the only one left unassigned. Second, go wear something goddamn presentable. Third go talk to the mayor about his 'donation of supplies' he promised and tell him there needs to be a strict curfew starting tomorrow, no buts."
"And you think I will do all of this, why?"
"Edgal's orders."
Sighing dramatically, he walked past her.
"What the—!"
The woman fell face first trying to turn around, as there was a mass of webbing around her feet, fixing her to the ground.
But, but how? I was on high alert after the first web!
After the confusion came anger.
Immediately scorching the ground around her and standing up, she searched for the culprit. But he had already disappeared.
"I will kill you! You stupid little hair—moof!"
"How are you, Mister Reinnik? Are you here to pick your mentees?" A petite woman in office garments and black rimmed glasses asked a six feet tall handsome black haired man.
"Sure, give me the list."
"Here, these are second year students with their scores, strengths, weaknesses, and the rest. Please circle those you wish to be on your team." She said, handing him over a paperboard with few sheets of paper.
Although the man was highly reluctant, he properly went through the full list and revisited previous profiles many times. After almost an hour, he handed the paperboard back to the office woman.
"Thank you, your team will be notified. Anything special you wish to convey to them before the expedition, Mister Reinnik?"
"Just tell them to not be a waste of time. If Edgar comes and asks about me, tell him to shove himself up his arse."
Saying so, the man disappeared leaving the woman awkwardly staring at the spot he was standing at before.
What a chore.
The handsome man had just left the camp and entered the village gates. Surprisingly, no one even glanced in his direction, as if he did not even exist in the first place.
That smells good.
Smelling the delicious aroma of the grilled meat sticks on one of the food stalls, he approached it. The meat was sizzling on the grill as the stall owner sprinkled different spices and sauces onto the meat, as a dozen other skewers hung by the side, some cooked, some raw.
Yup, that is good stuff.
He dropped a couple silver coins and picked up two meat sticks in each hand.
No one even looked at him.
Not even the stall owner.
He continued to walk away as he bit off the juicy meat on the sticks occasionally.
Meat is the best. He thought to himself.
As he was wandering around the village center, procrastinating on going to the mayor.
Suddenly, his nose twitched and he swiped the rest of the meat pieces on the last skewer directly into his mouth. The skewers disappeared from his hands as the gravy was purged from the sides of his lips and his hands.
He approached a certain stall that was too small to be properly noticed in this bustle, and picked up a vial filled with pinkish liquid.
Darkness? He mumbled.
From the corner of his eyes, he could see a white haired kid — presumably the owner of this stall — get slapped by a black haired lady on the shoulder.
As soon as he removed his cloaking spell, the lady glanced in his direction and pointed at him to the white haired kid rubbing away at his shoulder.
The lady turned back to attend the customers on her own stall as soon as she pointed him out. Without any fluster at seeing someone appear out of thin air.
Smirking, he waved the vial he was holding in the air and asked, "These things, are you the one selling them?"