
Tokyo revengers: Gangsta's Dream

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, Kayne, a ruthless thug feared for his violence and cruelty, falls prey to a cunning conspiracy orchestrated by his adversaries. Betrayed and mercilessly slain during a mission for his boss, he finds himself engulfed in an infinite void. Yet, instead of fading into obscurity, Kayne awakens in the body of Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist of his beloved manga, Tokyo Revengers. Bewildered by this unexpected twist of fate, he swiftly comprehends that he has been granted an extraordinary chance to alter his own destiny and that of those he cherished in his previous existence. Resolutely set on avoiding the errors of his past, Kayne decides to harness his knowledge of the manga to ascend to the pinnacle of strength. But will his unwavering determination be sufficient to conquer the formidable obstacles that await him?

Ghost_flame07 · Komik
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15 Chs

The Shadow's Ultimatum

Takemichi stood tall, jaw clenched and fists tight. The recent revelations from Misaki echoed in his mind. The Xelno. A gang he had never heard of before, yet they seemed to be the key to many tragedies in his life and those of his loved ones. Rage consumed him, but he knew he had to stay focused.

"Misaki, this gang, the Xelno. Where are they now?" he asked sharply.

Misaki hung up her phone, her expression grave. "They just launched an attack on our main warehouse. It's on the other side of town. We need to hurry if we want to limit the damage."

Seeing her expression, Takemichi nodded. "Alright, I'm with you."

The two rushed out of the apartment, heading towards Misaki's car. The air was thick with tension as they sped through the streets of Tokyo. The city, usually lively and noisy, seemed darker and more menacing today, as if it could feel Takemichi's inner turmoil.

The drive was silent, each lost in their thoughts. Misaki kept an eye on the road but occasionally glanced at Takemichi with a touch of concern. She understood the pain and anger he felt, but she also knew that vengeance must not blind their judgment.

"The Xelno..." Takemichi sighed, lost in his thoughts as he watched the landscape rush by. "These bastards have ruined my life and my plans, and for that, they will pay. I'll make sure they know despair before I go back in time. Yes... I'll make sure they feel fear just by breathing." A malevolent smile crept onto his face when suddenly,

"Takemichi," Misaki said, breaking the silence and bringing him back to reality. "I understand what you're feeling, but you need to stay clear-headed. The Xelno are not amateurs. They're organized and dangerous. If we want to defeat them, we have to do it smartly."

"We...?" Takemichi muttered, but he nodded, though he struggled to suppress his urge to charge headlong into the fray. "Don't worry, those scumbags will have plenty of surprises from me."

Upon hearing his response, Misaki sighed.

They arrived at the warehouse, but to their surprise, the environment seemed calm, even normal.

"Did you get the wrong place, Misaki?" Takemichi said, scanning the area. "It seems like there's nothing unusual here."

"She told me there was an attack here," Misaki replied dubiously. "Let's go in and see."

They both approached the main door. "Boss! You finally made it," a feminine voice rang out as an athletic and slender figure stepped forward. She stood about five foot five, her slightly tanned skin hinting at her mixed heritage.

Her jet-black hair was cut in a sleek bob that framed her angular face, adding a touch of elegance to her fierce demeanor. Her piercing emerald green eyes seemed to see through the souls of anyone who dared to meet her gaze. Dark makeup accentuated the depth of her irises, enhancing her aura of mystery and danger.

Her rebellious and fearless personality was reflected in her style. She wore a black leather jacket adorned with studs and intricate embroidery over a pink tank top. Ripped black jeans completed her outfit, along with sturdy combat boots ready to endure the rigors of the street. Around her neck, a silver necklace with a knife-shaped pendant hung proudly, a symbol of her belonging to a world where the law of the jungle ruled.

She sported several piercings, including a silver hoop in her right nostril and multiple earrings. A thin scar ran through her left eyebrow, a remnant of a past altercation. Her lips, painted a bright red, were stretched into an enigmatic smile, halfway between seduction and menace as she noticed Takemichi. "Who's this, boss?"

"We'll talk later, Chizu. More importantly, you warned me that we were under attack, right?" Misaki said as she entered the warehouse.

When the others saw him, they greeted him, but Misaki immediately noticed that their faces were grim. She didn't yet know the reason, but with Chizu's explanations, she hoped to find out more.


[A few hours earlier]

The Meibukai warehouse was quiet as the day neared its end. Conversations were lively as gang members unwound after a busy day. Suddenly, a loud noise rang out, interrupting the tranquility. The warehouse doors were violently thrown open, and a group of ten hooded men stormed in, some brandishing bats with confidence.

The absence of the Meibukai's central force was felt, leaving the present members disorganized in the face of this intrusion. The leader of the hooded men, distinguished by an imposing stature and a confident gait, stepped forward to the center of the warehouse. The Meibukai members watched him with suspicion and nervousness.

"Listen carefully," he said in a deep, authoritative voice. "In a..." before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted, "Shut the hell up, damn it..."

"What a pig to speak," the man retorted, sounding offended. "It seems the rumors were true, that the Meibukai are a bunch of savages, and..." the hooded man was interrupted again.

"You, the first pig, come onto others' territory and demand respect." Tension rose as Toru, one of the sturdy guys from the Meibukai, felt his blood boil. Irritated by this unexpected intrusion, he stepped towards the leader, ready to confront him. However, before he could say another word, three of the hooded men moved with lightning speed. In a few precise and efficient movements, Toru found himself on the ground, dazed, without even having time to understand what had happened to him.

Silence fell, and the Meibukai's gazes were now filled with a mixture of fear and respect for these clearly well-trained intruders.

"Good, now that you seem to be in a state to listen," the hooded man continued, still looking at them. "In a week, we'll be back. You have that time to clear out of the warehouse, or..." he made a slashing gesture with his hand, clearly indicating the threat of death.

After listening to him, some members had already prepared to fight, clenching their fists, ready to defend their territory. But to their surprise, the leader of the hooded men burst into laughter. A chilling laugh that echoed in the warehouse.

"Look at yourselves, you pack of mangy dogs," he said with a piercing gaze. "Anyway, we've given you a choice, it remains to be seen if you're minimally intelligent."

With these words, he waved his hand, and his men followed him, leaving the warehouse without incident, as if they had never been there.

The Meibukai remained frozen, their blood running cold at the thought of the week ahead. The shadow of the threat hung heavily over them, each member realizing the magnitude of the challenge ahead. They had to prepare, because in a week, these men would return, and there would be no second chance.

have fun

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