
Tokyo revengers: Gangsta's Dream

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, Kayne, a ruthless thug feared for his violence and cruelty, falls prey to a cunning conspiracy orchestrated by his adversaries. Betrayed and mercilessly slain during a mission for his boss, he finds himself engulfed in an infinite void. Yet, instead of fading into obscurity, Kayne awakens in the body of Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist of his beloved manga, Tokyo Revengers. Bewildered by this unexpected twist of fate, he swiftly comprehends that he has been granted an extraordinary chance to alter his own destiny and that of those he cherished in his previous existence. Resolutely set on avoiding the errors of his past, Kayne decides to harness his knowledge of the manga to ascend to the pinnacle of strength. But will his unwavering determination be sufficient to conquer the formidable obstacles that await him?

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16 Chs

A New Beginning - 1

Kayne couldn't believe his eyes. Before him stood Draken, the iconic character from Tokyo Revengers, his favorite manga. None of it made any sense. Just moments before, he had been lying in a dark alley, mortally wounded, and now he found himself propelled into a fictional universe.

"Well, are you planning to sit there all day?" Draken said with a smirk, still extending his hand to Kayne, reincarnated in the body of Takemitchi.

The latter grabbed it hesitantly and stood up, still dazed. He looked around, trying to understand where he was. The setting seemed to perfectly match the manga's universe.

"I... I don't understand what's happening to me," Kayne stammered, completely lost. "How is this possible?"

"Man, are you sure you're okay?... Mikey wanted to meet you," Draken declared, looking at him with a puzzled expression, "but given your state, I think it's better to postpone. Just go home, we'll see each other another time."

With those words, Draken turned on his heel and walked away nonchalantly. Kayne remained rooted to the spot, trying to gather his thoughts. It was all too sudden, too unreal.

"Takemitchi, that was really Draken from Toman!" exclaimed one of his friends, visibly shocked by the scene that had just unfolded before his eyes. "What did he want from you?"

Kayne shook his head, unable to provide a coherent explanation. All he wanted was a little respite to think about his situation.

"Guys, just take me home, please," he sighed, mentally exhausted. "We'll talk about it later."

His friends exchanged perplexed looks but agreed. They set off on the way back, animatedly discussing the sudden appearance of Draken and what it could mean. But Kayne was only half-listening. His mind was in turmoil. How had he gotten there? Was it really real or just a hallucination before dying? And most importantly, what was he supposed to do now?

If he was truly reincarnated in the world of Tokyo Revengers, it meant he had a chance to change the course of events. He knew the story, the upcoming dramas, the tragic deaths. Could he prevent them?

One thing was certain, he couldn't afford to act recklessly. Every action would have consequences. He had to think carefully about his next moves. Perhaps this was his chance to redeem himself, to give meaning to his life. In his world, he was just a thug among many. But here, he had a unique advantage: his knowledge of the future.

As his friends dropped him off at his place, a guy bumped into him.

"Hey... watch where you're walking, punk," he said, continuing on his way. The guy seemed much older and was accompanied by a charming young lady.

"You think you can behave like that without consequences?" he said coldly, challenging the man who looked at him with contempt.

"Takemitchi... what the hell are you doing?" asked one of his friends, worried that the situation might escalate. "Apologize."

The brute snickered, feeling in a position of power, but Kayne didn't back down. He wanted to show that he was not someone to be underestimated. After the man became increasingly angry, he charged at Kayne aiming for his neck. But Kayne, with surprising agility, dodged his attack and landed a right hook with disconcerting precision.

Surprised by the attack, the man charged at Kayne again with extreme ferocity. But Kayne dodged his blows with little effort, taking advantage of the situation to ridicule him. It was as if he could read his opponent's thoughts.

In two or three moves, he subdued the aggressor, forcing him to kneel in a sign of submission. The girl, who had been observing the scene without paying too much attention, was surprised to see the speed and efficiency with which Kayne had mastered the man. She suddenly seemed intrigued by Kayne's determined attitude and his ability to defend himself confidently. Her expression seemed to mix curiosity and a certain admiration for Kayne's prowess.

His friends, although frightened by the turn of events, couldn't help but be impressed by their friend's show of strength, which had apparently been hidden until now.

Kayne finally released the man, giving him an icy look before turning his back. He had shown that he was not someone to be taken lightly, and he hoped that this episode would deter anyone from underestimating him in the future.

He thanked his friends, still in shock, and nonchalantly went up to his apartment, his heart heavy with responsibilities but also filled with new determination.

He opened the door, feeling relieved until he discovered the interior, which looked more like a pig's habitat. At the sight of Takemitchi's messy room, Kayne couldn't help but wonder why he had reincarnated into the body of this scammer. This was not at all his favorite character.

"And here I thought I could rest," he complained. "But how can a guy live in such filth without getting sick? It's no wonder that as the protagonist, he was so useless... the microbes must have devoured his strength."

The room was plunged into chaotic disorder: clothes littered the floor, piles of manga were stacked on a shelf, and a torn poster of his favorite music group was hanging askew on the wall. The overall atmosphere was neglected, as if Takemitchi had abandoned all sense of organization and cleanliness. Kayne felt once again overwhelmed by the weight of the changes he was going to make.

After about fifteen minutes of cleaning and tidying up, the room seemed more welcoming, and Kayne went to take a bath after finishing his meal. Back in his room, he lay down on the bed, reflecting on his next actions and how he was going to prevent the gang from sinking. He had to meet Mikey first and do everything to get into the gang.

Lost in the maze of his thoughts, it didn't take long for him to fall into the arms of Morpheus, after all, tomorrow would be the first day of his new life. The day he would start changing fate.