
Tokyo Revenger: Domination

Reincarnated to the "Tokyo Revenger" World and obtained a powerful system,see how our mc climb step by step to the Top of the World.

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9 Chs


July 4, 2005.

Tokyo, Japan

In a dilapidated house, a 14 yo boy lying in a bed slowly regains his consciousness.

"Ughhhhhh!!!! shit my head hurts like hell.....that fucking scammer better pray never met me again, if not, I'm gonna screw him up fuck!!" the boy cursed while complaining about why he was so unlucky.

My name is Novan, a 19 yo boy who died because of Truck-kun, I am 1 of the many millions of reincarnated people on the planet that Truck-kun sends.

In this new World, unfortunately, I'm an orphan because my mother and father died in a plane crash when I'm just still a child, because the family doesn't want to adopt me, they just send me to an orphan where i live the rest of my childhood life there, until i turn 14 years old this year, i decided to leave to become independent and not becoming a burden for the orphan house, lucky or unlucky for me, my parents still have a little saving for me, enough for me to use for 1-2 years.

By the way back to the story, now I'm lying in my shabby bed while clutching my head because the pain is so unbearable, why is it so unbearable? well, it starts from here.


In the evening in downtown Tokyo, when Novan had just walked out of the convenience store in his area after buying his monthly grocery, a stranger come his way from the other side of the street and beckoned to him.

"Brother brother!" A black haired man in his 20s walks toward me with a smile on his face.

"Huh?? you calling me?" i said with a puzzled face.

"Yes brother, it's you" the black hair man said still maintaining his smile while slowly walk towards me.

'Hmm why this dude calling me? looking at this evil face and temperament no matter what you saw it smells like a bad guy, well...i hope it's just my imagination, there is a saying don't judge a book by its cover i thought.

"Well.... how can i help you?" i reply while maintaining a certain distance from this strange guy.

"well introduced myself, my name is Takiwa, and I'm a Youtuber, i make prank or funny videos and upload them to Youtube, because my friend is admitted to the hospital due to health reasons, he can't accompany me to make a new video, so i need a replacement to fill his role, by chance, i met a handsome boy like you who can fit the theme of this new video" he said while looking at my handsome face with my unique grey hair.

"Uhh...Okayyyy, but sorry i have to go back home because it's getting late" i said while feeling a little worried because of his wronged look towards me.

Just as Novan want to slip away, a hand caught his arm.

"No brother listen to me first, you just need 15 minutes, no, just 10 minutes of shooting the video and i will pay you 100.000 Yen!!" Takiwa said in a hurry.

"Huh?? Are you serious?!!!" i said with a shocked face.

"Of course brother, it's easy money do you want it?" he smiled at me with his crooked mouth turned upward.

'Fuck!! That's 100.000 Yen!! it's a lot of money for a Junior Highschool student like me who doesn't work' i exclaimed in my heart with a slightly shocked face.

But after calming down my agitated mood, i start thinking about it for a while, how can a money that big is easy to get, if i work in a part time convenience store for 1 month, my monthly salary income is only 20.000 Yen and this guy give me 100.000 Yen for 10 minute short video, so something is fishy here, i thought in my heart while maintaining a vigilant face.

Because of my cautious personality and not easy to trust strangers, i will never trust a stranger because of my desperate situation, so i reply.

"Okay deal, when can we start?" with a sunny smile on my face.

'Sorry boys it's not that i don't wanna be cautious, but with the inheritance money that my parents gave to me, it will bottom out in 1-2 years, how many times do you see it, it's just right for my desperate situation, besides, it's a big and easy money how can i miss this godsent opportunity while trying to reason myself.

"Great!! We can start now brother, but first of all, i must remind you the theme of this video is a prank video so we must find our target before we start shooting" he said while vigorously shaking my hand up and down because of excitement.

"Okay you arrange it" i reply with a smile on my face.

So in the beautiful evening when the suns start to fall, Novan and Takiwa walk along the road to a nearby park where many people are currently sitting, resting, and chatting while they themselves are busy finding their own prey.

Just as Novan admiring the scenery, Takiwa's voice came beside him, distracting his own thought.

"Hey bro, i detected our target" Takiwa said while tapping my shoulder.

"Hmmm....okay where is it?" i move my eyes to Takiwa with a questioning face.

"Do you see the blond beauty beside the vending machine?" Takiwa pointed his right hand to a blond girl who sitting alone in a park chair beside the vending machine with his signature evil smile.

"Hmmmm yeah, i see it" i move my eyes from Takiwa to a blond beauty who sits alone while she is silently playing with her phone.

The first impression Novan sees her is, well....she is hot as hell, look at that beautiful face, and look at that mountain peaks...blah blah!! what the fuck am i thinking!! but... damn! That body is surely a sin.

When Novan is thinking wildly about wonderful things, a loud voice is coming from his ears and breaks his imagination dreams.

"Brother Brother.... BROTHER!!!" Takiwa scream just a centimeter beside my left ear.

'"Ohhhhh whaaaa whaattt...!!!" i jump with fright after being yelled so loud.

"Brother, what happened to you? Do you not feel well? why do you stand like a statue when i call you?" Takiwa asked with concern on his face.

"Ughh, no I'm fine, so what do you call me for?" i reply while hastily changing the subject to cover my embarrassment.

Even though Takiwa is still puzzled why Novan is daydreaming, he is still smart enough not to ask, so he replies.

"Okay so like this brother, you see the blond girl right? we can start the prank with her, i want you to strike up a conversation with her and try to get her phone number if you can" Takiwa said with his energetic voice at the end.

"Ughh Takiwa-san, are you sure this a prank video? why i feel like I'm becoming a douchebag?" i replied with a helpless smile on my face.

"No no no brother this is a prank video, i bet that girl will not be mad if she knows that she will become famous on my youtube channel, you know, how many women text me and plead to get a shot on my youtube video, but i never reply, even if she mad don't worry i got your back bro" Takiwa reply with a sincere face.

'Heyyyy for money i just do this once....just once' i thought with a determination to die on my face.

"Okayyyy,i do it..." i say while gearing up for the upcoming war

"Great brother!! wait for me to set up the camera and we will start" Takiwa said while he hastily prepare for the setup and perfect place for the shoot and novan found a place to sit down and wait while playing with his mobile phone.


While i playing with my mobile phone and waited boredly for Takiwa arrangement, 5 minute passed, and someone taps my shoulder from behind, making me startled because i had been too focused on playing with my phone and forget about the outside world, when i turn around my head to see who disturb my happy time it turned out to be Takiwa.

"Takiwa-san you are already done setting up the equipment?" I said while secretly said in my heart why is it so fast.

"Yeah it's done brother, there are not many complicated things to set up, just need a place that can hide the camera and get a better view when you start the conversation with the target" Takiwa replied.

"Okay, so can we start?" i said while stretching my back because of muscle soreness.

"Sure let's roll bro, but are you sure you are not nervous?? usually, some people will be freaked out to talk to a girl, especially if this girl that you don't know about" Takiwa said while looking at me

'TMD, of course i will be nervous, even in my last life there was not much interaction with the opposite sex' i secretly curse in my heart, but still put a confident smile on my face and replied.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I'm different from the noob who can't talk with a mere girl" i said while brushing my hair to look cool.

Takiwa stared blankly at novan handsome pose and have a hint of admiration in his eyes and say

"Okay, great bro!! we can start the video whenever you ready" Takiwa said while waiting for my reply.

"Okay.... let's start!!" i said while silently adjusting my mood and walking my first step toward the blond girl.