
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Komik
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

"Uh, damn I'm sorry lady Harribel i can't, can we rest for a little." Mila's voice was heard as she moved back from Harribel, the dust from the sand around floating lightly.

"Mila, i know it is hard. Like lord kokuto said, we just mindlessly swing our blade, we must learn to fight without wildly swinging and hoping we hit something." Harribel walked forward slowly, her blade out to her side as she looked down at mila, coming close enough as she put her hand out to her.

"I know, i just don't understand. I can not feel what he said to us. Not like you can at least." Mila took her hand and stood up.

"It will take time mila, eventually you will come to understand his words and we will both grow from it. Now, come again." Harribel said, nodding at mila as she made distance.

"Yes my lady, ahh!" Mila understanding, nodding her head as she raised her sword and rushed in.


"Strength does not always mean the force you can hit your enemy with, there are other things that most hollows fail to grasp in battles. Be it there size or speed, they think overwhelming there opponents will be enough. Skills you have learned, tactics, understanding your self and your limits is also a way to gain strength." I said, looking back at them as we sat on top of the base, the wind blowing my hair as I hung a single leg off its side.

"How will that help? If a hollow or any other being is more powerful than me, if they wish to fight me how will that give me a clear advantage if I only focus on what I have now?" Mila asked, not understanding my words because if the enemy overwhelmed her what would knowing this do to help her over come it.

"You are as open as ever Mila, I understand your lack of understanding. Power it is a strange concept, you think that means you must completely outclass your enemy to win. A being could have immense strength and still be brought down by a single strike, from one who has perfected and honed their skills. Knowing yourself, every tool you have and even if you can not win plays a part in battles. It is better to show you I guess." Standing i jumped down from the base, Harribel and Mila looked at each other then soon followed.

"What is it you plan to do lord?" Harribel asked as she watched me stab my sword in the ground.

"Mila step forward, I will not use any other abilities. Other then my hands. If you can cut me I will accept that my way of thinking is wrong." I said, turning my neck back and forth.

"So no more cheap shots lord, no more disappearing like a coward?" Mila said, smirking as she looked at me, then stopped as she saw Harribel shake her head.

"Yes I will stand and face you, even better I will only use the strength of a lower class hollow. So come show me my thinking is wrong." I said, walking forward a little as I saw Mila point her sword down.

"Very well, if I cut you. I want you to show me how to actually grow." Mila said dashing at me. Standing over me as she brought her sword down.

Stepping into her guard, I let the blade slide across my left arm and moved my hand near her hilt. Rotating the sword slightly as her grip loosened, hitting her in the stomach a few times before she smirked and punched down, the sand flying while I jumped back.

"With that level of attack, we won't get anywhere lord." Mila said, pulling her sword again.

"And with that arrogance and sloppiness with that blade you'll never hit me." I said, standing straight up, seeing her eyebrow twitch as she dashed at me.

Moving back and forth as she swung her blade, her speed faster as she tried to cut me. Every time she thought she got closer she would see it pass along a part of my body with out cutting me. Swinging she actually stopped her sword, fainting as she reached out her hand.

"No where to run now, I got you." Mila said swinging her sword to the side as she did.

"I told you, not with that style of fighting." I said jumping up and tucking my legs a little, the sword passing under me as I placed my hand on it. Pushing myself up more while I carried my knee up to her chin, stunning her as she let go and I flipped back.

'Every part of the body, each movement is not wasted, even if Mila can see his movements she has no idea how to deal with it. Most hollows just attack or flee if they can not win, while more powerful ones only wish to attack with All there strength, thinking the enemy is to weak to do anything about it.' Harribel thought, looking at the battle as she saw Mila grow more frustrated.

"Stop running away, you can not win with that alone!" Mila said firing of a cero as I moved my body to the side, letting it pass me as I rushed in, seeing her eyes lock on to me as she opened her mouth.

"Wasting energy for no reason." Moving low, I pushed my hand to her neck. Finding joints between the armor plates as her neck moved. Pushing her head up as the beam was fired into the air.

"Tch!" Mila could only stop the beam, seeing me below her a she strangely brought her sword down. Her eyes opening as I hit the pommel of her sword, knocking it from her hand as she brought her fist down, moving my body to spin a little I grabbed her blade.

"If this is your idea of power then you don't truly understand what it is, mindlessly swinging your blade, hoping to hit something." Smacking the back of her blade at the joint in her legs, she buckled as she tried to punch out. I rotated the blade letting it slide along its side, while i brought the Pommel down on her shoulder, her arm dropping as she could not move it.

"This sword, your skills, how you approach every situation. Your weakness, your lacking areas, your ideals everything plays apart in strength, let's start with the sword, it is a extension of yourself, more like your heart. You swing it hoping to cut anything when you yourself have no idea what you want to hit, it is you who gives it purpose, which brings forth action in a fight, and you allowed me to take your heart. Before you can grow stronger in anything, try and understand your sword. Not anyone else's style, but your own." Looking down at her, I slammed the blade right in front of her face.

"Forgive me lord, I didn't.." Mila wanted to say only to see me walk away. Turning her head to her blade as she placed her hand on it.

'Why are you pushing yourself so hard already? That look, Mila you will grow. I will make sure of it.' Harribel thought, seeing Mila look at the ground as the sand blew, watching her grip the sand as she looked at my back.

'Understanding my sword, I'm foolish, I really, I really do just swing it around like a child. That look in your eye, your, your so worried about me, but disappointed.' Mila thought, rubbing her blade and then pressed her hand into the sand. Looking at the ground for a while as she closed her eyes.