
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · Komik
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

(Mc pov)

"Please, teach me. Lord kokuto." Harribel said from her kneeling position, closing her eyes as she waited for a answer.

"What is it you wish for me to teach you? You already have a understanding of control." I said, turning away as I looked out at the vast lands of sand, feeling a group of spiritual Pressure. They were closely together and one stuck out the most to me.

"I want to understand this power, how to control and use it as my own. I don't want to mindlessly swing my blade, I want to be able to fight with all the strength I have now." Harribel said, looking up to my back. Then out to the direction that I looked but felt nothing.

"You want to learn to fight, to become better then the current you? Is power what you want? More power then you have now?" I asked turning my head back, then straight to look at the moon once again.

"I only wish to.." Harribel wanted to say but was cut off.

"You do not have to tell me things I want to here, the want for more power is something one can not help. To protect what we hold dear, be it a person or an ideal. Even as a group there will be beings, like me with more power then you can over come. You wish to still not lose anyone and for that you must seek out greater strength. Am I right?" I spoke, knowing Harribel still had a little fear, the fear of not having the power to protect her group.

"I only wish for us to continue to grow, so that maybe one day. I will no longer need to fight, for that I need strength." Harribel asked standing and looking down to her base.

"Tell me this Harribel, I know you still do not want others to die for you. Even if it means greater strength so growing is all you can do, even if you accepted what sacrifices are, and that they can not be helped, there is still the fear of losing the ones close to you in your mind. What would you do, if you had my power?" I asked, I could break down sacrifices to her again but that was not the problem. The fear of losing our people close to us is not something just anyone could overcome.

'If I had his power, the power to not fear anything in las noches. The power to fight even against overwhelming strength. No, not I, if we had that power.. what would I do?' Harribel thought, her green eyes looking at my back, while she tried to think of what it is she wants my help for.

"I would show those who follow me, my group that there is another way. That we do not need to devour others for strength. And maybe, maybe one day I could change this world with my power." Harribel finally made up her mind, speaking in a serious tone.

"Change huh, changing Hueco Mundo? That actually doesn't sound like the impossible, very well. With the time I have left, I will show you the ways to grow stronger, both of you." I said finally turning around as my purple eye shined in the moon light.

'With the time he has left? What does he mean? I can not say he had to stay here for ever, it's just.. why are his words so distant?' Harribel thought, hearing the words I said and the smile on my face.

"What do you mean by tim.." she wanted to say, stopping when i disappeared.

"It is nothing that matters right now, for now rest. Tomorrow I will start to teach you and Mila rose." Standing behind her, she turned her head fast. Looking back and up at my tall figure. I waved my hand off as I walked away on the air.

"Very well, lord, lord kokuto." Nodding her head with a slight bow she watched me before lowering her self back to the ground.

'Didn't she become queen of this place? But that is still a long way off. Hm, change is it? That really, doesn't sound, all that impossible.' Flash stepping as I swung my blade, no sound could be heard. Sitting on a pillar as I looked up to the moon and down to the world.

While thinking of the change Harribel and her group could bring about. I leaned my sword against my shoulder. The moons light shining as it when down my back, then stretched out far behind me going down the large pillar I was on. A smile came to my face.(think of gins smile) while the light continued to move. Showing blood dripping down different block like structures that were at its back side. The sand covered in blood as hollows laid all around.

"Tell your king, I will come to give him a proper welcome, soon." Looking down from the pillar I was at, seeing a hollow hold its arm. It's shoulder cut clean down as it's arm barely held on.

It sat on it's knees shaking as it looked up to me, blood dripping as it could only sit there, unable to even talk as I pressed it alone with my spiritual pressure.

"Go, tell him." I sat on the pillar as I watched it run, sitting there for a few hours as I waited and waited. Tracking the hollows power, it finally managed to get back to a group of hollows.

'Finally, I do not feel tired but waiting. Who am I kidding it doesn't really matter. All I have is time.' Thinking I slowly stood up, turning around as i rubbed my pointer finger along the air. It bent as if i was touching a solid object, as I kept going a black rod appeared.

Stepping for a few feet, I turned and with little effort. I launched it from my hand, it flew out ripping the air as it arked. The ground cracking a little behind me as i flash stepped away.

'It would seem, there is another nuisance, in my Domain.' A creature thought as it sat on top of a throne, it's hollow eyes looking at the large hollow in front of it. Looking up from the cracked ground to the blood that ran down a black rod, seeing the hollow leaned over as its mask on its head was punched through. It's knees shaking as it dropped.

"What are you standing around for?!, find whatever or whoever did this. Now!" The being spoke as it looked at the other hollows around it, seeing them step back from the body. Only to feel the being spiritual pressure burst out as it yelled. Each one bowing as they formed groups and made there way onto the endless sand.