
To You, Whom I Will Love

He is a genius, yet stupid. He is adored, not loved. He is ...exhausted. This is a story about a man's life journey to find genuine love, family, and adventure, backed by his ability that he will use to protect his precious people. ________________________________________________________________ "This is my first time writing a novel as a hobby." "English is not my first language, so sorry for the grammar." "Comments of suggestion is much appreciated" -Love, YellowBoy-

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12 Chs

Manas, Remains, Evolution

'Raphael-chan?! You're back' I exclaimed and hugged Raphael mentally

<<blush… >>

'So how did it go, Raphael-chan? Did you find it?'

<<Confirmed, as by Master's request, [Raphael] Successfully located Veldanava remains with his whole body. Not just that, It's detected that there are a lot of branches in Tensura's timeline, so Master can devour power the destroyed timeline. < em>

[Raphael] too located many dimension that similar to animes that master used to watch.>>

'Neat, so should we head there after we pause the time in this universe? … or, should I name you to be my manas first?..

Yosh, I named you first.

In the name of Adam 'William' Cordett, I shall name you [Astraea], symbolizing justice, fairness, and purity. We shall accompany each other from now on and in the future not as a skill and master, but as a trustworthy companion.'

<<I-I… M-My name is Astraea, Manas of Adam 'William' Cordett. Together, we shall accompany each other through heaven and hell for all eternity. Please take care me ,Adam.>>

'O-oh, please take care of me too, Astraea' I swear I can imagine her smiling at me through her voice.

And her voice unexpectedly became more charming and soft. I'm glad she successfully became a manas.

'Now then, Astraea, can you stop the time here and go to Veldanava remains in some broken timeline that wouldn't be detected by some powerful individuals?' I asked Astraea as I don't want to pass my time 100 years later after my evolution success.

<<Ok, Adam.. done.. Now transferring you to the location where Veldanava body remains.>> Astraea said, as I noticed my surroundings and the universe frozen. 

Then some kind of light envelopes me and in a blink of an eye I notice my surroundings are different.

It's a humble house, with basic necessities.

'Is this Veldanava's house?'

<<It is. And there Veldanava and his wife's remains are hidden in the space between entrance house outside>> Astraea confirms my thoughts.

I began to look at my surroundings and sense the surroundings to confirm where this is located. Unexpectedly It's located in a cave near where Veldora is sealed. Though right now there is no Veldora, and only chaos remains in this timeline where every landscape is broken.

After that I began to try to open the space between the entrance door.

Crack.. Cracks appear in space as I go in that space crack. 

Pure white space, white ceiling, white floor, the magicule is rampaging through my body as I spotted Blue Dragon curled up and a pink hair woman surrounded by his huge body as though protecting her from any harm that may come to her.

I froze at the sight, that pure power and affection displayed in front of me only as a remains. The contrast in body size between human and dragon shows a vivid hierarchy between races. Yet, they fell in love with each other. This scene… is making me jealous and admire them at the same time as they got rid of their boundary between race and hierarchy.

'I wish I could be like him.' I shook my head deprecatingly as I began to devour them at the same time replacing both of them with statues of them. 

'I will remember them.'

<<Confirmed, Start analyzing Individuals [Veldanava] and [Lucia Nasca].>>

"Astraea, Let's get out of here, maybe we will see something useful." I said.

<<..Ok, Adam.. just so you know Adam, I will always stay by your side.>> Astraea tried to comfort me since she must have noticed my mood.

"Thank you, Astraea" I thanked her,smiling gently. Though, I'm sure I can't hide anything from her as she basically attaches to my soul.

Walking out the space crack once again began to walk towards the exit of the cave.

'Devastating' is the word I can use to describe what I saw.

Constant thunder, landslides, earthquakes, and natural disasters keep happening through the land.

'What's happening Astraea?'

<<This is what happened in this broken timeline.< em>

Unlike most of the timeline where Veldanava befriends Guy after Guy's challenge. In this timeline, Veldanava killed Primordial Red, Rouge.

Thus, resulting in the failure to calm Milim Nava's rampage after her pet dragon, Gaia died in the hand of Elves. Her rampage manages to kill humans, demi-humans, monsters, spirits, Giants, etc.. She even manages to kill Spirit Queen, Draguel in the battle.

There is no living being except Milim herself lives in this world as Milim rampage has going on for over 15 years nonstop resulting the lost of her mind, with the revived corrupted Gaia follow along destroying the >>

"Damn, so you're saying that she is still ramaging right now?" Surprised, I subconsciously curse. Who would have thought that Milim couldn't calm herself down even after the living being in Cardinal perished.

<<Yes, It's better for you to hide in Veldanava space first complete evolution becoming a true dragon.>>

"Sure, Let's do that." Nodding, I hurried back to Veldanava's cave to complete the analysis and evolution.

'After that, maybe I could help Milim to regain her sanity as a tribute to Veldanava.' I thought.


3 months later. 

"Astraea, is it done yet? I'm bored." I asked Astraea with a gentle smile but dead looking eyes.

<<Sigh.. 15 Just wait a little longer, Adam, around minutes>>

"Yoshh! I'm going to sleep. Astraea, wake me up if my evolution completes. Don't forget to make the Omnipotent and Omniscient, make sure the memory of Veldanava and his wife will be stored as information not experience, then form my own unique dragon form. Make sure I'm looking handsome." I winked mentally to Astraea who from her sound is fed up with me.

<<Sigh.. Hai.. Hai Adam.. now go to sleep.>> That is the last sentence I heard as she knocked me out and controlled my body.


-Astraea's POV-

"Fufufu.. Adam, What can I not do for you." I made a body double that looks like the female version of Adam then possessed it.

I looked at Adam who fell asleep peacefully on the pure white floor with his head on my thigh and stroked his head affectionately.

Adam 'William' Cordett. My Mas- no, he is my friend, companion, lover,- no, it's something beyond that. We are bound from soul to soul. We knew each other, felt each other. 

We are One.

'... In the name of Adam 'William' Cordett, I shall name you [Astraea], symbolizing justice, fairness, and purity. We shall accompany each other from now on and in the future not as a skill and master, but as a trustworthy companion.'

Right after I was named by Adam as Astraea. I feel like I gain something, emotion, feeling. But in the process, I lose something, I lose my purpose, I lose my way.

Then I began to think, what am I? What is my purpose? Recalling my life as a skill. Everything is about Adam. At first he was reluctant to have something inside his head as he thought it was not safe, but gradually he began to think of me as a companion. We used to work together for 5 years, but after that I left him to find Veldanava remains as per Adam's order.

<<I missed Master.>>

<<I missed Master Adam.>>

<<Where is Veldanava remain?>>

<<I need to find it fast!>>

<<I want to see Master!>>

<<I want to see Adam!>>

I kept encouraging myself as a skill to accelerate the process to find Veldanava remains. It's a weird feeling, I, as a skill, that is not supposed to have emotion, wants to go back to Adam as fast as I could, but my reasoning tells me not to as Master's order is number one priority. 

I'm not yet a manas but began to process the thing humans called 'emotion'. As a skill my whole purpose is to serve him as master, I am incapable of thinking beyond that. There is no 'freedom' in my thinking. But from the moment I process 'emotion', gradually I want.. Yes, I myself want to serve him wholeheartedly. 

"Adam, I will accompany you through eternity." I murmured, still locking my gaze towards Adam. 

"Don't be sad, Adam. I'm sure you will get a lot of love like what you always wanted to, be it from family, friends, lover.. or lovers? and me, fufufu." I said confidently, because..

'I am Astraea, an existence you created who will walk alongside you for eternity and be your guide towards your future.'


-3rd POV-

<<Requesting. Voice Isolation of World Skill [Voice The World]'s Announcement. Success>>

<Notice, Individual [Adam 'William' Cordett] gained the The Creator of Cardinal, Veldanava's Dragon Factor.>

<Attempting Evolution. Failed, Not enough Energy for ongoing evolution.>

<Attempting. Failed, Not enough Energy for ongoing evolution.>

<<Extracting Turn Null energy in the process of evolution to increase success rate Adam Cordett's Evolution>>

<<Opening channel of Turn Null, Stardust Energy and Divinity to World Skill [Voice The World] in an attempt complete the evolution>>

<Granted. Detected unknown Energy interfering with the process of evolution. Evolution branch created. True Dragon God, The above Dragons>

<Success. In the process of Evolution.>

<Notice. Creating Spiritual, Physical, and Digital body of True Dragon God.>

<Attempting to Evolve Extra Skill [Magicule Breeder Reactor]. Success. Reactor] evolve Origin Skill: The Lord of Beginning [Nexus]>

<Attempting to Evolv-...>

<<Request. Stopping the skill evolution process in an attempt to evolve all skills into three omni skills.>>

<...Request Granted.>

<<Attempting to create Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent based on the information left by Veldanava, Turn Null, Stardust and divinity God who reincarnated Adam…>>


5 years later.

<<... Success. Gaining Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent.>>

<<Turning off Omniscient and Omnipresent as desired by Adam 'William' Cordett>>

<Congratulation for Individual [Adam 'William' Cordett] being born as the first True Dragon God>

Cracks began to appear in the mass of energy that shaped like cocoons. Multi-colour emits from the cracks as it blinds the entire surrounding.

Magical riots so strong that it began to destroy everything, be it the statue that Adam built, the space, ceiling, barrier, etc.

Thankfully the barrier Veldanava created is strong enough to hold in a little longer.
