
To You, Whom I Will Love

He is a genius, yet stupid. He is adored, not loved. He is ...exhausted. This is a story about a man's life journey to find genuine love, family, and adventure, backed by his ability that he will use to protect his precious people. ________________________________________________________________ "This is my first time writing a novel as a hobby." "English is not my first language, so sorry for the grammar." "Comments of suggestion is much appreciated" -Love, YellowBoy-

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12 Chs

Character Sheet & Pictures

• [OC] Adam 'William' Cordett

Gender : Male

Race : High Human > Order & Chaos True Dragon

Weapon : Sword of Aima to Keno [Long Sword] & Spear of Longinus [Spear]


⁍Origin Skill: Information King Akashic Records


The Origin Skill that allows the possessor to create and use any and all Skills.

⁍Extra Skill: Magicule Breeder Reactor


A Skill that allows the user to infinitely generate magicules. It also makes the user capable of using the densest possible type of energy in the world called "Stardust" energy.

⁍Ultimate Skill: Lord of Wisdom [Raphael]


-Thought Acceleration

-Analytical Appraisal

-Parallel Operation

-Chant Annulment

-All of Creation


⁍Ultimate Skill: Lord of Space-Time [Yog-Sothoth]





-Space-Time Manipulation {Absolute End, Infinity Prison, Space Cut, Teleportation, Void Banishment, Etc.}

-Temporal Manipulation {Time Leap, Time Stop, Time Loop, Rewind}

⁍Intrinsic Skill: The Perfect Being


An Intrinsic Skill that is possessed by The Individual [Adam 'William' Cordett] by his character of soul and mindset. Intrinsic Skill [The Perfect Being] allowing the host to heighten his comprehension and concentration as much as the host wants.

Intrinsic Skill [The Perfect Being] has the ability to make the host-self perfect the imperfection that the host deems imperfect.

Intrinsic Skill [The Perfect Being] has always been in the soul of Individual [Adam 'William' Cordett], but doesn't have the ability to execute itself as there was not enough energy inside the host body.

⁍Intrinsic Skill: Reality Weaver


An Intrinsic Skill that is possessed by The Individual [Adam 'William' Cordett] by his character of soul and mindset. Intrinsic Skill [Reality Weaver] has the ability to manipulate subtly or all reality and shape destiny for the host's benefit without the host's awareness.

Intrinsic Skill [Reality Weaver] will remind the host before changes are made if the soon to be altered reality intervenes with the host's future planning or judges that the soon to be altered reality may be detrimental for the host and companions.

Intrinsic Skill [Reality Weaver] has always been in the soul of Individual [Adam 'William' Cordett], but doesn't have the ability to execute itself as there was not enough energy inside the host body.



• [OC] Scáthach > Eve 'Scá' Cordett

Gender : Female

Race : Human > High Human

Weapon : Gae Bolg [Spear]


⁍Summon Gae Bolg


-As Her favorite spear that accompanied her throughout the ages, Gae Bolg can be summon and de-summoned anywhere, anytime.

⁍Spear and Battle Master


-As a prodigy in the art of spear and through countless slaughter, Her battle instinct had been honed to its ceiling. She can adapt to any form of upcoming battle.

⁍Primodial Rune Master


-As a prodigy in the art of magecraft, She mastered the art of Primodial Rune. Primodial Runes have a lot of usage such as Attack, Magic Resistance, Clairvoyance, Shield, Barrier, Etc.

⁍'Gifted' Ultimate Skill: Lord of Lust [Asmodeus]


-Life Domination

-Life Force Absorption

-Life Force bestowal


-Memory End Requiem


⁍'Gifted' Unique Skill: Fallen Sage


-Thought Acceleration

-Analytical Appraisal

-Parallel Operation

-Chant Annulment

-All of Creation


• [OC] Benjamin Cordett

Gender : Male

Race : Human > High Human

Weapon : -



• [OC] Mechalia Cordett

Gender : Female

Race : Human > High Human

Weapon : -



• [OC] Amon Lucifer

Gender : Asexual (Preference: Male Body)

Race : Arch Daemon x Dragonoid Body

Weapon : The Butler Gloves


⁍'Gifted' Template: Sebas (from Overlord)


-Dragonoid Form


-Arch Demon Haki

-Magic Manipulation

⁍'Gifted' Unique Skill: Sage


-Thought Acceleration

-Comprehension Boost

-Chant Annulment

• [OC] Elysia Seraphim

Gender : Female

Race : Seraph

Weapon : Whip of Flame


⁍'Gifted' Template: Testarossa (from Tensura before becoming Daemon Lord)


-Ultra Intuition

-Magic Manipulation

-Freezing White Flame

⁍'Gifted' Unique Skill: Sage


-Thought Acceleration

-Comprehension Boost

-Chant Annulment

• Ayase Miharu x Aishia?

Gender : Female 

Race : Human > Spirit?

Weapon : -


⁍Spirit Arts


As a high-class spirit, Miharu x Aishia is the pinnacle of Spirit Arts, moreover, she also a universal attribute spirit, meaning that she can use all attribute in their strongest state.


-Character Sheet may change overtime based on Author's idea-