
To The Place Where I Belong

Arthur was a Monks apprentice, He travelled with him everywhere, until one day a group of bandits ambushed them and killed his master in front of him, He was sold as a slave to a rich noble, Arthur vowed to find that bandit and kill him, but bad luck came his way again and the noble he served was assassinated, and he was suspected to be the killer, now he roams the land searching for the bandit who killed his master and find purpose in life he never had.

Ristal_JC · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

The Encounter

Arthur wakes up and stares at the night sky, "I should go out and hunt" he thought. It was midnight. Perfect time to hunt deer while they're sleeping,

He grabs his bow and arrows and went out in the dense forest encompassing the cave he's staying, "There should be a herd sleeping nearby, I should go deeper", As he ventured deeper into the forest, he worked his way pushing through thick shrubs and dead branches, and there he found a herd of deer clumping together sleeping with a giant stag in the middle. "Thats alot of em', Four should suffice" He took his bow and readied for a shot at the giant stag in the middle.





"Phew! That stag took way too long to go down, I should've hunted rabbits instead, Oh well at least I got food that'll last me for two days, I need to wash this blood off me", Arthur then grabs his knife and proceeds to cut multiple vines to tie up the deer he hunted, He then proceeded to carry the meat to the nearest river just a mile up ahead, Just as he was about to reach the river, he instinctively jumped away to hide. What he heard was surprising to him especially as he is in the deep middle of the forest, he thought he was alone, he heard splashing water as if something or... someone was playing around, he turned to look, all he saw was a silhouette of a woman bathing in the river, he crept closer and closer until he could see the naked backside of the mysterious woman. He nervously readies his bow, And as he stood up to take aim. He stepped on a dry twig barely making a sound that the stranger noticed, Arthur quickly hid behind a large tree hoping the stranger didn't notice the crackling sound he just made, "Nahh.. I should just come back later", As he was about to leave, he looked back at the woman in the river and noticed she was gone, "What the hell was that?" he thought, He lifted the carcasses on his back, As he was about to stand up. The woman that was in the river a moment ago was in front of him just sitting there like a child, startled at what he is looking at, "are you lost lady?" Arthur asked the still naked woman in front of him, "What the fuck am i supposed to do here?!" He thought, He took off his robe and gave it to the naked woman, "What's your name lady? and what are you doing here in the middle of the forest naked?" he asked, the stranger slowly opened up her mouth and slowly mumbled "a-are you g-g-going to do something b-bad to m-me?" she sniffs as she stuttered to speak, "No! I was just surprised that someone would venture deep in here, let alone a young lady such as you." "It's dangerous here you should come with me, i'll give you some clothes to wear" Arthur lifted the carcasses on his back and started to trek back to his cave, while the young lady follows him closely behind, Thick foliage covers the way back as they struggled to return before other hungry beasts comes to attack them... Moonlight shines brighter as the clouds began to disperse, Arthur lies on his makeshift bed, Exhaustion overwhelms him and he quickly fell asleep...


Chapter 1 End