
To the girl I love..


_Tiny_Devil · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Actions speak louder than words


I was taken aback by what just happened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.. 'Did.. Lucy just confess to me?' I blinked a few times in amusement.

Lucy pulled away from the hug and shyly looked away and started scratching her nape while uttering,

"I..I mean as a friend of course! I love you as my best friend- I don't see you as more than that.. I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea-I really didn't mean it that way an-"

I put my index finger on Lucy's uncontrollably moving mouth and silenced her before saying, "I know silly. Chill!" I laughed and she started laughing along with me.

Even though I was laughing deep down inside, I felt like vomiting. I felt some type of way. I wasn't really happy to be honest.

Maybe.. maybe deep down, I wanted Lucy to mean it THAT way.. or didn't I? I confused myself! 'No! What am I even thinking!!' I shrugged those thoughts away.

We kept talking about random topics while going up on the elevator of the hospital to see her dad again. I was taking a box of rolls for all of us.

It was an old elevator which looked a bit shady and almost scary as in a horror movie. I was dead scared of ghosts however, Lucy didn't even flinch when she got inside the elevator.

My whole body was trembling in fear as the elevator door closed and started moving. Suddenly, the elevator stopped for a second and I immediately clung onto Lucy's shoulder like a coala bear.

"I'm scared!"

"What the hell Diane, you are like a kid. There are no such things as-" The elevator stopped again and the door opened slowly, testing our patience.

As the door opened, we saw someone suddenly disappearing. We looked at each other while still in the elevator. Then we started running straight to Lucy's dad's room while screaming.

It was like a scene in a horror movie! Not that I watch horror movies often.. but my sister always forced me to watch some with her. Speaking of my sister, I miss her so much.

She was just almost 2 years older than me. We were like best friends. I had a great bond with her. She was actually one of my favourite people in the entire world! I missed her, badly.

After catching breath, we stopped near a giant wall, it was kind of secretive and was a great place to hide. We were half way there to Lucy's dad's room.

While holding her chest with her right hand, Lucy put her other hand on the wall and I was leaning on the wall while she was opposite to me. Then after a few seconds, Lucy looked up at me.

She looked right at me only to find a girl who looked like a red tomato that was about to explode! Her posture made her look like she was about to..

"Mom! look! They are going to KISS!"

We heard a kid shouting and both of us turned red in embarrassment before started running to the room again..

That lady with the kid looked at us like we were some type of aliens! 'Gosh. Such a mean look!' Thanks to my bullies, I was actually used to such looks.

We finally went inside the room and ate rolls. I didn't feel like an outsider one bit. It was like I was spending time with my own family, I loved every second I spent with them. Specially her.


It was a great day, one of the happiest days to be honest. After eating, we said good bye to dad and also mom. She was staying there till dad got better.

After that, me, Diane and my brother got inside the car. There, I got into talking with Diane as usual and I told her that it was my birthday next week.

"What!? Which day?"

"Next Wednesday. Haha."

"Not funny! Why didn't you tell me earlier??"

"But I told you now, exactly before a week."

"That's not enough!"

"For what?"

"N-nothing... just, nevermind. I'll figure something out."

"Please don't tire yourself to find a gift or anything, you being present in my party is totally enough for me-"

"Shut up, I'm not someone who goes to a party without a gift and I usually put so much effort into my gifts which would take like.. months!"

"I didn't know that!"

"It's okay.."

"Are you mad, Deen?"

"Deen? Hahah cute. No, not at all! I was just not happy that you didn't tell me a bit earlier."

"But I met you like a month ago. Lol."

"I know, I know. Let's just forget this topic."

"Forget my birthday?"

"No- that's not what I mean, don't twist my words-"

"Looks like the two love birds are having a fight. Mommy, I'm scared!!!" My brother spoke out of no where and started laughing at the end of his statement. 'What a little b**ch.'

"We are not love birds!" Both of us said out loud in sync. After that none of us talked. I was feeling devastated. Why did this amazing day had to end like this?

We dropped Diane off at her place and then drove off to our house. Diane didn't even bother to say bye when she got out the car. Yeah, she smiled but.. that wasn't enough! for me..

After coming back to our house, I went to my room right away and filled the bath tub. I was wearing a white towel while my hair was up in a bun.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw an extremely beautiful girl. Yes, I am one of those people who loved theirselves a lot.

Even though she looked pretty and happy on the outside, her eyes were filled with a shade of sadness and desire. A desire I couldn't describe, because even I didn't know what it was to be exact.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before hanging my towel and turning on songs on Spotify. As soon as I got inside the bath tub, I melted from the relaxation.


I kept staring at the ceiling while still on the bath tub, letting the warm water relax all the muscles in my body. After a few seconds, I drowned myself in the bath tub.

I was closing my eyes the whole time. Then I came back up as I blew my hair up in the air, still not opening my eyes.

Suddenly, my eyes flung open as I finally realised something that I've been pushing away all this time..

I kept my eyes on the ceiling while sitting in the tub letting the lower part of my body rest and relax. I closed my eyes again and lowered my head.

I slowly opened my eyes as my lips carved into a smile.

'I love her.'

Our fate lies within us. Your actions, your behaviour, your qualities and everything will have their consequences. Good and bad. Always be true to yourself.

No matter what, at the end of the day, if you're a good person, you can at least die happy! ^^ <3

I love you, thank you for reading! ♥︎

_Tiny_Devilcreators' thoughts