
To see the sun fall with you

what would you do if you fell in love with the person in your dreams?

Naomi_123 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

wanting to crawl inside a blanket

Hello." The hot-dog said in a slightly deep but soft and calming voice, calming enough that it made the tummy caterpillars move around in my tummy and made me feel tingly. I liked how his voice felt.

I took a second to respond, a very low voice which made me sound like I was 7 years younger than I am came out saying, "hey." That hey came out smaller than I thought. Hate to mention the awful fact that I sound like a 8 year old kid who loves cotton candy (I actually love cotton candy).

I hear a chuckle out of Mr. Hot-dog and saw a smirk on his face. I must say that I was quite astonished by his smirk, HOW DARE HE.

I hate this already.

The dude sitting beside hot-dog gave him a shoulder push with a smile and then looked at me and said "heyy! I am Matty and this is my friend Kai."

Clam down Elle and smile.

I smiled.

An awkward smile came out with my eyes barely open and my lines coming to the ears.

"Uh, What grade are you both in?"

"Didn't your friend tell you that already?" Kai spoke.

That was the exact moment when I for the first time choked on air. That caught me off guard. Wait. WAIT. HE HEARD WHEN NAOMI WAS TALKING ABOUT HIM TO ME.

Whatever. I choose peace today. I choose to not care. No, at this minute my embarrassment scale has been broken by Kai. I swear that's what i thought for five minutes but later I thought "What if he thinks that I think that he is hot?"

"I mean I do think that but I don't want him to think that."

Too much thinking, I should stop.

We arrived at school and I went into my class. Thankfully me and Naomi were in same class so I sat beside her. And after the teacher arrived in the class, the part I hate eventually came, public introduction . In front of a class full of 30 bluntly alive weird living gigantic organisms called humans, I had to awkwardly stand with my bag and give a soft smile so I don't look rude or attitude-ish while the teacher is introducing me to people.

The homeroom teacher did not even pronounce my name correctly. Which is normal but every single time someone does that it races me up. At lunch Naomi introduced me to her crew. Dreys, Jovian and Anya. They all were really sweet and funny. Dreys was incharge of being the always happy and funny friend, he was a hippie and slightly intimidating at first but after talking to him, he was nothing like what he looks like. He has monolid eyes with a small nose and heart like lips (I'm sure they taste like lollis) with long black hair reaching his neck. He is about 6'2 tall with pale skin, lean body and a skateboard with where ever he goes. Also forgot to mention he flirts alot. And I mean ALOT. When Naomi first introduced me to him, it went like:

Naomi: what's up Dreys, I got a new member for our crew, Elle this is Dreys and Dreys this is-

"Wow, surprised that Naomi's bestfriend is prettier than Juliana." Dreys said.

"I've heard alot about you, Jiaxu but Dreys for you" he said

"I like your skateboard."

Yes, I flirted I have no clue why but I was just so amused by how cool he was and I did not want him to see me as a dork."

We all went to cafeteria where me and Naomi's friend had a really good time. It felt like happiness.

That was it for today I will spill the beans as the days gets over stay tuned reader :)






Hey, finally updating I will try to stay active! Hope you like it.