Before a company of three hundred men at the edge of the wildlands stood prince Hebzucht atop his winged unicorn. The wind blew through his raven hair, the bronze-skinned man grinned viciously. His blue eyes twinkled as he thought of all the riches hidden in that forest and looked to his left at the curly-haired knight sitting beside him on a Griffen, his white hair flowing to his soldiers and his yellow eagle eyes fixated on the fog enveloping the forest like a dense white curtain.
" General Jahad I think it's best that demount and travel by land. Culling the number of beasts in the forest should decrease the chance of a beast tide occurring. Wouldn't you agree saintess Josephine?" The redhead saintess's brow twitched and forced a smile." Yes, I'll trust In the prince's judgment." Jahad sighed at the prince's greedy antics." I'll inform the men. Saintess Josephine, please send a healer and paladin to each of the thirty squads."
The smiling Josephine's smile froze over as a tear fell from her emerald eyes.' They're working in tandem to take advantage of me. Oh, Great Spirit give me the strength...amen.' Josephine realizing the opportunity she had to promote the faith cast a spell of melody on herself and spoke softly." Before we enter let us pray to the great spirit for strength, protection, and a bountiful harvest."
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At the edge of the Nadúr village sat a circular Acropolis at the bank of a crystal blue spring. Small Nadúr children frolicked in its shallow waters. Some bathed while others played and practiced their swordsmanship. Dense green trees wrapped around the Corinthian columns of the ancient temple, bringing shade to two men who sat on the steps descending to the spring below. The two men, wrapped in a red toga, and the other wearing pristine white robes sat across from each other playing a game of chess. After shortly deliberating his next move, he decided to diagonally aligning a pawn with the white-robed man's rook." So where's the boy elder Spiorad?"His sharp facial features have haughty and distant expressions The old man smirked at the question.
"Rarely does a deadbeat father, such as yourself ask about the condition of his son Patriarch Koel. Worry not he'll be back a day before the symbiosis I want his path to becoming an Asura as smooth as possible. How's the mental state of the other children?"The patriarch had trained his face to be as thick as the fog that dominated the forest. like a serine lake, he remained calm in the face of the old man's taunting. he moves his knight near the enemy king in an attempt to force the old man to make a rash move." They are stable, with the exception of Gothorn of course, that pit has served me well. His condition is deteriorating exponentially thanks to the shunning, I have high expectations for his results. I've yet to perceive what potential you see in the boy Elder Spiorad his inability to focus on his training surpasses even Luiaard...By the way were you able to find any of the records I requested?"
Noticing that he was being cornered, the old man was unperturbed. he further moved his king to the right corner away from the formers Knight baiting a blitz by a rook." I had my spies turn the capital inside out. But the crown has done well to hide their dirt, I'm assuming all the records have been destroyed or locked in a spirit. I have been able to find some valuable information on asuras It should be very helpful. The king sent me a letter informing me of a company marching to the forest to give aid in its defense. No doubt this has the markers of the church pulling strings behind the scenes. I recommend you keep the children here for the next month. Especially that little abomination. We don't want to be revealed as traitorous heretics. Checkmate."
Noticing in his attempt to capture the elder's king his own was exposed, with two rooks closing off his paths to retreat he sighed and picked up the data stone that the elder had slid to him." As always elder your foresight is unmatched. thankyou for this lesson and counseling I will meditate on them intensely."The man rose to take his leave." Why not spend some time with the boy? You might never get the chance to again." The patriarch's steps paused momentarily." I don't have time for such pleasantries. Thank you elder For your consideration." The man's ice-cold tone left no room for persuasion.
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In an underground laboratory, two men observed the many pods that hung by vines off a purple wisteria tree. Some were empty while others had small children contained within them.
The man in a red toga with a crystal crown on his silver head turned from the pods to look at the man cloaked in black.
" How are their vital signs?" The raspy-voiced man chuckled while rubbing his hands together." All in the normal ranges Patriarch, but an unexpected anomaly has occurred. Seven of the children have been discolored purple since the start of the week."
The cloaked man guided him to the pods in question. Suspended in the green liquid of the see-through pods were purple children with white hair reaching g their ankles. The patriarch stared at them silently for a while." Do you think they were tampered with?" The cloaked man shook his head." Not to my knowledge."
An image of a purple boy reflected in the silver eyes of the stoic man." Such unaccounted variables should be terminated, don't you think Inzicht?" A frigid pressure mounted on the feeble man hidden within the black cloak." Forgive my disagreement my lord, but their magic affinity is higher than the rest. I could not bare to throw away such valuable assets." The wizard bowed fearfully.
The patriarch sighed and turned away from the pods." Tell the elders that we will have their children stay at the crystal lake Acropolis and remind them to tell the children to stay away from Gathorn." The wizard raised his head with a perplexed expression." Why the crystal lake Acropolis?" The patriarch began walking off." The crown and its zealots are visiting. We'll be receiving them warmly for now so no need to offend them."
Deep in the wilderness of the borderlands, a company of warriors pitched their tents at the bank of a river.'This Cloud Tiger's corps should be more than enough to fund an army for a couple of years.' In the largest tent, the prince looked over the corpses of the Giant white Tiger that was being directed and stored with greed.' its mana core should go for at least two million gold.'
Jahad woke him from his thoughts." I wonder how the Nàdur can survive in such a harsh environment year around." He snorted in disdain." My father's beloved Mutts were bred for war as he would say. They were the favorite weapon of great grandfathers during the demon wars so it's no surprise they would be drawn to such a savage land. I just can't they've been monopolizing this land for thousands of years, with so many riches here don't you think we should raise their taxes?" Jahad looked solemnly.' taxes won't be looking good if he becomes king...'
A look of fury distorted Josephine's face." Now that I think about it they've never given tithes to the faith! I will have to investigate their sincerity when we meet." A cold sweat fell down the spines all the delinquent thither's I earshot of her." Lead me to their fortress at once!" The paladins around her had to chant some prayers to calm the zealot's fury.
" Almost No one knows where they live priestess Josephine, only the ancient bags of bone in the crown know their location. I'll send them a transmission so they can open a portal, Jahad you order the earth magi to build a stone fortress before we leave."
"Yes, your highness."With a slight bow, he left to give orders to the rest of the company.