
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 9: The First Bounty On Trolls

--2 Weeks Later--

The bustling sounds of the inn gradually faded into the background as Izak energetically burst through its doors, ensuring they closed firmly behind him. His footsteps echoed with purpose as he navigated through the lively market, a determined path etched in his mind. Along the familiar road that led to the encompassing forest, he strode, each step carrying the weight of more than two weeks' worth of intensive training alongside his companion, Alex. This period had seen them hone their skills in both magic and swordsmanship, an experience that had undoubtedly left its mark on Izak.

The transformation was evident; Izak had evolved into a version of himself that was unrecognizable from the one who had crossed paths with Alex earlier. The training had sculpted his physique and fortified his resolve, allowing his strength to burgeon to new heights. As the forest's threshold drew nearer with every passing moment, Izak's anticipation grew, his heart matching the rhythm of his swift strides.

Minutes slipped away as Izak continued his eager dash towards the heart of the woods. The journey was a testament to his dedication and the strides he had taken in such a short span of time. Eventually, he reached the familiar glade that had become their sanctuary during these weeks of rigorous training. It was here that the culmination of their efforts often took place, where their energies intertwined in a dance of growth and mastery.

With a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration, Izak announced his arrival in a voice that reverberated through the tranquil surroundings. "I am here!" he called out, the words a proclamation of his commitment to the shared journey they had embarked upon.

Perched upon a sturdy tree, Alex acknowledged Izak's arrival with a nod, a serene expression gracing his features. From his vantage point, he had observed Izak's approach, noting the determination that radiated from his every step. "Good!" Alex responded, his voice carrying a sense of approval as he welcomed Izak's presence.

The camaraderie between the two was palpable, a testament to the bond forged through mutual growth and the pursuit of excellence. The forest bore witness to their evolution, its quiet wisdom acknowledging the strides they had made and the challenges that still lay ahead.

Izak's eagerness was palpable as he shifted his focus from the surrounding scenery to his companion. With a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, he directed his question toward Alex, seeking confirmation for the burgeoning excitement within him. "So, we are really going to get another Quest today?" Izak inquired, his tone a blend of hope and eagerness, yearning to validate whether the spark of enthusiasm igniting within him was truly warranted.

With a graceful leap, Alex descended from his perch in the tree, his movements fluid as he landed on the ground with practiced ease. His posture returned to a natural stance, and his gaze shifted toward Izak, his eyes carrying a sense of affirmation. "Yes," he confirmed, his voice carrying the weight of assurance, validating Izak's enthusiasm and affirming that the anticipation was indeed justified.

After the confirmation, Alex proceeded to share the details of the impending quest, the words flowing from his lips to Izak's eager ears. The young aspirant's excitement bubbled over, his heart quickening as he absorbed the information. Unable to contain his enthusiasm, Izak posed a question that carried a hint of both wonder and excitement. "Which Quest will it be, My First Danger Quest?" he inquired, a subtle undertone of thrill underscoring his words. Alex's response came swiftly, a decisive nod accompanying his words. "Correct! We will be taking upon dangerous Quests from now on to further increase your capabilities," he explained, outlining their new trajectory of challenges and growth.

Izak's anticipation swelled, a whirlwind of emotions whetting his curiosity about the upcoming quest. The prospect of facing danger head-on stirred a mix of exhilaration and determination within him. With Alex leading the way, they embarked on a journey toward the Town Guild, the path ahead laden with excitement and possibilities. Each step brought them closer to the heart of their next adventure, and as the distance closed, Izak's inner excitement intensified.

Upon reaching the Town Guild, their destination, Izak's heart raced in tandem with his thoughts. He knew that whatever quest awaited them was a significant step in his progression, a test of his newfound strength and skills. The atmosphere within the guild's confines hummed with purpose and camaraderie, setting the stage for their next endeavor.

Amidst the guild's hubbub, Alex revealed the quest's essence with a single gesture, presenting Izak with the tangible evidence of their mission. "A Troll Hunt!" The quest paper, prominently displayed on the guild board, was a declaration of their impending challenge. Izak's eyes widened as they settled on the words, his mind processing the magnitude of the task ahead. The very idea of confronting a formidable creature like a troll stirred a surge of nerves and excitement, intermingling in a heady concoction. With this quest, their journey took a daring turn, propelling them into uncharted territories of danger and discovery.

The sight of the troll's depiction on the paper triggered a subtle unease within Izak, a mix of apprehension and uncertainty. The creature's ominous visage seemed to loom over him, casting a shadow on his excitement. As he gazed upon the illustration, a knot of worry formed in the pit of his stomach, silently questioning his readiness for the impending confrontation.

Sensing Izak's discomfort, Alex, ever the guiding presence, picked up on his friend's emotional shift. Stepping in to provide reassurance, he offered words of encouragement that were aimed at alleviating Izak's concerns. "Don't be so worried about what they will do," Alex's voice carried a calm and soothing undertone, attempting to quell the flicker of doubt that had taken root. He continued, a confident assurance infusing his words, "You can fight them for sure with ease."

Alex's words were like a beacon of confidence, cutting through the haze of unease that had settled over Izak. The affirmation held within them was a reminder of the progress Izak had made, the strength he had gained through their rigorous training. With Alex's unwavering belief in his capabilities, Izak found renewed determination and resolve welling up within him. The encounter with the troll might be a challenge, but it was a challenge he was ready to meet head-on, armed with his growing skills and the trust he had in himself and his companion.

Izak's gratitude was evident in his response, his voice carrying a touch of sincerity as he acknowledged Alex's reassuring words. "Thanks for the encouragement," he expressed, his appreciation heartfelt and genuine. The exchange between them was a testament to the bond they had forged through their shared journey, where encouragement and support flowed freely between companions.

However, Izak's concerns weren't entirely alleviated, and he continued to express the reservations he held deep within. "But I have heard that trolls are dangerous in a different way," he ventured, his voice tinged with a note of caution. He went on to elaborate, sharing his understanding that trolls represented a unique kind of danger that surpassed other threats in their world. His words were a reflection of the knowledge he had gathered, suggesting that his apprehensions were rooted in a well-founded awareness of the potential risks they faced.

Acknowledging Izak's concerns, Alex offered a measured response, aimed at providing context and perspective. "I know. This is not as much dangerous as you think," he assured, his tone even and composed. His words carried a reassuring tone, meant to temper any heightened worries and redirect Izak's focus toward a more balanced perspective.

As the conversation delved deeper, Alex provided additional insights into the nature of the quest and the compensation it carried. The mention of a price tag of over 6000 gold coins underscored the significance of the task at hand. It was a figure that reflected both the challenge and the importance of their mission.

Alex proceeded to elaborate on the unique danger posed by trolls in their world. He explained that while trolls might appear physically weak, their impact on humans was far from inconsequential. Even a seemingly minor scratch from a troll could lead to dire consequences. The venomous properties of their attack caused the blood to clot at the point of contact, resulting in a potentially life-threatening situation. The gravity of the situation was clear: a single scratch, if not treated swiftly, could lead to the loss of a limb or even a person's life.

The exchange served as a crucial reminder of the stakes they were dealing with, as well as the need for careful planning and swift action. The duo's journey had transitioned into a realm where not only physical prowess, but also strategic thinking and medical knowledge played a pivotal role in their success. With newfound knowledge in hand, Izak's determination was further steeled, his mind now set on the multifaceted challenges that lay ahead.

In a moment of clarity, Izak recognized the gravity of the situation; it wasn't just about personal growth anymore, but a responsibility to safeguard the world around him. With resolute determination, he voiced his decision to Alex, his words carrying the weight of his commitment. "It's either me or the world at this point," he declared, conveying his unwavering resolve to confront the impending danger head-on. The mantle of responsibility had settled firmly on his shoulders, and he was prepared to bear it.

In response to Izak's firm declaration, Alex swiftly swung into action. He retrieved the quest paper and headed to the guild's receptionist, effectively securing their first bounty – a mission to eliminate a mountain troll. The realization dawned that the challenge wouldn't be limited to a solitary troll; instead, there would be a group of these formidable creatures awaiting them at the designated location. The mountain they were to journey to was a considerable distance away, much like the previous one, but this time it lay even deeper within the dense and potentially treacherous terrain.

Unperturbed by the daunting nature of the task, Izak steeled himself for the trials ahead. Fear had no place within him; it was eclipsed by his determination and readiness to confront the unknown. The precipice of this new adventure beckoned, and with the lessons learned from their training, the camaraderie between companions, and the conviction that had crystallized within him, Izak stood poised to embark on a journey that held the promise of both growth and peril.