
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 8: Learning The Magic System

Just like an ordinary morning, Izak awoke just like any other day. He got out of bed, briskly tidied up his room, refreshed himself with a rejuvenating wash, and then headed downstairs to prepare a satisfying meal. Similar to the previous day, he found himself drawn back to the enchanting forest. It was here that he engaged in his regular routine of rigorous sword training. Interestingly, the persistent effort he put into his practice was beginning to yield noticeable results. He observed that he no longer experienced exhaustion as quickly as before. This newfound stamina enabled him to accomplish a remarkable feat: slicing a tree trunk cleanly in half with a single swing of his sword. This small victory marked a significant step forward in his training journey.

"WELLDONE!" Alex's jubilant voice resounded from a perch high up in a tree, directed towards Izak. Alex had been an observer to Izak's impressive display of skill, as he effortlessly cleaved the remaining half of the fallen tree trunk from the previous day. The accomplishment had clearly caught Alex's attention, prompting him to cheer and commend Izak on his remarkable achievement.

"Thanks!" Izak responded with gratitude as he acknowledged Alex's words of praise.

"You have been making good progress, but no magic use yet I see," Alex remarked observantly, addressing Izak's training journey. It was evident that Alex had been closely monitoring Izak's development. The absence of magic in Izak's training routine had not gone unnoticed by his keen-eyed companion.

"Well, I don't know what other kinds of magic I could use or how much it would exhaust me," Izak admitted cautiously, his mind already bracing for the potential toll it might take on him.

"Well, if you aren't going to explore it, then there's a likelihood you'll find yourself lacking in one aspect or another," Alex responded sagely, underlining the importance of embracing a broader range of magical abilities in Izak's training.

"Yeah, you're right," Izak conceded, recognizing the wisdom in Alex's advice.

"Alright, let's give it a shot then. But this time, let's focus on water instead of fire. We're in a forest, and starting a forest fire wouldn't be the wisest idea," Alex suggested, aiming to motivate Izak while also ensuring safety in his magical experimentation.

Alex took on the role of a patient guide, leading Izak through the intricacies of conjuring water through magic.

"Like I said before," Alex began instructing, his tone encouraging, "start by extending your hand forward, palm facing upward. This posture will help you direct your focus. Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath. In your mind's eye, begin to visualize water—crystal clear and flowing. Picture it suspended in mid-air as if it were falling gently."

He paused, ensuring Izak was following along before continuing, "As you hold this image in your mind, feel the connection between your body and the magic that resides within you. Imagine this magic gradually flowing out from within you, gathering in your hand as if it were forming a pool of water. Let the sensation build, and allow your concentration to deepen."

Alex's guidance was meticulous, his words forming a pathway for Izak to navigate the uncharted territory of magic manipulation.

A sudden burst of light above Izak's outstretched hand caught both him and Alex by surprise. In a mesmerizing display, a perfect, clear form of water manifested, hovering above his palm. The sight left Alex astonished, for he had never witnessed someone exercise such precise control over water before. The clarity and precision of Izak's creation was remarkable, leading Alex to instinctively turn towards him and inquire, "Were you specifically thinking about clear water when you conjured it?"

Izak, still a bit awestruck by his own achievement, responded with a touch of bemusement, "I actually just imagined water in general. I didn't realize that water itself could have different properties or appearances." His words revealed a certain innocence in his approach, unburdened by the complexities that might arise from a deep understanding of the elements.

Alex's surprise deepened, and a curiosity began to gnaw at him. He couldn't shake off the sense of intrigue as he asked Izak, "Where are you from? Is there any reason you conjured clear water specifically?"

Izak's gaze turned slightly distant as he reminisced, "I come from a place with a clear river. I used to play by its banks all the time." There was a hint of nostalgia in his voice, but he chose not to disclose the full extent of what had transpired in his hometown.

In this world, the feat of conjuring such pristine water was a rarity. Most adventurers could only manage to produce ordinary, often cloudy water. Yet, Izak's conjured water stood out not only for its clarity, but for the absence of any suspended particles. It remained as clear as if dust had no place to settle within it, retaining its pristine form.

Encouraged by Izak's success in forming the water, Alex decided to take the training a step further. "Now, Izak," he directed, his voice a mixture of excitement and curiosity, "focus your magic on controlling the water you've conjured. Imagine an invisible thread connecting you to the water. See it flowing like a stream, but under your guidance."

Izak, determined to heed Alex's instruction, concentrated on his magic once more. Following Alex's guidance, he propelled the conjured water forward, a testament to his growing control over his abilities. The water surged ahead with a determined force, moving at a fixed high velocity. As it collided with the ground, it mixed seamlessly with the earth, leaving behind a trail of dampness. The sight was a testament to the mastery Izak was gradually achieving over his magical capabilities.

"Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes. To even conjure such a pristine form of water," Izak exclaimed with a mix of astonishment and fatigue. However, his body's energy seemed to desert him suddenly, and he crumbled as if his very soul had embarked on an impromptu vacation.

Swift to react, Alex caught Izak before he could hit his head on the ground. With a careful and gentle demeanor, he lowered him onto a comfortable blanket beneath the shade of the trees, ensuring his safety and comfort.

After what felt like an extended stretch of time, Izak's eyelids fluttered open. He surveyed his surroundings, attempting to piece together the events that had transpired. His confusion was met with Alex's voice, breaking through the haze, "Oh, finally! You fell unconscious without any warning. I half-thought you might have departed to the afterlife just after mastering magic, or perhaps the gods themselves had summoned you."

Alex's words carried a mix of humor and relief, signaling that Izak's unconscious spell had concluded without any lasting harm.

Izak's laughter resonated through the forest as he absorbed Alex's words. Reassuringly, he responded, "Don't worry, Alex. I won't be doing anything like leaving for the afterlife while you're not looking."

Alex, still carrying a hint of guilt for pushing Izak to the point of exhaustion, took a moment to reflect on his actions. "I'm sorry for pushing you this far," he admitted, a touch of remorse in his voice. "But I'm glad you forgave me."

Izak's smile remained unwavering, a testament to his understanding nature. "It's alright, really. I know you had good intentions. Besides, I'm learning a lot thanks to you," he reassured, his gratitude shining through.

Their camaraderie seemed unshaken by the episode, solidifying their bond as both mentor and apprentice and as steadfast friends.

"Can you still continue to teach more? Not magic but sword techniques?" Izak inquired of Alex, expressing his eagerness to persist in the physical training regimen that had been instrumental in shaping his prowess.

"Yes, of course," Alex responded, his tone reflecting a willingness to continue. "However, I think it would be wise to take a bit of a break first. You've already pushed your limits quite far, and allowing your body some time to recover will be the most effective way to ensure your endurance and overall well-being."

Alex's thoughtful reply underscored his commitment to Izak's progress while also emphasizing the importance of responsible training practices. Their exchange embodied a balanced approach to achieving both physical and magical mastery.

Following a well-deserved and extended break, Izak and Alex resumed their training with renewed vigor. The training session was marked by the exchange of intricate sword techniques, each move meticulously guided by Alex's expertise. The hours slipped away unnoticed as they delved into the art of combat, honing Izak's skills further.

As the sun began its descent toward the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the surroundings, their training drew to a close. With sweat-dampened brows and a sense of accomplishment, they concluded the day's exercises. Their journey back to their respective inns was accompanied by a quiet satisfaction, their shared determination evident in every step they took.

As the evening twilight settled in, Izak found himself back in the comfort of his inn. The routine was familiar—a warm meal to replenish his energy, followed by a relaxing rest in his room. The events of the day lingered in his mind, a testament to the progress he was making in his training. The comfortable routine offered a sense of stability amidst the ever-changing world beyond his inn's walls.

With a content heart and a body tired from the day's efforts, Izak surrendered to sleep's embrace. Dreams of both swordplay and magic danced through his mind, a reflection of the exciting and challenging journey he was embarked upon.