
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 7: Training With My First Blade

After Izak and Alex ventured into the dense forest, they were eager to put Izak's newly crafted blade to the test. The sunlight filtered through the thick canopy as they treaded cautiously, excitement palpable in their expressions.

Once they had found a suitable clearing, Izak and Alex decided to settle down for a moment. With a knowing look, Alex led Izak towards a sturdy tree, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Izak," he said, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips, "why don't you give that new blade of yours a real test? Attack the tree and show me the power it holds." Izak nodded, a determined glint in his eyes, ready to demonstrate the prowess of his creation.

Izak swung his sword with a determined force, aiming to strike the tree from the side in a horizontal motion. However, the blade merely scratched the surface, failing to penetrate the tree's tough exterior. Only a small splinter of wood fell to the ground, indicating the minimal impact.

Alex chuckled at the sight, placing a reassuring hand on Izak's shoulder. "That's just the beginning, my friend," he said, exuding confidence. "Now, watch closely as I push my limits." With a purposeful stride, Alex approached the same tree, his sword in hand. He took a deep breath, his focus intensifying.

With a resounding battle cry, Alex unleashed a mighty swing, his sword acting as an extension of his strength. The blade connected with the tree in a powerful strike, the impact resonating through the forest. The sound of wood splintering filled the air as Alex's blade cut through the tree's solid trunk. Stepping back, he beckoned Izak to move away, ensuring their safety.

Together, they watched in awe as the tree, now compromised by Alex's strike, began to creak and lean. Gravity took its course, and with a deep groan, the massive tree started its descent. Crashing to the ground, it sent tremors through the earth. Izak's eyes widened in amazement, a newfound respect for Alex's skill evident in his expression.

As Izak gazed in awe at the display of Alex's power, he couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and determination. Turning to Alex, he asked with genuine curiosity, "Alex, if I keep up with this training and work hard, do you think I could become as powerful as you?" His voice held a note of hope, eager to hear Alex's thoughts on his potential journey towards greater strength.

"Absolutely, Izak," Alex replied with unwavering confidence. "Believe in your potential and dedication. Right now, our main focus is to truly understand the limits of your sword and your own capabilities. For that, you need to build a solid foundation. You have to train diligently every day, honing your striking power and control."

Alex's eyes gleamed with encouragement as he continued, "If you commit to this training regimen with me, not only will you become stronger physically, but you'll also learn new methods of attack and defense. It's about becoming a well-rounded warrior. So, let's embark on this journey together, and I'll be here every step of the way to guide you." His words carried a mixture of mentorship and camaraderie, igniting a spark of determination within Izak.

Witnessing Izak's emotional response to his words, Alex couldn't help but offer a reassuring smile. "Hey there, my friend," he said, his tone light and teasing. "No need to start crying just yet. We've got a whole lot of training ahead of us!"

Izak chuckled through his tears, wiping them away with the back of his hand. "You're absolutely right, Alex," he replied, his voice steadier now. "I'm ready for this. Let's dive into the training and become the best we can be." Determination shone in Izak's eyes, a newfound resolve replacing his earlier tears.

With unwavering determination, Izak and Alex continued their training, their dedication driving them forward. The minutes turned into hours as they practiced various techniques, tirelessly honing their skills under the fading sunlight. As the day progressed and the evening sun began to dip toward the horizon, they finally decided to wrap up their session.

Breathing a little heavily but with a sense of accomplishment, they carefully put their training equipment back into their sheaths. The clinking sound of metal meeting leather echoed in the air as they secured their weapons, signifying the end of their rigorous training for the day. The forest around them was now cast in the gentle hues of dusk, a serene backdrop to their shared journey of growth and camaraderie.

"I am tired!" Izak exclaimed, his voice reflecting his exhaustion as he let out a sigh. Alex couldn't help but chuckle at Izak's straightforwardness, finding his friend's honesty quite amusing. "Of course, you are," Alex replied with a good-natured grin, his tone light and teasing. It was a testament to their hard work during the training session, and a bond of understanding was evident between the two as they shared this moment of fatigue.

"Remember, Izak," Alex's voice held a serious note as he imparted his wisdom, "even on the days when I'm not around, you should continue practicing with your sword. Consistency is key to improvement."

Izak's mind processed the advice and it led to a question forming in his thoughts. He turned to Alex and asked, "Hey Alex, where do you actually live?" Curiosity tinged his voice as he wondered about Alex's living situation.

Alex's response was unexpected and humorous. He grinned mischievously and said, "Oh, you know, I live on the streets. I've dug up a hole in the ground and live there like a mole." Izak burst into laughter at the absurd image Alex's words conjured.

Seeing Izak's reaction, Alex chuckled too before setting the record straight. "Nah, just kidding," he said with a wink. "I actually live in another inn, a bit further from yours. No hole-dwelling for me." Their laughter echoed in the forest clearing, breaking the seriousness of their training routine and creating a light-hearted bond between them.

"Okay," Izak responded with a grin, his amusement still lingering from Alex's playful jest. Despite the levity of their conversation, Izak understood the importance of the training and the commitment he needed to uphold, even in Alex's absence. The camaraderie they shared was built on a foundation of dedication and shared aspirations, making their journey together all the more meaningful.

After their training session, Izak and Alex headed back to the town. As they reached the familiar streets, they bid each other farewell and went their separate ways. Izak made his way to his inn, entering his room with a sense of accomplishment. His first priority was to clean up, so he quickly washed his training-worn clothes and freshened up.

Heading down to the inn's lobby, Izak's stomach rumbled, reminding him of his hunger. He approached the innkeeper's counter and placed his order for a hearty meal. As he waited, the innkeeper struck up a conversation, her tone friendly.

"It's really amazing to see a young adventurer like you in a formed party," the innkeeper remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Izak's face lit up as he replied, his excitement evident, "Yes, Alex has been training me ever since we embarked on our first quest together. He's been guiding me every day, and he even told me to continue training even when he's not around."

The innkeeper nodded, clearly impressed. "That's quite the dedication. It sounds like you're on the right path. Keep up the hard work."

"Thank you," Izak responded with gratitude as his meal was served. He found a table to sit at, savoring both his food and the sense of accomplishment that came from his training. The innkeeper returned to her paperwork, managing the affairs of the inn while Izak enjoyed his well-deserved meal.

As Izak savored his meal and engaged in conversation with the innkeeper, a sense of contentment settled over him. However, beneath the happiness, there was a complex mix of emotions he carried from his past. The memories of what he had experienced, the trauma that lingered, and the deep homesickness he felt were all parts of his journey.

While he enjoyed the camaraderie he had found with Alex and the path he was treading as an adventurer, the wounds from his past still occasionally resurfaced. The loss of his home, the haunting images that had left him traumatized, and the creation of an imaginary figure of his mother as a source of guidance were all pieces of his personal puzzle.

Yet, within this emotional labyrinth, there was a profound gratitude he held for his parents. The conflicting emotions of missing them deeply and feeling anger for their sacrifice existed side by side. He knew, deep down, that their sacrifice wasn't just for him, but for the greater good. It was an understanding that evolved over time, as he continued to find his place in the world and carry forward the values his parents had instilled in him.

As Izak pondered these thoughts, he couldn't help but reflect on the complexity of human emotions and the journey of healing and growth that he was on. Each step he took, every training session with Alex, and every interaction in the town were all threads weaving together to shape his identity and his place in the world.

With a belly full of a satisfying meal and a mind filled with a mixture of emotions and thoughts, Izak quietly retreated to his room. The weariness from the day's training and the various emotions he had experienced seemed to catch up with him. He undressed and slipped under the covers of his bed, finding solace in the simple act of lying down.

As the night wrapped it's comforting veil around the town, Izak's eyelids grew heavy, and his thoughts gradually drifted away. The events of the day, the memories of his past, and the hopes for his future all mingled together in his mind. And as the moonlight filtered through his window, he succumbed to the embrace of sleep, seeking rest and renewal for the adventures that awaited him in the days to come.