
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 21: A New Path

Izak and Alex stood together in the recently inaugurated restaurant within the bustling market. Observing the menu prices and the steady stream of patrons, both the store owner and Alex couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment and satisfaction, witnessing the flourishing success of their business.

"Ah, welcome back, Alex!" exclaimed the store owner upon spotting Alex and Izak entering the shop. He ushered both of them to an unoccupied table and inquired about his order.

"We'll have our usual," replied Alex to the store owner's query.

"Very well, sir!" the store owner acknowledged before departing to prepare their order.

As Izak settled into the restaurant's inviting ambiance, he remarked, "This place has certainly become quite pleasant and cozy."

"It's truly become a wonderful place, especially after we pitched in to help the owner address those initial challenges. Now, it's even busier than when we first discovered it," Alex enthusiastically shared with Izak.

Settling comfortably into their seats, they soon found the owner's servers delivering their order. The dish arrived, adorned with aromatic spices, and the meat appeared as fresh as the first time they'd dined here.

"Oh, the aroma is incredible!" Izak exclaimed, savoring the delightful scent of the high-quality cuisine before him.

"Mind you don't inhale it!" Alex playfully warned Izak.

With a courteous nod, the servants departed, leaving Izak and Alex to relish their meal. In no time at all, Izak dove in with gusto, savoring the succulent meat with his bare hands. Alex, displaying a more refined and composed approach, also enjoyed the dish in a similar fashion, though with a touch more decorum.

"Seems like old habits die hard," Alex mused, glancing over at Izak, who was devouring his meal with the fervor of a famished wolf.

A rare sight indeed, the glow of happiness once again graced Izak's face, a sight that had become increasingly scarce in Alex's eyes in recent times.

After savoring their delectable, well-seasoned meal for nearly half an hour, Izak and Alex settled their bill with the restaurant owner and bid their polite farewells.

"Come back again!" the owner graciously urged as they departed, leaving behind the cozy establishment.

Outside, the sky bore a gloomy, overcast appearance, with dark clouds looming ominously. There was a sense that rain might be imminent, though it had yet to reach their location.

"We should head back home before the rain catches us," Izak suggested, glancing at the foreboding clouds.

"Agreed," replied Alex, his gaze also drawn to the threatening weather. They began to walk together, retracing their steps toward their inn.

Suddenly, a surprise encounter occurred as Delaynie appeared seemingly out of nowhere, having spent considerable effort in search of Alex and Izak.

"Listen up! We've got a lead on that Vampire!" Delaynie exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement at the discovery.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down," Alex swiftly cautioned Delaynie, gesturing for him to lower his volume. "We don't want anyone else catching wind of this lead and racing for the bounty."

Delaynie quickly caught himself and lowered his voice, a sheepish expression on his face.

Taking a more hushed tone, he began to share the critical information he had gathered. "Listen carefully. An adventurer arrived in town today, and his arrival was nothing short of a spectacle. His carriage was in shambles, and he himself bore the signs of a fierce battle, unable to move his legs."

Alex and Izak leaned in, their interest piqued by Delaynie's words. "Go on," Alex urged, his curiosity evident.

Delaynie continued with a sense of urgency, "I asked him about his condition, and he recounted a harrowing tale. He claimed to have crossed paths with the vampire we've been pursuing, and the encounter left him battered and broken."

Izak's eyes widened, and he exchanged a knowing glance with Alex. "This is a significant lead," Izak remarked, his voice still hushed. "We need to find out more from him."

Delaynie nodded in agreement. "I couldn't agree more. He's currently at the local healer's, recovering from his injuries. I thought it best to share this information with you two immediately."

Alex thanked Delaynie for his diligence and quick thinking. "We should make our way to the healer's at once. With any luck, this adventurer can provide us with crucial information about the vampire's whereabouts and activities."

With their new lead in hand, the trio set off, determined to uncover the truth and bring an end to the vampire's reign of terror.

Upon reaching the Healer's Sanctum, Alex, Izak, and Delaynie entered the tranquil environment of the healing facility. The immediate change in atmosphere was palpable as the Sanctum's inherent barrier shielded the interior from the bustling noises of the outside world.

Carefully navigating through the serene surroundings, the trio approached one of the healers on duty and inquired about the adventurer who had arrived earlier in the day with a severely damaged carriage.

The healer, recognizing their earnestness, directed them to the room where the wounded adventurer lay. The injured man was draped in blankets to staunch any further bleeding, a necessary measure given the significant loss of blood he had endured on his journey. Sitting vigil by the adventurer's bedside was the carriage driver, who had emerged from the ordeal relatively unscathed thanks to the adventurer's valiant defense against the vampire.

"Are you all friends of this adventurer?" the driver asked, curiosity evident in his eyes as he regarded the newcomers.

"No, we're not his friends," Alex replied, a sense of purpose in his voice. "We've come to inquire about the vampire that he encountered. Since he's currently asleep, could you provide us with any information? We're hoping to gather useful knowledge."

The driver nodded, willing to assist. "Yes, I can share what I know," he affirmed, launching into the tale of their harrowing encounter with the vampire, providing the trio with vital details that could potentially help them in their quest to confront the nocturnal menace.

"I was in the midst of driving my carriage with the adventurer comfortably seated inside. It was an ordinary journey until an eerie change in the atmosphere occurred. A dense black fog enveloped us, and my horses grew increasingly panicked, accelerating uncontrollably. Then, out of nowhere, the vampire appeared atop the carriage.

With some otherworldly magic, the vampire manipulated the very ground beneath us, causing the carriage to topple over. We found ourselves in a precarious situation, horses and I on one side, teetering on the brink of disaster. It seemed like our end was imminent.

However, just when hope was fading, the adventurer emerged from the carriage, launching a surprise attack on the vampire from behind. A fierce battle ensued, and the vampire sustained severe injuries. Eventually, it retreated, leaving the adventurer Injured but alive.

We managed to right the carriage and raced to this town as swiftly as possible, grateful to have escaped with our lives," the driver recounted, providing the trio with a vivid account of their chilling encounter with the vampire.

"I see," Alex acknowledged in response to the driver's account of their encounter.

As the adventurer slowly stirred from his deep slumber, his eyes blinked open, and he took in the unfamiliar faces around him. Alex, acting as the spokesperson, politely addressed the driver.

"Mr. Driver, if you wouldn't mind, could you give us a moment alone?" Alex requested, and the driver readily complied, exiting the room and leaving the trio alone with the recovering adventurer.

With a hint of confusion in his gaze, the adventurer inquired, "I'm sorry, but who are all of you?"

Alex stepped forward, introducing himself, Izak, and Delaynie, "We're fellow adventurers in this town. I'm Alex, the highest-ranking adventurer here, and these are my companions."

"We've come to discuss a matter of great importance," Delaynie added, getting straight to the point. "It pertains to the vampire you encountered."

"We've already discussed the circumstances of your arrival and the encounter with the carriage driver," Alex informed the adventurer. "Now, we need specific details about the location and the fight with the vampire. Please, share whatever information you have, so we can take appropriate action."

The adventurer, understanding the urgency, began to recount what he remembered, albeit with some haziness. "It was a densely wooded area, quite a distance from here. I can't pinpoint the exact location, but if you head straight northwest from here, you'll eventually reach the forest. However, I can't guarantee the vampire is still there."

Alex, Izak, and Delaynie exchanged knowing glances, taking note of the rough direction provided. It was a starting point, and they appreciated the information.

"The driver mentioned the appearance of that ominous black fog. It might serve as a clue to the vampire's location," Alex suggested as they huddled together to plan their next steps.

With their plan taking shape, the trio expressed their gratitude to the adventurer for sharing what he knew. They then beckoned the driver back into the room to continue their discussion while leaving the injured man to recover.

Exiting the Sanctum, the trio stepped back into the outside world, ready to embark on their mission to track down the vampire and put an end to its reign of terror.