
The Fallen Empire

The world my ancenstors built for a thousand of years, had finally reached its end during my time...

To my people, I'm sorry... I failed all of you...

I am Herzegon, the 57th Monarch of Gramoran Empire.

During the reign of my grandfather, Emperor Agrannor, the vast continent of Mardan was finally united under the Gramoran banner.

But not long after he passed the reign to my father, Emperor Belgiard, cracks over the control of the continent started to appear.

We lost north, the central revolts, eastern barbarians invaded, southern territories were lost and the newly conquered west followed.

Losing all hope, my father driven by madness gathered all his concubine and remaining children,

"Here at the very heart of our origin, our ancestors' mausoleum, we shall part with this world with dignity...Ukkhh" and so he stabbed himself.

"I'm not defeated, remember this! I did not fall on the hands of those rebels! HAHA HAKH!" in complete madness, he had his last breath with open eyes.

Knowing there'll be no future for the rest of the family, as if like a scene from hell, the concubines strangled their children and own selves to death.

"Son, forgive me." as my mother slowly put pressure over her hands holding my neck tightly.

"I can't die yet, Mom...To my people, to my beloved, to the remaining loyal subjects of this empire, I will live. Even if I turn this world into living hell..."