
To Love You In Death | Tom Riddle

With the help of a system, Yue Ran was transported into the Harry Potter world with a task to win the love of the Dark Lord, Tom Marvolo Riddle, as a Muggle. "No one will treat you as sincerely as I do." "I set the rules; I am your rules." Then— "You are sweet." "This time, I will stay with you." + - + - + - + - + - + Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. If you have some extra pocket money, please help support me at: ko-fi.com/xanaclarke Every donation is greatly appreciated!

Xanaclarke · Derivasi dari karya
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

[System: Master, Master, we have a new mission!]

"System, where were you when I was doing the mission in the last world?" Yue Ran asked skeptically.

Where did her system go while she was working hard to finish her task?

[System: I am cheering for you!]

The system replied cheerily.

Yue Ran: ???

[System: Cough, I mean, I am very serious about working with you through the mission worlds. I can help monitor the male protagonist in real time and also chat with you!]

System: I-really-am-working-hard.jpg

"Really?" Yue Ran's face relaxed, and she let out a warm and gentle smile. "Aren't you so bored while looking at me completing my mission? What else did you do while you were away?"

[System: Um…]

Yue Ran asked gently, "Yes?"

Seeing that Yue Ran was really smiling and not angry at him, the system happily listed out all the things he did during his absence.

[System: Well, I watch dramas, play games, visit the system forum in my data stream, send mail to my system friends, visit the system malls to look at discounts...]

The system blathered on without a care in the world, trying to explain all the fun things he did in a long sentence.

He was touched that his Host cared about him a lot.

However, Yue Ran's gentle expression gradually turned ferocious. The system choked on his words when seeing this.

[System: Hahaha…]

He awkwardly let out a laugh.

[System: Wow, would you look at that?]

The system instantly changed the subject.

[System: The portal to the next world is open and is urging the Host to enter!]

Yue Ran gave a cold snort.

[System: Host, you are a rich lady in the next world, so let's go!]

☼︎ ✵ ☼︎

"Be a good girl and stay here, Yue Ran; mom will pick you up soon."

As soon as Yue Ran opened her eyes, she saw a woman, who was supposed to be the person she had possessed's mother, leaving her at the gate of an orphanage. It was an ugly-looking building called "Wool's Orphanage" with sad gray walls.

Overall, it was dreadfully dull, with the stark, depressing gray of a building and its surrounding neighborhood devoid of any color whatsoever.

Her mother's words were a lie; that much was obvious.

Still, Yue Ran replied sweetly to her mother with a childlike smile and innocence pouring out of her eyes, "Okay, mother, I will wait for you."

Her voice was melodious and sweet.

Didn't her system say that she was a rich lady in this world? So what was with the current setting she was in?

She was poor with no money, and her mother doesn't even want her!

Her system really wants to court death!

The original body's mother walked away, and Yue Ran could only watch the woman's back.

But at the end of the street, just before her mother disappeared from her sight, Yue Ran watched with her own eyes as her cheap mother was killed by a group of men in black.

Yue Ran could only turn and run into the orphanage to flee from danger. She was instantly worried about her future life while she cursed the system in her head.

"System, do you really want to get beaten by me so badly?!"

Where was the rich young lady that she was supposed to possess, as the system had promised?

It was a lie! A scam!

And she stupidly fell right into it!

[System: This, I can explain!]

Oh no, his Host is really angry!

"Well, explain!"

Yue Ran's murderous-like words made the system, which hid in the system's space, terrified.

The system immediately scanned his Host's surroundings and exclaimed.

[System: Host, your mission goal is here!]

"Where?" Yue Ran frowned. "There are five boys."

The system sighed in relief when he managed to turn his Host's attention to someone else.

[System: Of course, the most handsome one!]

The most handsome one...

Yue Ran looked around and focused on one that caught her eye out of the five—the one that looked the most depressed and gloomy out of the five.

There was a foul cloud that hung over him, giving a warning to everyone that came close to him that he was not a nice, normal child.

The boy had a pale complexion, dark hair, and even darker eyes, with his hair parted and combed very neatly and sharp features that made him look noble. He would definitely grow out to be a handsome man in the future.

"System, why can't you just get a family to adopt me? It's better than me suffering here in this place."

[System: Host, your mission goal is not an ordinary person. If you get adopted, you will lose your chance to stay close to him in the future!]

"Not an ordinary person?" Yue Ran raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

[System: He's a wizard and will be a great dark wizard, the future Dark Lord, Tom Marvolo Riddle...]


Yue Ran exclaimed.

She had bumped into someone, but fortunately she didn't fall to the ground. But it did send the other person toppling over.

She had accidentally knocked a child down.


When she looked down, she met a pair of fierce-looking eyes like that of a lone wolf's—one so distant and preferring to be alone.

It was her mission goal!

She needed to get his favorability value for her to reach one hundred out of one hundred!

[System: Well, Host, since you already have your first contact with the mission goal, then I will leave first! I will cheer for you in the system space!]

The system immediately fled from the scene, not wanting to stay any longer to accompany his Host since he was the main reason why his Host was not focusing on the road.

Yue Ran could barely suppress the rolling of her eyes.

Okay, let's first focus on the current mission goal!