
To-Love you: Add up system.

I am having a second life. This thought of mine changed the way I see the world around me. I was once a common boy who grew into a common man and lived a happy life, or so I thought until the end of my previous existence. Just how everyone is born! At the end of their lives, they must also face death on their own terms, and I had nothing to gripe about. If not for how I saw them dying, as I could only helplessly look at their tired faces as they closed their last breath. Consequently, I committed suicide in the end so that my last heir would receive my life insurance and be able to take care of himself. However, the brutality of society prevented him from receiving even 1% of the money I had been saving, and as a helpless soul, I watched him sob to death. Nevertheless, I was given a chance because their souls had reincarnated into different worlds along with mine, and they were enjoying their lives. As a result, I chose to exchange all of my memories—aside from those of anime—for a system in this life. As I began my new life in this world as Yuki Rito, follow me on my journey.

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Publishing the novel.

A week has passed since then.

After school.

As Rito approached Haruna to bid her farewell after finishing his preparations to return home, Momioka Rika and Sawada Rio exchanged glances with Haruna. As Rito turned to leave, Haruna turned to follow suit. Rito's departure prompted Haruna to respond to Momioka and Sawada's comments.

After a week of diligent work, Rito finished the manuscript as he touched his backpack and considered it.

In order to submit the draft of the light novel he had finished in class, he directly contacted his dad, who must be at work right now, to inquire about his editor's availability today.

The fact that his mastery of the English language had finally risen above level six was what gave him the confidence to begin writing the Lightnovel.

Mathematics Level 3 (50/150) || Social Studies Level 2 (59/100) || Science Level 3 (50/150) || English Level 6 (90/700) || Japanese Level 5 (79/500) || Hairdresser Level 3 (45/900) ||

Dash Level 2 (500/500) || Jog Level 2 (500/500) || Instant-Sprint Level 2 (30/1000) ||

Kendo Level 3 (117/600) || Mix-Martial Art Level 3 (224/600) || Boxing Level 3 (117/600) ||

Pianist Level 2 (20/200) ||

Rito ended up becoming a level 3 hairdresser while daily tending to Mikan's hair and adoringly praising her. For some reason, he also acquired some knowledge about hairdresser-related products during this time.

It was probably some kind of systemic reinforcement, but his knowledge of hair styling and other elements required to perform a girl's facial started to swirl around in his head.

But that was also a good thing because Mikan had begun to look forward to her brother grooming her every day, and he liked spending quiet time with Mikan and taking care of her hair.

"Hello! Rito! Oh, I see you have created one. Please read it first so I can decide if it is good enough. Once I have made that decision, I will call the editor because she tends to be quite busy."

Since Mikan was also cleaning the items there, Rito's father, who was on the other end of the line, called Rito over to his apartment.

Mikan, who overheard her father and Rito discussing a light novel Rito had written, felt a little happy for Rito and thought that the changes Rito had undergone over the previous few days had occasionally taken her by surprise.

As a result, she also made the decision to postpone reading the book her brother wrote, even though Rito's father Yuki Saibai's coworker expressed some interest in it.

After all, Yuki Saibai was a genius in his field, and they believed that his son might be talented in the same area.

Saibai simply shook his head in denial, noting that this was his child's first piece of writing and that there would inevitably be many gaps in it. As a result, he had called the boy over to test the scope of his youngster's imagination.

When Ruki Irokawa finished the work assigned by Saibai-san, she overheard all of her senpai conversing and eventually joined in.

As soon as Rito knocked on the door and entered, he noticed a lively atmosphere. He then turned to face his father, who was listening to Mikan lecture him, and saw him as a savior who had arrived just in time.

"Sorry for disturbing you; please carry on the lecture." As he made an attempt to leave the room, Rito's mouth twitched.

A teary-eyed hang on his shoulder as his father leaped on from his dogeza position.

"Rito, it's alright? I'll continue at a later date." Saibai sighed and had a thoughtful expression on his face as Mikan finished speaking, making him think about helping Rito get to midnight tonight so he could avoid Mikan's lecture for at least today.

"Ahm! That apart, Rito, show me the manuscript!" Finally, Yuki Saibai turned back to a serious expression as he picked up Rito's manuscript, which was titled "Re:zero- Starting Life in Another World."

Although the idea was intriguing, there were already a lot of authors producing works that dealt with the Isekai universe, so he was not overly surprised when he opened the book's first page and began reading.

He soon found himself being gradually and steadily drawn into the plot. The room fell silent as the sound of a page turning reverberated throughout it. Saibai's expression remained solemn, with the exception of the occasional small smile that appeared on his lips.

Saibai, on the other hand, felt a variety of interesting emotions throughout the course of reading this book, from the beginning to the way it was repeated with a new perspective on death and a fresh start.

No matter how he looked at it, this book was very in-depth and showed the character of a boy who was cowardly but decisive when the situation called for it, giving him the first love he had experienced when he first met Rito's mother.

Others in the room, however, found it difficult to speak because they could tell that Saibai was enjoying the book.

After a full hour of reading, Saibai finally put the book down and closed his eyes. "I want to read the next chapter." These words came out of his mouth as he stared at Rito with amazement written on the inside of his eyes, considering how amazing the novel's intensity and ability to keep the reader's attention until the very end was.

"This thing can sell and will become a new wave in the novel circle, my son." Despite the fact that the story has many ups and downs, Saibai believed that it would attract many good readers and end up being a good story due to its eerie atmosphere.

"Love stories and lighthearted novels are out there in tons, but this kind of heavy-hearted story, which can draw suspense to the end, is one of a kind." Other coworkers snatched the print as well, and with Saibai's approval, they began reading the book.

When Mikan, who read along with them, finished the entire story, she shared their sentiment that the novel's setting and other elements were extremely well-detailed.

However, even after that, the fact that Subaru's bowl was cut open made the subsequent section more intriguing.

It goes without saying that the twist regarding how Subaru would survive at the hands of that killer kept everyone on edge right up until the very end.

"Onii-chan, this is really a great novel." When Rito heard that making, a smile appeared on his face. Saibai shook his head as he pondered the possibility that this was the first time since that day that he had heard Mikan refer to Rito without using his first name.

Ruki Irokawa!

As she turned to look at Rito, who was speaking with his father and sister, she thought that he was not that big, but that there was such a big gap between their talent. She was one of the readers and thought that the story was really good, which kept her attention all the way to the novel's conclusion.

'Talent it is!' She ended up muttering.

"Okay, I will contact the editor through my contact." The famous Lightnovel publisher from ASCII Media Work was directly contacted by Saibai to come and check out his child's writing, as he promised she would fall in love with it and the likelihood of it becoming a bestseller was very high.

Saibai knew his child's writing talent was now good, so he took action.

Additionally, his actions left Ayame Kagurazaka feeling stunned for a brief period of time before she accepted and told him to wait because she was on her way to the location.

Yuki Saibai's child, Yuki Rito! Ayame murmurs as she boards the taxi and drives away from the publishing complex.

In just a few minutes, she has arrived at the apartment where Saibai Yuki usually works, where Rito is chatting with his father about the upcoming volume, which Saibai thinks will be entertaining to read.

After Ayame Sakurazaka introduced herself, they finally got down to business, and she started reading the entire novel again while Rito sat there feeling strange and self-conscious and keeping an eye on the editor.

Rito did not, in fact, experience any strange feelings when in front of his father, but he did feel a little anxious and a little excited when he was being evaluated by a professional at work.

As Ayame continued the story, she was in a state of shock because she could not believe that the young boy in front of her was capable of such a feat on his very first attempt.

But she could see the evidence for it right in front of her, and while she was thoroughly enjoying the book, she was also planning how she would actually get him into his company.

Since a specialty novel seeks thrills from the tension of the situation, the paper in her hand was going to shake the very foundation of the thrills and excitement that come from it.

'His name is Yuki Rito, with a normal High School background, and to be able to create a deep work like this,' Ayame was sure that Yuki had felt a serious setback in his life.

Clack! Clack!

Ayame put down the manuscript, smiled, looked at Rito, took a deep breath, and asked while turning to face Rito.

"Can we talk about publishing now?" After hearing the editor's words and nodding, Rito's mood immediately improved because he understood how this deal was set up.

Mikan also smiled inaudibly from the side.

But somewhere within her heart, Mikan felt that she was being left behind by Rito too, just like her mother and father had done, and a feeling of sadness started to sprout within her chest.

Next morning!

Rito awoke as usual to find Mikan working as usual and starting his morning, which seemed rather refreshing considering how he was growing more financially independent. With that, he was confident he could take Mikan out more to play and buy the things she needed, as a girl her age would tend to do.

But up until this point, Mikan had kept her thoughts to herself and maintained the appropriate appearance their mother usually sends by dressing appropriately.

However, because Mikan's mother, Ringo, does not know her proper size, the majority of those name-brand clothes are typically useless for her.

Despite this, Mikan continues to draw the attention of many boys and is a prime example of how adorable and beautiful she was even as a child.

As a good brother, Rito chose not to assist but rather wanted to let her dress appropriately and had been holding back because, typically, the money they receive from their parents is sufficient for their daily needs.

However, it was not enough for him to be able to purchase the clothes Mikan liked to look at in the fashion magazines that she occasionally perused.

After returning to school, he worked diligently and soon realized that he had almost finished the books assigned for his class. He then entered the library and began reading those renowned novels on the side.

When he returned home, he found Mikan working as usual but felt something strange about it and did not pay much attention to it because he had found a book by Michael Andi there that he thought had a really interesting story.

Reading! Writing and studying. As the days passed, Rito's life remained unchanged because he believed Mikan was working excessive hours but never had the chance to speak with her.

Not to mention, the time he had been spending grooming her had also disappeared by the time she started entering her room, and their relationship had returned to its previous state.

After a week had passed, Rito had finally had enough and had made the decision to leave school early in order to meet Mikan at the gate.

"Eh! Rito." Mikan was surprised. Yes! When Rito finally arrived, she was taken aback to see him waiting at the door with his trademark smile on his face. He took her hand, drew her in, and gave her a warm bear hug while also patting her head. "Did I do something to make you angry? Then tell me by princess, but don't just avoid me like that; big brother is feeling lonely without getting to comb my princess hair."

Mikan sobbed while asking as she felt his warm hand on her head and began to cry. Mikan returned the hug, buried her head in his chest, and sobbed.

"Onii-chan, will you leave me alone just like mom and dad to find your passion, like they did? I was scared that you would leave me too, and I did not want to get hurt, so I started avoiding you."

When Rito heard that, his emotions began to flare up as he realized how foolish he had been all this time for failing to recognize a minor childhood trauma that his sister had endured.

"Stupid! Where will I go, leaving my princess behind like that?" Rito pulled Mikan's bag off her shoulder, tossed it to the side, and sat on the sofa while she looked at her face and wiped a tear from the side of her eyes. Rito hugged her tightly and pulled her up in his embrace like a princess, making Mikan blush.

As soon as Mikan heard him speak and began conversing with him, her body began to shake from his embrace and smile. Soon, her heart began to melt.

"Rito!" Calling him, Mikan looked at Rito, turning to look at her, as she plucked her lips on his cheeks and smiled while poking on his cheeks while continuing, "Thank you."