
To LOVE-Ru: System, debauchery and troubles

Finding himself after his death in the body of Yuki Rito, the guy not only acquired a cute little sister who now needs to be taken care of, but also received the Perfect Human System. And, apparently, even this is not enough for the universe. A divine artifact called the Notebook of Love appeared on the horizon, provided by the enchanting Goddess Freya... The goal is simple: accumulate Attachment Points with the help of girls and develop at the expense of them! More chapters can be read here: patreon.com/Rocky124

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17 Chs


If Rito had not gone through rebirth early in the morning, he would probably have considered this woman with a stunning appearance to be some kind of crazy chunibyou. However, the fact remains that the so-called Goddess Freya magically floated above the floor, and her gorgeous silver-colored hair fluttered even without the wind in his room. Her pale legs did not touch the surface. Meanwhile, her purple eyes squinted beautifully, looking passionately at the guy.

Therefore, it turned out that you had to be a complete idiot in order to ignore such obvious things, no matter how fantastic they were in the end. Yuki did not consider himself such, the experience of death and new life prompted him to immediately accept the uninvited guest in his home, this time as something for granted.

[The Perfect Man System]

[Activation begins]

[Wait four minutes and forty seconds]

"Too long," the beauty sighed languidly, glancing for a moment at the notifications from the holographic signs, and then clicking her fingers in black opera gloves that were located further than her elbows.

From its action, the illusory icons began to ripple, as if they were subject to hacker attacks and hacking. She directly interfered with the operation of a certain system, so that only the levitation of time remained visible in the air, allowing it to pass through, in fact, a five-minute cycle at one moment.

- If anything, I don't need your introductions. I already know you. "In the end, from now on you are my messenger," Goddess Freya spoke in a soft and at the same time firm tone, flying closer to Rito and brazenly grabbing his chin.

Everything so that their gaze supposedly meets each other in confidence.

"I understand the current situation less and less..." Yuki smiled bitterly, carefully stepping back. However, he was wary of angering this graceful woman. Rito was told by his intuition that the entity that suddenly appeared before him was capable of literally anything. And even to kill a mere mortal if something happens.

However, the guy still remained calm. You can't give a damn about the accelerated heart rate. The main thing is that the body stopped shaking like an aspen leaf. Therefore, Yuki finally decided to turn his attention to the flickering holographic windows, which were finally fully formed and adjusted to working condition after the sharp intervention of the Goddess Freya.

[User status]

[Username: Yuki Rito]

[User Race: Human]

[User Characteristics]

[Average Human Score: 10]

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 9]

[Stamina: 7]

[Intelligence: 13]

[Luck: -]

[Charisma: 10]

[Will: 15]

[Affection Points: 3]

"Well, fortunately, at least my brains are still there from my previous life. I will definitely be smarter than a fifteen-year-old teenager..." the guy grinned in his thoughts, deliberately not raising the topic within himself with the parameter of luck and certain affection points. There are simply zero guesses as to why this is so. Separate clarifications are needed.

From the side of the Goddess Freya, an immediate comment was heard with a laugh full of good nature:

"We definitely have something to work on," a sweet and confident smile adorned her flawless face.

"Why me?.." After a second pause, Rito finally plucked up the courage to ask questions.

- M?.. - the woman's purple eyes shone and were filled with sparks of fun, while her fingers sexually ran over her own plump lips: - Isn't this completely obvious to you? I chose among the future apostles the luckiest of the others, using my special ability, by which I determine the color of the soul. And then I unexpectedly came across you, a man named Yuki Rito. Even the divine system that Odin created with his highest runic magic cannot determine your unique luck in numbers!

With these words explaining all the ins and outs, Goddess Freya, with a lovely smile on her lips, clapped her hands and made the white notebook with burgundy edges fly up. That one, incidentally, opened on the first page, showing the usual straight lines. At the same command of the woman, a pen flew off the table and ended up next to the guy.

- And what should I do about it? - Rito swallowed with a dry throat and arched his eyebrow, roughly guessing the intentions of his interlocutor.

— The Notebook of Love is an artifact of my production. Write the full name of any female representative on her pages and find out everything she really thinks about you! This is a gift from me," the Goddess continued to shine with a smile, immediately projecting majestic and mature splendor into space.

"Am I sure I can trust you?" — Yuki asked as if by chance, coughing into his fist. But there were no options.

- If not for me, then for whom? - she answered solemnly.

"Then..." the guy bravely reached for the floating handle.

"And don't try to put my name in there, it won't actually work, Rito." Naturally, my divine power completely blocks the Notebook of Love," Freya shook her head, as if reading his true thoughts through Yuki's impassive face.

Try not


[Intelligence: +1]

[Intelligence: 14]

"Okay," the guy smiled tensely, then went to the table in the corner of the room and picked up the Love Notebook along with an ordinary ballpoint pen.

The pages of this so-called artifact of the Goddess did not represent anything unusual at first glance. However, as soon as Yuki Mikan was written on the very top line, the hieroglyphs of her name lit up with the magical radiance of the stars. At the same moment, a wave of goosebumps ran through Rito's arms. Information appeared in the mind, and it was fresh and, as it should have been assumed earlier, related to the Notebook of Love...

The essence of this item is that it allows you to look into the soul of any girl. Find out her thoughts, feelings, experiences and mood. However, there was also something in the functions of the Love Notebook that Freya tactically kept silent about during their conversation.

The Notebook of Love made it possible to completely control the lust of all female representatives, if the names of the latter were written on the pages. Not personality, but namely lust and libido. However, the two main conditions for using this divine artifact are quite simple and easy to remember: know the face and name of the target.

"Reminds me of the only anime I watched... It was also called?.. Death Note, yes, for sure, haha!.." Unable to restrain himself, Rito's lips curved into an ironic smile.

"So, what are your plans for me?" — the guy calmed down at the moment, however, maintaining utmost politeness.

"I want to create a perfect person out of you," Freya immediately said in a soft and sublime tone, then sank to the floor and stood in front of Yuki: "Your current height is 164 centimeters." Imagine, even I am taller than you. So, how do you like that? Isn't it humiliating? So listen to me, because now everything can be changed! Accumulate Affection Points and invest them in characteristics. Thus, you don't even have to train for years to show off the results of Olympic champions. All you have to do is stay on the minds of female representatives, hee hee hee.

At the end of her idle speech, the Goddess giggled sweetly as she gently stroked Rito's shoulder.

"I clearly smell the smell of manipulation," the guy muttered plaintively.

However, he, as such, had no choice. Will Yuki's rejection of the Notebook of Love and the system bring long-awaited peace? Not likely. He already felt that he couldn't get away from Freya so easily. Oil painting. The spider caught in its net a harmless fly that was just flying past...

At the same time, new words appeared on the first page of the Love Notebook. All of them, in one way or another, were connected with the mental state of his little sister. Of course, Rito, who went through rebirth, did not recognize his own blood in her spirit, however, care for Mikan took root in the guy in an instant, as soon as he caught and felt every memory in the life of a fifteen-year-old teenager for himself.

— By the way, your younger sister is precisely one of the three sources of Affection Points. Another mother, but a third... - Freya smiled sarcastically: - I must find out about this person myself. But I'll give you a little hint in honor of our newly formed friendship. You know her face and name, therefore, you can take and use the Love Notebook on her if you wish, hee hee hee...

The goddess was filled with sweet cunning, but her spell worked at full capacity, exciting everyone nearby. Any teenager in Yuki's place would have already swum out of passion for Freya, however, the guy somehow controlled himself, since he was older at heart. And Rito stopped appearing as a weak-willed young man. The experience lived through the worlds cannot be taken away so easily. Puberty is another matter.

This is extremely difficult to fight! The guy's fighter below was just asking to stand at attention!

- Read everything about your little sister and use the information provided. Affection Points can be increased. No, it's even necessary. Develop your relationships with the opposite sex and become more perfect by investing Affection Points in your characteristics. This is the true purpose of the system and the Notebook of Love," the woman added in a serious voice, fixing a tenacious gaze on Rito.

Even more, Freya did not look at Yuki himself, but rather at his soul, which shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow...

However, the Goddess did not notice the substitution. The souls of Alex and Rito were almost completely identical, because it was not for nothing that the first took the body of the second...