

Edna Zolkan, who is a General of the army of the Woodward kingdom of the North, the first female General in a hundred years, the right hand and most trusted advisor to the king is accused falsely under the guise of concern for the security of the kingdom and the crown, some nobels fabricate a web of deceit, planting false evidence against Edna who later escapes execution into the forest where she meets Blitzer, a handsome soldier and cousin to the Alpha of the Klaven Clan in the forest moments before full moon in an awkward situation followed by a spark of attraction. He disappears into the mist of the night, she also left but for a moment stunned by her beauty and did not forget her face neither did she forget his. Edna is a formidable leader, revered by her subjects for her unwavering devotion to justice and protection. However, a dark cloud cast its shadow over her position when the nobels of the king's court conspired to take her down. When Edna and Blitzer meet again will the attraction lead to love? OR does destiny have another reason for them to meet and become inseparable, even in death?. When destiny brings them together as allies in the battle against a common enemy and Edna learns of a secret about herself totally unknown to her but known to Blitzer all the while. She is torn between her feelings for him and going back to her home not minding if she dies in the process.

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5 Chs


The conspiring nobels successfully painted Edna as a traitor in the eyes of the king. They revealed in their victory, believing their malicious plot had succeeded.

Meeting the king as he sits on his throne one of the conspiring nobles said, "Your majesty, the law is the law, Edna must be executed given the level of accusations against her". With a gaze of disbelief the king nodded and said "well, the law is law and I won't break it...go ahead".

Days turned into weeks, and Edna languished in the cold, damp cell, her spirit tested by the false accusations that surrounded her. She refused to give in to despair, knowing that the truth would eventually prevail. And by the order of the king the day came for Edna to be executed. "Tell the guard to Carry out the king's orders and execute publicly the General",..one of the conspiring nobles told one of the guards mockingly,..."Right away my Lord" the guard replied.

General Edna's heart raced as she stood before the cold, stone walls of the executioner's chamber. "This can't happen to me, I'm innocent, I must find a way!" She whispers to herself. The heavy door loomed over her, promising a grim fate that awaited her on the other side. The general's mind raced, searching for a way to escape the inevitable. She couldn't bear the thought of her life ending so abruptly, her years of service forgotten in an instant. With determination in her eyes, she resolved to fight until her last breath to prove her Innocence. King Zirenius and all the nobels and all the people of the kingdom from afar waiting to see Edna as she is to be brought up in chains to be executed in front of the whole crowd.

As the guards prepared to lead General Edna to her execution, she noticed a glimmer of hope. The thick forest lay just beyond the castle walls, its dense foliage offering an opportunity for escape. Edna had spent many years traversing treacherous terrain during her military campaigns, and she knew that her survival instincts would kick in. King Zirenius, with cup of wine in his hand and a stern look on his face but his mind filled with sadness said "Bring out the prisoner" and a sign is given by one of the guards standing by the king.

Now one of the conspiring nobels said to his fellow conspirator, "A General, reduced to a slave, a slave who became a treacherous criminal,..how touching!!!!" he said mockingly with an evil smile.

The general's hands were shackled, and her legs were weighed down by heavy chains. Nevertheless, she refused to let the burden stop her. As she was escorted through the corridors of the castle, she kept her eyes alert for any sign of weakness or distraction among the guards. Her opportunity came as they came close to the castle's main entrance. A sudden commotion carefully planned by Volko without being traced back to him erupted from a nearby hallway, drawing the attention of the guards.The king watched in total surprise as the whole commotion unfolded before his eyes, "Can someone tell me what's going on!!!! Or I'll have your heads for this!!!" The king said as he yelled at the nobels. Seizing the moment, General Edna moved forward, using every ounce of strength in her shackled hands to knock down one of the guards, "Get her!!!" One of the guards yelled at his colleagues. Chaos erupted as the remaining guards scrambled to regain control in order to stop the General. "Get out of my way!!!!!!" Edna yelled loudly and with a burst of adrenaline, she broke free from her captors, her muscles screaming in protest against the weight of her chains. She sprinted toward the castle's main doors, each step fueled by the desperate desire to escape. The wind howled through the corridor, urging her forward.

A horse was tied to a pole tended to by one of the ladies she met on her way to the palace during the celebration of the festival of the goddess of good harvest, she said in a rather low voice "General, take the horse"... "Thank you" she replied....As she burst through the doors into the crisp night air, General Edna felt a sense of freedom she had not experienced in years. The moon shone brightly above, guiding her way into the depths of the forest. She knew that time was of the essence, and she had to put as much distance as possible between herself and her pursuers.

The forest enveloped General Edna, its dense canopy blocking out the moonlight. She stumbled over roots and fallen branches, her senses heightened by the fear of capture. The general's mind raced, formulating a plan to evade the relentless search party that would undoubtedly be dispatched to find her.

Hours turned into an eternity as Edna pushed herself deeper into the heart of the forest. The sounds of pursuit faded into the distance, replaced by the chorus of creatures. Exhaustion filled her bones, but the general pressed on, her determination unwavering. "Just little more" Edna said to push herself further. As she pushes deeper into the forest, General Edna found a secluded spot beneath the sheltering branches of an ancient oak tree. "Woh!! Wohh!!!" She said to the horse as she pulls the reins for the horse to stop. She lets the reins of the horse slip from her hands as she collapsed onto the mossy ground, as questions flooded her mind. She couldn't help but think aloud, How did it come to this!!?" She asked herself, "I...I...aahhrrgg!!,..i need to find a way" ,she continues.,...her breathing ragged and her body bruised. The forest provided a temporary sanctuary, a break from the clutches of death. As the general closed her eyes, she knew that her escape was just the beginning. She had evaded the executioner's axe, but her journey was far from over.

Edna vowed to use her newfound freedom to prove her Innocence and to rise again and challenge the injustices that had led her to this desperate escape. The forest whispered its secrets, offering solace and strength to the weary general, who resolved to write a new chapter in her life, one of resilience and redemption. But....the forest is known to the general and all the kingdom of Woodward as one ruled by the Lycans of the Klaven Clan.

With exhaustion Edna began to feel the deep need to sleep as gradually her eyes closes and her sight dim, "Wh...wh.....who are you?!!" As she manages to pick images of creature-like figures moving towards her as she also hears the sound of dried and broken tree branches and leaves being stepped on, the horse seeing the Lycans took to it's heels. Finally Edna passes out. It is moments before midnight and the Lycans recognizing who she is, carried Edna to the the cousin of the Alpha , Blitzer, who happens to be in the forest as well.

Blitzer, seeing Edna said with a low voice, "I know her, she's a Woodward soldier,..but what brings her to the forest knowing it's forbidden"...he stares at her as thoughts of how a beautiful specimen of a woman Edna is. "Let her be,...at least for now, when she wakes up I'll question her", he said to the other Lycans standing with him.