

She sat on the rug next to Alba as she immersed herself in listening to the song he was singing. He looked calm but full of rousing emotions in his eyes. At that moment Mahina wished she could decipher his thoughts but was just a vague man who is difficult to understand.

After the music Alba led Mahina to the dinning knowing she was hungry. He made her noodles because that was all he could make without following a cook book recipe. Mahina smiled at the sight of the noodles lying on the dinning and said:

"It looks delicious!"

Mahina sat and as she was eating the whole plate of noodles Alba served her, she grew curious and asked:

"So why did you build this place? I mean you can go anywhere in the world to have your quiet time right?"

"I wanted my own special place, where I can be alone when I needed to be free from the world's noise."

"Alright well… tell me more about yourself… I don't want to be clueless the next time I meet with your crazy admirer"