

Karin folded her legs and as she peered back into Mahina's eyes, she began crying inaudibly. It was as if Mahina was able to see her hidden truth. The truth she can never stand to tell anyone. Yet there she was unable to fight the compelling power Mahina had over her. She wanted so badly not open her mouth to anything but she couldn't overcome that hidden strings controlling her. Jaden was able to feel the tension coming from the reception room, he could feel the pain of the woman who had carried him and cared for him. it was as if her pain was his pain even though she did unthinkable things. Jaden covered his mouth with his hands unable to move as he cried his heart out. He looked at the door to the reception area where both his mother and sister where at sadly. He prayed deep in his heart that no matter what happened, his mother will be the same mother he loves and cares for. Karin continued talking: