

Idalia smiled at her and said:

"You are beautiful."

  Farah blushed and quickly looked away from Idalia bashfully. She glanced at Idalia shyly and said:

"I know, I am beautiful." 

She smiled at Idalia and hurriedly went away before Idalia could say a word. Idalia watched with a smirk as Farah ran out of the duplex and went straight to her own family's duplex. She sighed with mixed emotions written all over her face as her eyes turned from the beautiful calm sunset gold color to a fiery gold. While she was still looking at the door Farah exited from, a voice echoed:

"So what do you think? Because you know, I have been watching you two like a bad romance one can't just get enough off"

Idalia smirked and said:

"You! Privacy invader. I think she will do for the job, just perfectly. It's just that--- I fear for her sake"

The handsome Tariq with the perfect sea green eyes and a perfectly sculpted face smirked and nodded: