
To live in shadows, a dungeon story

To wake up without a name and no memory of who you are or how you got to where you are. And on top of this someone really seems to want you dead. This is the situation our protagonist wakes up to. With a need to find a way to survive and find out what is going on. He will need to start build defenses and fight for survival when they keep coming to kill him. -------------- This is my first book so please have patience. To read more chapters check out my pa treaon www.pa treon.com/user?u=3080144

Droksd · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Who am I?

Pain. My first felling is pain flowing through me. I can not determine if it comes from inside or outside. My heart pumps until it feels like it will explode and my nerves are screaming. The only things i can se is black, grey and red. The colors is exploding on top of each other through my tearfilled eyes. Splash... Crunch... Splash.... The sound of meat and bone being crushed against something hard is echoing through my ears over and over. My body keep moving by its own outside of my control. My breaths is heavy and I can fell the taste of blood and gravel in my mouth. My throat burns with pain and seem to have been screaming until the only sound i can get out is a heavy and hoarse panting. After what feels like a eternity I become still. Not because i made my body stop, but because it no longer can move. I can now feel that I am on my knees on what feels like gravel or stone. It seems to be wet and sticky. Leaning forward my sight start to clear and I can se my broken hands against the stone. If that is stone I am looking at. It is not the right color. No were can be seen where the stone starts and the blood stops. It seems like something or maybe someone was there. Now it is only a gory mass of meat, bone, gravel and stone. Somewhere behind me i can hear a low whisper echo against stone.

"Is it... Fu... Easy my arse... guard... Wait for your turn..."

The voice gives me the drive to look around me. I seem to be in some kind of dark cave. It looks like someone digged it out by hand. All around me is bodies driven through by stone spikes that seems to have come out from the ground. But I cant really se any details in the low lights of the cave opening.

"Shit... Best too.."

The voice seems to be coming closer.


It seems to be a male voice. A nervous tremor can clearly be heard from it. At the same time a metallic klick is heard. I am in no shape to defend my self. Everything hurts and I do not even know where I am or what is going on. Why am I surrounded by corpses and leaning into blood that looks to be as much mine as someone else?

I don´t have time to think, or even the ability for that matter. My legs are trembling and I fall down to my knees over and over while i get past the bodies and stone spikes to the wall. Now I can hear a light scraping sound against stone from the cave entrance. Its a tight opening, just big enough for a grown person to get through. This is clearly not natural. I lean heavy against the stone wall next to opening. I Can hear my blood drip down my arms and hands down to the floor almost in step with the footsteps. My breathing is deep and I am certain they have been heard.

"Nothing... Dammit... IS ANYONE STILL IN THERE? HELLO!"

The voice is so close that when i call out it starts ring in my ears. Miraculously enough I don´t seem to been noticed yet. With breath stuck in my throat I can see a fot and then the tip of a rusty sword. Without thinking i throw my body against the man. For some reason beyond me I can feel wrath blended together with the fear and pain. It burns red and bright through my body and gives me energy that was not there a moment before. My broken hand somehow gets a grip on the sword while my head comes flying with forehead first right into the mans face. A crunch can be heard and a short grunt. The man Drops his sword in the panic and his knee hits me in the abdomen. With my left hand i hold his face while his hands hits my arm. Blood is splashes from his face and my hand. I start to use the sword as a blunt instrument without changing my gripp on it. The cross-guard first hits his face and then into his throat. When i Bring back my hand to hit him with the pommel a piece of his throat come with. He dont have long to live after that and his body starts to loosing energy to fight back. With a grip around his face I hold him up will i keep bashing him with the sword like it´s some kind of club. I have no idea of how long I been hitting like that over and over again. But while doing that I have somehow ended up on my knees and his dead body in front of me. The sword is stuck in his abdomen with its hilt. My right hand is both cut open and crushed and I can bearly move it.

Some time later I can se sunlight. Its either sunrise or sunset. Its impossible to say how long I have been spending crawling out of that cave. Uncounciness took me more than once and i should have lost a lot of blood. In front of me I can see some kind of camp. A fire that still burns, blankets and backpacks. With my last energy I start looking through the backpacks without taking much notice of whats in it. I´m just looking for something to bandage my hands and water to clean them.

The pain has started to disappear somewhat. I am now laying in the grass looking up at a clear starry sky. The campfire is out and its getting colder, but not so cold it should be dangerous. I can hear the sounds of predators somewhere far away. Lifting my hands in front of my face I can see that I done a surprising good work bandaging them. I will probably lose most of my movement in them. But at least I am alive, that´s the important part. I seem to have been sleeping for quite a wile after everything. Energy is coming back to me and I can try standing up. It takes a wile and more than a couple of tries. But in the end I stand up and have a chance to look around me. The contents of the backpacks i all over the camp, more than what i did. Some kind of animal probably came here looking for the food. But at least they left me alone, could have been worse. I seem to be high up on what looks like a mountain range. Moonlight is strong over the valley and to my right a small stream can be heard. It´s hard to tell in just moonlight but the valley seems to be mostly forest everywhere except around a lake. ther the lights of a settlement can be seen and a clear area that´s either crops or cattle pastures. Nothing bring any kind of reconation from me and I have no idea how i got here or why. The sounds and smells feels familiar and i seem to know the dangers in being out in the night listening to the wolfs howls. The only feelings I have is a deep loneliness and some kind of unknown sadness. Like I lost something important to me, but can´t remember what. The view is breathtaking but only makes the feelings of loneliness and sadness stronger. I can feel a a thought come to me. "Who am I?" No answer comes to me, I don´t know who I am or even my name. Nothing I see around my wakes any kind of memories. I turn my sight away and decide to check what I have to later see what I can do next.

My very first chapter. Hope peaple find it intressing. This is nervwrecking.

Droksdcreators' thoughts