

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

chapter 1

I sat up on the inn's bed, staring into the flickering candlelight.

Life's thrown me a curveball, and now I'm stuck in this fantasy mess. They call it an isekai, and I'm the weakest link in some hero party. Just great.

Rubbing my temples, I muttered,

And to top it off, my so-called friends – my childhood sweetheart and my best friend – are cheating on me with the main hero. Can this get any more cliché? Did the universe run out of original plotlines?

I sighed, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness

Truck-kun really had it out for me. I didn't sign up for this adventure. I was just trying to survive high school, not become the weakest adventurer in a party with a cheating love mess.

Glancing around the dimly lit room, I shook my head.

But maybe... maybe there's something I can make out of this. A chance to prove everyone wrong, including myself. I might not be the main hero, but I can forge my own path in this strange world.

A wry smile crossed my face.

Guess I'll have to learn to swing a sword without tripping over my own feet. If fate insists on making me the underdog, I'll embrace it. I'll turn the tables and make a name for myself, truck-kun be damned.

As I pondered my next steps, a spark of determination lit up in my eyes.

This might be my second shot at life, and I won't waste it. Whether I find a way back or not, I'll make this isekai adventure my own. Ken, the guy who got hit by a truck, will rise above the clichés and carve his own legend.

Then there was a thud accompanied with very loud moans

Cinder: yes helix fuck me there~

Sounds of grunting and maons could be heard with occasional sounds of skin slapping against each other and moans

Mira: helix don't forget me too

Sounds of kissing and licking could be heard

Helix: Cynthia You're so fucking tight

Sounds of a man grunting and thrusting with an occasional low groan, another female was heard it was Mireille

Mireille:you meanie my ass is infront of you cum in me too

what a bunch of assholes can they shut the fuck up already

I sighed, it didn't hurt me I'm not lux I'm ken it just sounds like a couple of rabbits refusing to shut the fuck up, but I've already made my decision I'm obviously leaving

The morning sun cast a soft glow across the inn's room, awakening me from my restless slumber. As I stirred, I noticed the other members of the hero party – Mireille, Helix, Mira, and Cinder – already gathered, their expressions a mix of impatience and disdain. It was evident that their nocturnal activities had deprived me of the precious sleep I so desperately needed in this unfamiliar world.

As I sat up, rubbing my eyes, I could feel their eyes on me. Mireille, the childhood sweetheart turned traitor, had an air of indifference about her. Helix, the charismatic leader, wore a smug grin that fueled the fire of my resentment. Mira and Cinder, once close friends, exchanged glances that seemed to communicate their collective decision.

Mireille spoke first, her voice laced with a calculated coldness,

Mireille:Hiro, we've been discussing your place in the party. Frankly, we can't afford to drag someone as weak as you along on this quest.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as I gazed at each of them.

Hiro:Funny how weakness is perceived when you're not the one dealing with it

I retorted, my tone carrying the weight of frustration.

Helix leaned forward, elbows on his knees,

Helix:This journey is perilous, and we need every member to pull their weight. You're dead weight, Hiro.

I nodded, feigning acceptance.

Hiro:Funny, I was planning on leaving anyway. It's clear I'm not wanted here, and honestly, I couldn't care less.

The truth was, I had already contemplated a solo adventure, away from the toxicity of this hero party. Their decision only confirmed what I had suspected all along.

Mira sighed, her gaze softening for a moment,

Mira:Hiro, we had high hopes for you. But the reality is, we can't afford sentimentality. The fate of the world is at stake.

Cinder added

Cinder:You're free to pursue your own path. Maybe find a village where you can be of use in a simpler way.

I stood up, gathering what little belongings I had.

Hiro:Goodbye, then

I said, my farewell carrying a mix of bitterness and relief. As I headed for the door, I glanced back at the faces that were once my companions.

Hope our paths never cross again

I muttered under my breath.

Walking away from the inn, I felt a strange mixture of liberation and uncertainty. The open road beckoned, and as I took my first steps into the world outside, I couldn't help but wonder what adventures – and challenges – awaited me beyond the shadow of the hero party I was leaving behind.

As I stepped away from the inn, leaving behind the drama of the hero party, a holographic display materialized before me. The word "Hiro" glowed at the top, and beneath it were a set of stats and skills that seemed to belong to me, or rather, the adventurer whose body I had inexplicably inhabited.

A display suddenly appeared infront of me as I finally left that god forsaken hero party

Name: Hiro


- Health: 30/30

- Mana: 20/20

- Strength: 10

- Agility: 12

- Intelligence: 15


Basic Short Sword mastery Basic Mana Mastery,Arcane Dagger Strike


- Worn-out short sword

- Tattered leather armor

Oh my god what's going on

I stared at the floating information, my mind racing with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

The holographic display seemed responsive as I gestured towards it.

Health... Mana... Strength... What is all this?

I questioned the virtual interface, almost expecting it to provide answers. The numbers and descriptors hovered before me, raising more questions than answers.

As I glanced at the listed skills, a spark of realization ignited within me.

Basic Short Sword Mastery... Basic Mana Mastery... Arcane Dagger Strike,

I recited, as if saying the words aloud would make them more tangible. It seemed I had acquired a set of skills, each with its own mysterious purpose.

Inspecting the worn-out short sword and tattered leather armor that hung from my person, I couldn't help but feel the weight of this newfound responsibility.

So, I'm not just a pawn in someone else's story. I have my own stats, skills, and gear.

The gravity of the situation settled in, mingling with the surreal nature of my surroundings.

I took a deep breath, addressing the holographic display with a mix of determination and uncertainty.

Alright, Hiro, whoever you were before, it's time to figure out what kind of adventurer you're going to be in this world.

With that, I set forth on the path ahead, the holographic display fading away as I embraced the unknown with a reluctant sense of purpose.

As I ventured further into the unknown, the air around me seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy. Suddenly, a cold, mechanical voice echoed within the confines of my mind, startling me as it introduced itself as the Omni system. The words resonated with an eerie clarity, making it clear that this was no ordinary occurrence.

"Welcome, Hiro, to the Omni system," the voice intoned, its tone devoid of emotion. "You have been granted access to two powerful skills that will aid you on your journey."

The weight of those words hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity about the abilities that awaited me.

The holographic display reappeared, showcasing the newly bestowed skills:


1. Ultimate Leveling

2. Instant Mastery

I frowned, trying to comprehend the significance of these skills.

Ultimate Leveling and Instant Mastery? What exactly do they entail?

I questioned the omnipresent voice, hoping for some clarity in this sea of uncertainty.

The mechanical voice responded with a concise explanation

Ultimate Leveling allows you to accelerate your experience gain exponentially, facilitating rapid growth in strength, agility, and intelligence. Use it wisely, for it comes with its own set of challenges.

"In contrast, Instant Mastery grants you an unparalleled proficiency in any skill you choose to learn. Be it swordsmanship or magic, this skill ensures mastery in the blink of an eye."

The voice continued, its words resonating with a sense of both empowerment and caution.

I mulled over the implications of these abilities, feeling a surge of both excitement and trepidation.

So, I have the power to level up at an incredible pace and master any skill instantly. This could change everything

I muttered to myself, considering the possibilities that lay ahead.

As I pondered my next move, the voice offered a final piece of advice

Choose your paths wisely, Hiro. These skills are tools, and how you wield them will shape your destiny in this world.

The holographic display faded away once more, leaving me standing alone, armed with newfound skills and a multitude of choices. The journey ahead seemed even more enigmatic now, as I grappled with the responsibility of wielding powers that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary.

The weight of the system's words lingered in my mind as I walked along the dusty path, the landscape unfolding before me. My thoughts buzzed with the possibilities laid out by the Omni system – the power to shape my destiny in this fantastical realm. Still, a nagging skepticism tugged at the edges of my consciousness.

I just hope I'm not in some bullshit chosen one type of scenario

I grumbled to myself, kicking a pebble off the path. The notion of being burdened with a predetermined fate, forced into the mold of a hero, didn't sit well with me. I yearned for autonomy, a chance to carve out my own story.

To my surprise, the mechanical voice returned, countering my concerns,

" Hiro, you are not confined to a predestined role. The choice is yours. You can be a normal person, choose the path of a hero, become an overlord, or embrace the mantle of a villain. The power to shape your narrative lies in your hands."

A mix of relief and intrigue washed over me. The idea that I wasn't shackled to some predetermined prophecy lifted a burden from my shoulders.

So, I can choose my own path, forge my own destiny

The voice affirmed, "Indeed. The world is yours to explore, and your choices will echo across its tapestry. Embrace the complexity of your existence, Hiro. Whether you walk the path of righteousness or venture into the shadows, the consequences will be yours to bear."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, I pondered the array of possibilities.

"Normal person, hero, overlord, or villain... The world is vast, and my choices are limitless," I said to the wind, as if seeking confirmation from the very essence of the world around me.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I continued my journey, realizing that every step I took was a step towards defining the legacy of Hiro in this extraordinary realm. The path ahead may be uncertain, but the promise of true agency fueled my determination to unravel the mysteries of this world and leave an indelible mark on its narrative.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape, I made a conscious decision about the path I wanted to tread.

Adventures and a harem, huh?

I mused, the words shaping my aspirations. The idea of exploring the vast unknown, coupled with the prospect of companionship, stirred a sense of excitement within me.

The Omni system, seemingly attuned to my thoughts, chimed in with its characteristic mechanical voice

" A path of adventures and a harem. A choice that diverges from the conventional narratives. Prepare yourself, Hiro, for the journey ahead will be as diverse as the companions you choose to accompany you."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I contemplated the untold stories that awaited.

So, I'm not bound by traditional heroics or villainy. I can weave my own tale

I affirmed, the thrill of freedom coursing through my veins.

The system responded, "Indeed, Hiro. Your adventures will shape not only your destiny but the destinies of those who join you. The world is brimming with opportunities and challenges. Forge connections, build alliances, and let the bonds you create be the foundation of your legacy."

As I continued my journey, the idea of a harem intrigued me.

How does that even work?

I wondered aloud, half-expecting the system to provide a detailed manual.

"The concept of a harem in this world transcends the ordinary. It's about forming deep connections and bonds with individuals who resonate with your journey. Each member brings unique skills, perspectives, and stories," the voice explained, its words resonating with a peculiar blend of pragmatism and mystery.

My mind buzzed with possibilities, imagining a diverse group of individuals who would share in the triumphs and tribulations of our adventures.

I suppose it's about more than just romance

I reflected, recognizing the potential for genuine connections beyond the superficial.

The system concurred, "Indeed, Hiro. A harem in this world signifies a collective strength, a unity born from shared experiences. Embrace the richness of these relationships, for they will be the pillars that support you in the face of challenges."

With a newfound resolve, I embraced the idea of forging my own destiny – one filled with adventures and the camaraderie of a chosen few. The journey ahead seemed even more enticing, as I set forth to explore the vast expanse of this fantastical realm, my heart echoing with the promise of untold stories and enduring bonds.