

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

chapter 10: helping out a village finale

Before me lay an abnormal pile of nightshade corpses, a grotesque testament to the fierce battle that had unfolded. The unnatural stillness of the aftermath suggested that this should be the end of their malevolent presence.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the impending confrontation with the chief. The weight of the revelations about his dark alliance with the nightshades hung heavy in the air. With a sigh, I couldn't help but reflect on the twisted path that had led to this moment.

The system's voice resonated in my mind, breaking through the aftermath of the intense confrontation. "You have successfully eradicated a substantial number of demons,"

it declared, its mechanical tone devoid of emotion.

"Converting your achievements into system points."

A moment of anticipation lingered as the system processed the data, translating the impact of my actions into tangible rewards. The eerie stillness of the chamber provided a stark backdrop to the unfolding exchange between me and the enigmatic system.

The voice continued

"Demon extermination success. Awarding system points based on the level and strength of the eliminated entities."

As the system points materialized, I couldn't help but wonder about the significance of these rewards. Were they a testament to my growing prowess or merely a means to navigate the challenges Mystaria had in store?

The system elucidated, "System points acquired. Current total: [45000]. System points can be utilized for skill upgrades, stat enhancements, or unlocking new abilities. Please specify your preferred allocation."

Contemplating the potential avenues for improvement, I weighed the options carefully. The newfound system points held the key to unlocking untapped potential, a currency in the mysterious realm I now navigated.

The system patiently awaited my decision, its digital presence weaving an intricate tapestry of choices and consequences. As I delved into the intricate mechanics of the system

The atmosphere in the village square was tense, a palpable energy charged with accusations and betrayal. As I stepped into the midst of the crowd, the eyes of the villagers bore into me, their expressions a mix of fear, anger, and uncertainty.

Roi, standing at the center, seized the opportunity to cast me as the villain in this unfolding drama. His wounded father lay nearby, and with a voice dripping with malice, he pointed accusingly

Roi:You see, he's the one who poisoned my father. This happened when he came. Has anyone ever done a thing like that?

Sylara and Elyra, battered and bruised, attempted to vouch for my innocence, but before they could utter a word, Roi's henchmen forcefully silenced them. The once-friendly faces of the villagers now contorted with suspicion, and my attempts to defend myself were drowned out by the crowd's growing hostility.

As the accusations intensified, a wave of intense hatred and bloodlust surged within me. The betrayal by those I had sought to protect fueled a determination to uncover the truth and clear my name. Despite the chaos, I remained silent, observing the unfolding drama with a stoic expression.

Roi's sinister grin widened, reveling in the chaos he had orchestrated. The village, once a potential haven, had become a battleground of mistrust and deception. With a heavy heart and the weight of false accusations hanging over me, I braced myself for the challenging trials that lay ahead in this twisted narrative of Mystaria.

Amidst the accusatory atmosphere, I raised my voice, cutting through the tension

Hiro:Was it before or after he used the artifacts to increase the strength of those nightshades?

The question lingered in the air, challenging the narrative spun by Roi.

Silence swept across the village square as the weight of my inquiry settled. The crowd, previously swayed by Roi's accusations, now faced the unsettling possibility that the village chief's actions might have played a more significant role in the nightshade threat than they had been led to believe.

Seizing the moment, I unveiled a collection of nightshade corpses I had eliminated—a testament to my efforts to protect the village. The once-stunned crowd now gazed upon the piles of defeated monsters, their expressions shifting from skepticism to a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

As the truth began to emerge, Roi's confident facade wavered. The revelation of the nightshade corpses challenged the narrative he had carefully constructed. The villagers, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting accounts, exchanged wary glances.

I stood amidst the eerie stillness, the weight of my actions and the unfolding truth echoing through the village square. The confrontation had unveiled a complex web of deceit, and the aftermath promised to reshape the dynamics of Mystaria in ways unforeseen.

I appeared in front of mark and grabbed his neck before activating my sharingan and trapped him in a genjitsu completely hypnotizing him

Caught in the grip of the genjutsu, Mark's voice trembled as he began narrating the dark secrets woven into the fabric of the village.

Mark:The village chief and Roi... they used evil artifacts to amplify the demonic energy of the nightshades. It wasn't just about defending the village; it was a sinister plan to control the very creatures they claimed to be protecting us from.

As Mark continued, his words painted a chilling picture of manipulation and deceit.

Mark:The artifacts weren't just a means of defense; they were a tool to tighten their grip on the village. The chief wanted power, control, and he didn't care about the consequences. Roi... he sought his own twisted desires, using the chaos to fulfill his wicked ambitions.

The genjutsu amplified the truth as Mark recounted the malevolent scheme.

Mark: they made sure no one could leave, sealing the village's fate to their whims. Anyone who dared question their authority was silenced. And as for you..

Mark hesitated, glancing at me with a mixture of fear and remorse.

Mark:They feared you'd uncover the truth. The chief made sure I led you to the deepest part of the forest so, ensuring you'd be drawn into the chaos, and you die

heavy in the air, the village now privy to the malevolent machinations that had ensnared them. The genjutsu had unraveled the carefully crafted facade, laying bare the darkness that lurked within the seemingly tranquil village of Mystaria.

Mark's voice, still under the influence of the genjutsu, continued to unravel the twisted web of betrayal.

Mark:Elyra and Sylara's parents... they found out about the chief's plot. They discovered the truth behind the artifacts and the chief's malevolent ambitions. So, the chief ordered me to personally poison them, extinguishing any flicker of resistance.

Elyra and Sylara, their faces etched with shock and grief, listened in horror as the painful details unfolded.

Elyra:Your parents resisted, they stood against the chief, and for that, they paid the ultimate price. He didn't just stop at poisoning; he later ordered their execution to ensure that no one would challenge his rule.

The weight of the revelation hung heavily over the villagers, the genjutsu weaving a narrative that exposed the chief's atrocities. Elyra and Sylara, torn between grief and anger, struggled to process the profound betrayal that had tainted the very core of their existence.

The echoes of Mark's revelation lingered in the air, weaving an intricate tapestry of pain and betrayal. Sylara and Elyra, once shielded by the comforting illusion of familial bonds, now found themselves exposed to the harsh reality of the chief's malevolence.

Sylara's voice wavered as she struggled to find words to encapsulate the torrent of emotions within her.

Sylara:How... how could this happen? Our parents, they fought for what was right, and in return, they were met with such cruelty.

Elyra, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, clutched her sister's hand for support.

Elyra:The village chief, someone we revered, was the puppeteer orchestrating this tragedy. Our parents sacrificed everything to protect us, and in the end, it led to their demise.

The village, now privy to the grim reality that had unfolded within its boundaries, stood in collective shock. The once-venerated chief was now a symbol of treachery, and the pain of deception cut deep into the hearts of the villagers.

As Sylara and Elyra grappled with the shattered remnants of their illusions, the village square became a somber stage where the fragility of trust was exposed. The genjutsu, still holding Mark in its thrall, served as an unsettling backdrop to the unfolding drama—a painful reckoning with a truth that had long been concealed beneath the veneer of false prosperity.

Sylara's fury surged, a torrent of emotions breaking free. With a swift rush, she aimed for Mark, the embodiment of her anguish. Elyra, acting on instinct, intercepted her sister, wrapping her arms around Sylara to restrain the impulsive lunge.

Elyra:Sylara, please! Attacking him won't bring our parents back

Elyra pleaded, her words carrying both empathy and a plea for reason. Sylara, however, continued to struggle against her sister's hold, her eyes ablaze with unrestrained wrath.

Mark, still ensnared in the genjutsu, watched the tumult unfold, the guilt etched across his face deepening. He spoke, his voice strained,

Mark:I understand your anger. I was manipulated, too.

I snorted

Sylara's struggles intensified, fueled by the revelation.

Sylara:Manipulated or not, you were part of it! Our parents...

Her words caught in her throat as the pain of loss resurfaced, the weight of the truth bearing down on her.

Elyra held her sister tighter, whispering soothing words in an attempt to quell the storm of emotions. The villagers, witnessing the tumultuous scene, exchanged glances, their own feelings mirroring the turmoil within the two sisters.

Roi's desperate attempts to sway the villagers were drowned out by the chief's broken confession, confirming the veracity of Mark's revelations. As my Sharingan bore witness to the chief's admission, the truth unfolded with a haunting clarity.

The villagers, caught between disbelief and acceptance, faced the harsh realityof their leader's betrayal. Whispers spread like wildfire, carrying the damning details of the chief's malevolence. The once revered figure, now exposed, cowered in the face of the collective judgment of those he had deceived.

The air grew thick with tension as the villagers grappled with the seismic shift in their perception of authority. Roi's protests, once fervent, faltered against the weight of undeniable truths. In the ensuing silence, a somber acknowledgment of the chief's misdeeds settled upon the crowd.

Elyra and Sylara, amidst their grief, looked upon the shattered image of the once-respected leader with a mix of sorrow and anger. The threads of trust that bound the community had unraveled, leaving behind a tapestry of betrayal and despair.

The village, once overshadowed by the malevolence of the chief, now stood at the precipice of a new beginning. The echoes of a shattered leadership reverberated, leaving the villagers to grapple with the aftermath of a revelation that had altered the course of their shared history.

The chief's feeble pleas for mercy reached my ears as I held him down, his life hanging by the thinnest of threads. The villagers, still grappling with the shock of betrayal, stared at the fallen figure before them. I addressed the assembly, my voice a measured yet resonant force cutting through the tension.

Hiro:What should be done with him?

I queried, my gaze sweeping across the faces of those who had endured the chief's deceit. The village stood at a crossroads, a collective decision awaiting manifestation.

A voice from the crowd emerged, its timbre reflecting the simmering anger and hurt embedded in each villager's heart. "Justice!" someone exclaimed, their sentiments echoed by others. The call for justice reverberated, a collective thirst for retribution emanating from the wronged.

The chief, a mere shadow of his former self, wheezed out desperate pleas. The villagers, however, harbored little sympathy. Their trust, shattered like fragile glass, demanded restitution in the form of accountability.

I tightened my grip on the chief's throat, his eyes pleading for clemency.

Hiro:Your deceit has consequences. What say you, villagers? Should justice be meted out, or does mercy find a place within your hearts?

The question lingered, poised between the harsh echoes of retribution and the softer notes of compassion.

The assembly, a tapestry of emotions, seemed torn between the two paths—a juncture where the chief's fate rested in the hands of those he had betrayed.

The villagers, seething with a mix of anger and a thirst for justice, carried out the grim sentence. The chief, bound to a makeshift cross, stood as a tragic testament to the darkness that had tainted their once-idyllic community.

Torches flared to life, casting flickering shadows that danced across the clearing. The orange glow of the flames reflected in the eyes of the villagers, their collective determination unwavering as they approached the condemned chief. The wooden cross, a symbol of both punishment and purification, awaited the embrace of the hungry fire.

A hushed silence descended as the villagers, faces etched with a mix of sorrow and resolution, encircled the scene. The night air carried the scent of burning wood and the palpable weight of retribution.

With solemn deliberation, the first torch was lowered. The flames eagerly embraced the dry timbers, licking hungrily at the fuel that bound the chief to the cross. The glow intensified, casting an eerie radiance on the faces of the villagers who bore witness to the grim spectacle.

The chief, once a figure of authority, now writhed in agony as the flames consumed the wooden structure. The flickering light danced across his contorted features, creating grotesque shadows that seemed to mirror the complexities of his unraveling legacy.

The villagers maintained their vigil, a mix of somber acceptance and cathartic release echoing through the clearing. The crackling of the flames drowned out any remnants of the chief's desperate cries, his fate sealed by the collective will of the community he had betrayed.

The fire raged, and with each consuming flicker, the villagers confronted the darkness within their midst. The echoes of the burning cross lingered in the night, a stark reminder of the pivotal moment when justice, in its most visceral form, was served.

The air grew heavy with tension as I turned to Sylara and Elyra, their eyes reflecting the pain and anger etched deep within. The weight of Mark's betrayal had unfolded, exposing a wound that went beyond the fabric of deceit—it touched the very essence of their existence.

Sylara, her gaze intense, spoke first,

Sylara:Mark… he was part of the plan that took our parents away from us. The pain, the emptiness—it's something we've carried for so long. But now, seeing the truth laid bare, I can't help but question whether vengeance will truly fill the void they left behind.

Elyra, her expression mirroring a blend of sorrow and resolve, continued

Elyra:What he did is unforgivable, and the wound he inflicted on our hearts will never fully heal. But if we choose to spare him, perhaps it's not for his sake but for ours. To break the cycle of hatred and let our parents' memory be a beacon of a better path.

The villagers listened in somber reflection as the sisters grappled with the gravity of the decision before them. The night seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the verdict that would shape not only Mark's destiny but also the collective conscience of Mystaria's wounded community.

In response, Mark, bound and silent, awaited the judgment that hung in the balance. The village stood at a precipice, caught between the echoes of revenge and the distant call of mercy, and the choice was poised to be a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of betrayal.

I asked the system to give me a life draining potion

" Cost 1000 system points"

I don't care I bought it instantly

Which it did, I grabbed the neck of mark and forced him to drink it

He aged drastically he looked no different from an old man

The villagers watched in grim fascination as Mark, once a symbol of deceit and treachery, succumbed to the life-draining effects of the potion. His youthfulness withered away, leaving behind the remnants of a frail and aged shell. The air thickened with a sense of macabre anticipation, each gulp of the elixir becoming a silent toll of retribution.

Mark's feeble struggles echoed through the village square, the effects of the potion rendering him a mere specter of his former self. Wrinkles etched deep lines across his face, and the strength that once fueled his arrogance diminished into a pitiful vulnerability.

As the last drop of the life-draining potion disappeared, Mark's once defiant eyes now held a glimmer of realization—a haunting acknowledgment of the irreversible toll exacted by his own actions. The village, draped in the shadows of judgment, stood witness to the manifestation of justice that transcended conventional norms.

In the midst of the transformative process, Mark's weakened voice croaked

Mark:this… this is worse than death.

The villagers, confronted with the gravity of the punishment, remained silent. The sisters, Sylara and Elyra, exchanged glances, their expressions carrying a mixture of closure and sorrow. The atmosphere in the village square became a canvas painted with the harsh strokes of poetic retribution, each stroke revealing the consequences of betrayal in hues of gray and fading echoes.

The life-draining potion completed its work, leaving Mark diminished, a living relic of his own misdeeds. The village, having dispensed its own form of justice, now faced the aftermath, grappling with the complexities of revenge, mercy, and the inexorable passage of time.