
To Eternity of My Sorrow

To the future yearning because I'm with you, however with your sudden loss everything scattered into pieces. It's tragically empty and it is hard to conceal this sorrow to eternity. But, despite of your death I can still feel your presence, you ease my anxiety... How can I say more? day by day I'm greedy for you, I feel this unsettling feeling all because of you so I should stop. "Don't you worry, when my time comes to an end and if ever we're reborn again, I promise to make you happy and from that I can only smile again" "And even in the tragic reality—"

Li_Suzue · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Reminisce -Shinomiya Kaiyou

[steps.. steps..] - Naoko's gonna enter the door.

"Oh my~ such a beautiful young lady here " as his mother complimented her

" Did you really fight with those bad kids? " their father asked.

"Ah yes...uh-" she couldn't say anything because she's too shy to use the word 'mother' for honorifics.

[Pats her head]

" Call me Dad sweetheart " said it with a bright smile.

[Opens the door] "I'm home~ "

As he opens the door [lift his head]

"What's this?"

"Oh my dear son! you're here perfect timing, the girl who saved you and brought you back is here come and greet her~ "

"....." his mind was blank and just followed his father.

"This is- " A total shock " Ha.... so there she is? " [ on his mind]

"Hello I'm Shinomiya Kaiyo sorry for the late introduction, we're in the same grade and school President " as she stood up to greet him. "

" ha....hmm.. I wonder if I don't know you?"

"hmm?.. it's fine haha.." - although he saw him a while ago on campus but for a second.

[Rustle..] " Oh wow.. hi there Shinomiya.. cha-? " Yuki wants to use -chan.

[Slaps his mouth] " Hi Shinomiya-san it's nice to see you here"

" I am fine..... I'll be on my way now thank you for this time Miyazono -San see you at school "

" Naoko you shouldn't let her leave just like that take her with you"

"Umm.. no.. I- I'll be fine no thank you."

" No, it's too Dangerous for a young lady like you. Despite being skilled you also need protection and care so go on with Naoko ".

She hesitates and her eyes glance to Naoko. " Shall we go now? "

"...." [blush]

They walked outside and he asked her if she'll agree to go to the garden and she said yes since she had nothing to do that day. [steps]

"So you're the one who saved me, that's not surprising it's normal for a woman like you to learn beast skills" as he refers to Mix Martial Arts just like him.

" My family wants me to learn fencing but I feel more uncomfy about it so my father decided to do what I want."

" Families really do care and nag".

[She laughs]

"What's funny about it" he acts like a cold blooded person

" No, he's just a cool president... ah! no beast had a sweet family". She said it because in the fight he looks dangerous.

"Nah that's normal.." [looks away]

[sigh*] "Then I'll be going then give my thanks to your mom".

" Not using honorifics huh? "

"What should I call you then? ".

" Anything... comfortable ".

"Then I shall call you Naoko-kun ~" [with a sweet smile] ".... then I'll take my leave see you at school Naoko-san"

"hmm.. see you" But what should he call her since she'll call him by his name. [He blushed] Yet, that was just a quick conversation with her.

He throws himself to the bed and looks up at the ceiling. [Remembering the conversation they had a while ago] " hmm.. Shinomiya Kaiyo what an interesting girl from my grade " he pondered " huwah! that was a tiring day" as he recalls, she's from section 2 it was on the list and now he remembered.

[announcement] " We'll be holding a prom ball at #=*'%-#**"

The Students mumbled and others were excited, "... if you have any questions ask the student council for more infos.. thank you and enjoy your day.." [End of the flag ceremony].

[At the student council room]

"Yahoo!! Damn this is so exciting" The vice president Namikawa Mina said.

"... yet we Still have a lot of work to do before we freely celebrate at the prom.." Akiko added.

The members freeze

[ all of them :Hazz]

Naoko cheers them up " Yeah that's our president " and all of them are fired up, they worked overnight or sometimes they work on the library after dismissal and all the things happened, they finally finished all the task on time, luckily, they're awarded by the principal for the good and hard work for the upcoming event.. the award is to have long rest all of them... the principal notice they've been haggard and has eyebags already, yet they need to look good on the event so they took rest.

[Stretch] "hoo! that was a long rest~ "

"I can finally catch my breath I though "

The members happily talked while Naoko was at the gym, the reason is he received a love letter again. The girl was named Sofia, a foreigner from middle school. Her friends forced her to confess her love to Naoko although she did not want to.

Even so Naoko shows the letter she put on his locker. "What's this? A piece of trash again?"

" No! it's.. I- It's not what you think it is I'm Inlo- ".

" Well, do you think I liked you? " [stare with deadly eyes]

" but.. but hear me out President Naoko, I'll do anything to satisfy you, give me a chance!"

[gets closer to her]

[steps] "... you dare to say such a trash even so you're smart and wealthy family I won't let myself be hang up by any girl that I don't like do you even have a brain or that brain of yours not functioning now, what's the sense of your brain if you don't use it now? "

[She flinched] "so-sorry I knew...that this.. would happen..." [She bows her head]

"ha...." [ scratching his head and feeling very annoyed ] "I haven't accepted confessions since day one. I know what's your intention but you should at least know your place"

" My apologies to President Naoko, it was all my fault... " [Sobs]

He turns the letter and [toss]throws it to the trash bin.

"I don't wanna see anything disturbance again."

"..... YES"

".. then you may go now"


" Miyazono naoko rejecting love confessions is your hobby ay~? "

Kaiyo pops out of nowhere. She was sitting on the window the whole time and he said no wonder she got there so quietly.. Earth to Naoko.

[Turns] " So you were listening.. How much did you hear? "

" When; 'What's this? A piece of trash again?' " [She heard a lot actually]

[Sigh] " Just say you heard it from the beginning.. "

" That girl's worthless though ", she confidently said.

" Oh by the way Kaiyou -san aren't you preparing for the prom? "

"hmm... I'm already fine now with stuffs" [ponders]

" You'll be wearing a gown~ " [smirks] He bullies her because he thinks she's uncomfortable with skirts.

" Hohoho~ there's a misunderstanding here, me? will the daughter of Shinomiya be irritated by wearing gowns? ha! no way I'm used to it, I learned etiquette when I was 8 years old "

Naoko felt ashamed and embarrassed because he thought he'd win after Kaiyou.

[lowers his head]

" Ahem, well then seems to be fair, you're neither a girl nor a woman who's never compared to any girls here in the school, you're outstanding " He complimented her.

" Hahahahaha I'll see you at the prom Naoko-kun! " [nods]

To be continued...