
To Eternity of My Sorrow

To the future yearning because I'm with you, however with your sudden loss everything scattered into pieces. It's tragically empty and it is hard to conceal this sorrow to eternity. But, despite of your death I can still feel your presence, you ease my anxiety... How can I say more? day by day I'm greedy for you, I feel this unsettling feeling all because of you so I should stop. "Don't you worry, when my time comes to an end and if ever we're reborn again, I promise to make you happy and from that I can only smile again" "And even in the tragic reality—"

Li_Suzue · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Love At First Night - Dancing With you tonight

[ Pushing ]

It's crowded besides they still keep going

"Ouch! Aiyo! my foot be careful Nao-" . Just to be in the center accompanied by his friends from the student council , it went smoothly and began to dance.

[ whispered ] "…wait let me at least prepare to move first"

" Ha…you'll be fine as long as I'm your lover~"

[ Ignored ] "HUH JUST WAIT YOU! " She's not ready yet her body and mind won't listen to her because of what happened earlier , yet , she lets her body swing as Naoko moves.

The music is about to begin and she's still dazed , still can't even think. Her brain is completely blank .

"I'm telling you ,you'll be fine so don't worry that your body is flexible" he was confident and boldly said that.

"Isn't it weird ? Everyone moved to the side and they're staring at us. It's creepy, you know?" That is true it was all in plan it was like a telepathy of how they did that.

[ Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto playing ] " hmm…. you're such a good dancer? " He gets closer to her and looks into her eyes.

[ ignored ] " Hmph! It's because I'm well learned in dancing. " She turned away because it was too close and everyone was staring and they might misinterpret what they're doing.

" That's correct even if she's a master or very well – learned she can catch up in a short time but looking at her now she's completely lost in thought …maybe I was too excited to do it? So unbearable... " in Naoko's mind. He realizes that it was too mean and he says sorry to her. "I'm sorry for being excited earlier Kaiyou". bashfully smiled.

" I- you know you're the first man who kissed my lips. " [ lowers ]

[ sways ]

[ whispered ] most of the students whispered and bash Kaiyo but they didn't know her family owns many restaurants and shares in the company.

" Wow…where did she get that gown it's swaying like a Cinderella~ "

" As I remember she's a mad dog in the family "

" really but she looked different right now! "

" …and that man …the student…couldn't be ? "

They both said

" It's Miyazono Naoko ? The president in the student council THE HECK NO WAY?! "

" Oh my~ how dare she court the student council president? "

" Well she's very lucky" the girls envy her but seem like they're bashful to her.

[ Swaying ]

Naoko smiled and blushed at the same time when the girls whispering

" Oh my god! D-did you see that he just smirked at her and blush!? "

" S-she's dancing with a perfect man! . H-he never smiles or blush when someone confesses to him ``I've never seen such a side of him even before ".

" H-how? This is unbelievable! I confessed to him last month! this is completely absurd why a girl like her can even had a dance with him "

She silently said it. They are jealous because of her beauty and they don't even know that they've confessed already. Moving on to those two when the music ends

[ bows ]

Kaiyo sneaked to run away but he caught her without a second. Their hearts were beating so fast that they couldn't even look or glance at each other.

" Uh- wanna have some drinks? " he was hesitating to ask

" uhm yeah we should " with a timid voice.

" We..we should go together kaiyo since…umm…

" He wants to say we're in love anyway or something like in a relationship but he just couldn't say without a confirmation but the two of them are sure of what relationship they're in now but suddenly Kaiyo said it since the both of them are waiting to say a word.

" We're now in love Nao" as they both exhaled. When he turned around she kissed him on the cheeks and hugged each other.

" I might explode because of her cuteness and he moves… "

talking to his mind . They're in a situation of excitement but at the same time they'd think that tomorrow they might tell their parents and give blessings.

[ - After the dance - ]

" I'll escort you back ". He insisted to take her home , and once they got there her dad was there

" Ack.. " He was now come to senses and bow to her and her dad then leave with a deep breathing [ sighed ] inside the car he was in total shock

" Th-that's her dad, how am I gonna face him tomorrow? I'm officially dating his daughter ! " he grumbled and drove home.

" I'm home- " he raised his head and felt irritated because of Nobuyuki standing [ leans to the wall ] , he noticed that something wonderful happened at the ball and pointed out it was Kaiyo.

" Huh? did you drive her home safely " with a mischievous smirk.

" Uh…how'd you know that? " He stopped.

" I got a call from the Shinomiya residence, her father called me" [ smirked ]

Completely shocked cross him

" wh-what did her father say? "

( THAT FAST WOAH...! ) he nervously asked.

"….he " with a serious face then raises his head [ dead stare ]

" ack.. uh.. s-something not good happened? " He pointed at him while trembling in fear.

[ Smiles brightly ]

" He said that thank you for taking her home safely and you must visit him tomorrow "

" WHAT!? " lifts head and glances at his mom because she heard everything.

" M-mom you too?! " he turns his head and stare blankly [ Quivers ]

" Ara~ my son is all grown up after you meet her father take her with you and come here " she laughs [ Halt ]

"Mom, that's so embarrassing ".

In the morning... [ Chitter Chatter ]

" Take care Naoko " Nobuyuki laughs

" tsk...goodluck with Haru brother " with a scary smile that will give him bad luck.

" Just go " He was annoyed

[ At the Shinomiya residence ]

Sits in silence...

No movement just complete silence

" Serve us a cup of tea "

After that, father sips and Naoko who was sitting firm and not moving

" This is suffocating, please save me! ". In Naoko's mind while smiling..

" you're sulking Naoko…don't just sit there drink up "

Flinched and looked up to him " Uh- yes sir.. " with his nervousness he flinched and sweated then looked down to his cup.

" You're the president at student council that's noble of you.. "

" Noble? T-thank you.. it wasn't too much.. " he was impressed to know and to add up his family is at the same level of his.

And added this to himself.

" mhm..that's correct "

He regrets saying it short. He wanted to talk more but guessed that her father might be annoyed so he didn't talk much.

" I know you feel uneasy to meet me. I just want to express my gratitude for taking my daughter home safely without touching her.

"oh..so that's it although I touch her head slightly I have intention of not touching her …it's normal isn't? "

talking to himself.

" You and my daughter have affection …I know " .

He directly says it to him .

" Sir that is- " He stands up and he might think that it's rude to her father so he sits back again.

" That is my other reason why I called you here after that night.. "

[ click clack] He lowers his head and closes his eyes with fear.

" I'd like to give my blessings though I haven't met you several times but I'm sure that you'll take care of my precious daughter with your own hands and life " He slightly smiled and glanced at him.

" Sir! Um..thank you " [ stands up and bow ]

" Until now you're calling me Sir how cast down.. "

" Then…what should I call you S-sir- "

" When do you two get engaged? "

He crossed the line while Naoko was talking.

" Pardon? "

" You want me to repeat it "

[ death stare ]

"ack..I don't know yet we're still in ninth gra- " been cornered and ignored.

" That's possible we head of the families can make you two get engaged with the contract "

" But I don't wanna make a contract with her Sir…"

his voice gets gently and lower.

" Then, propose to her " and sipped his tea and Naoko glanced at him and said " This instant? " slaps the table

"…my apologies… " [ Grumbles ]

" It's up to you, you have my daughter that is not my problem now "

" maybe when it's the perfect time…"

" …Dad…call me, dad Naoko "

" D-dad? "

" hm..yes? "

A total shock and father laughs

[ clap clap ]

" well congratulations in advance I'll pretend not to know this and be shocked when she goes to me. "

" mm..okay D-dad…" [ turns away ]

" You can pick her up I know that it is time to meet her again "

" Yes I'll be going now thank you Si- Dad! It's really nice to meet you ! "

[ closed the door ]

He was relieved that he passed. In his thought; wow… it's like I pass the exam


"Now where is she? Did she know about this?"

" Naoko! " [ Hug tightly ]

" wa-wait we're here in your- people might see us "

" Ah! Shhh Dad gave us blessings, tell me? "

" huh? you sure so excited yeah your dad allow us to be together "

[ Jumps ] " Hey c'mon let's go to your house now "

" huh? "

To be Continued...