
To Eternity of My Sorrow

To the future yearning because I'm with you, however with your sudden loss everything scattered into pieces. It's tragically empty and it is hard to conceal this sorrow to eternity. But, despite of your death I can still feel your presence, you ease my anxiety... How can I say more? day by day I'm greedy for you, I feel this unsettling feeling all because of you so I should stop. "Don't you worry, when my time comes to an end and if ever we're reborn again, I promise to make you happy and from that I can only smile again" "And even in the tragic reality—"

Li_Suzue · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

A Young Master? - Meet mom from Russia

The sun is about to rise and Naoko's awake while Kaiyou is sleeping soundly and gently. It's windy and winter is coming.

[ - opens the door : creak - ]

" ha..so windy " He looks back and still Kaiyo's enjoying her sleep and she's frisky in the bed like she owns it, then Naoko laughs silently. [ ponders ]

He's now thinking when is her birthday but he's too shy to ask because it might be done or She'll say that

( I am your girlfriend but you don't know my birthday so tedious! )

[ blinks thrice ] " No.. that's not gonna happen " He's frustrated but still gonna ask her out once she wakes up. He plans to ask her servants to bring breakfast though he feels kind of rude to ask them without her permission.

" We'll serve it right away, young master.. "

[ confused ]

".... young master? I'm a little mixed up..! "

he wonders, he knows Kaiyou is the young lady and her eldest brothers are also masters bur why did people in the hotel considered him a young master even he's not the legit son of the Shinomiya family he is just a boyfriend but he remembers what her father said ( Marry my daughter ) now he sees through that the reason behind is being the fiancé of Kaiyo.

[ yawn ] "ughhhh... ha...ji-good morning~ " [stretch ]

" you're up now. I tell your servants to prepare breakfast. It's coming, so wash up. "

While fixing the bed and waiting for the food.

" Young lady and young master, here's your breakfast meal, enjoy ".

And leaves. Now he gets the chance to ask her why he's being called Young master.

" Kaiyou why your servants calling me a young- " [ gulp ]

" Ahem...Because you're already my future husband " [glance]. She smirks and goes back to eating.

" Eh- are you sure this is alright? "

He hesitated to ask more. " So you don't wanna be my husband? Am I not suitable for you?". She has a point even so in the first place he confesses first so there's no questions for that.

"... I.. forget it.. I lost.." [lowers]

"mm.. let's just finish eating and go back to the residence and meet my brother" [smiles]

Once she said that his whole body flinches every inch of it. [giggles] She can't take it anymore and bursts ️ into laughter.

"fuwahhhhh don't be scared it's not like that you thought my family is hard to please"

"No! That's not it..." He was dumbfounded.

"Hence, don't be upset all of us only be fierce when it comes to seriousness and business don't worry" [pats]

".... ok I believe you "

They drive from Osaka to Tokyo [ Stops ]

"Let's get some refreshments before we continue driving." Naoko was tired and his ass was kind of hurt from sitting for a long time, while Kaiyou focused on her phone reading her favorite manhwa.

"What a pity.." [mumbled]

"Huh. why?"

" The FL is stupid can't she even tell that the ML is in love with her..!" She was angry.


"Ha... Let's keep going, do you want me to buy you something? " [ leans ]

" Hey... why do you stop whining ..."

[ blush ] "... nevermind" annoyed then go back to his seat then drive.

- At the residence -

[stretch] " fuwah finally we're back at last " she admitted that it was a tiring day just driving so many hours.

"By the way... I know it's a bit awkward to ask but may I know your birthday?"

He finally asked.

" Oh it's on 18th of December, it's ahead now, right? " [ steps ]. He's thinking of What to do on her birthday if he's gonna surprise her or going to another country and many things on his mind.

"... then what do you wanna do on your birthday? "

" It's already decided by Mom and Dad they'll holding a banquet and sent many invitations, but it's kinda boring you know.." [ lowers ] It's always like that holding a big banquet for her every year and she's not that happy because some people even in her father's colleagues talk about her. It was an enormous atmosphere when she's on the center. While her father was talking to the guests.

" Ha..let's do it like this, attend the banquet and I'll be there by your side."

[ gets closer ]

"..... then will you do it with me? " rise her head with a cute face. But, somehow Naoko got it all wrong and he mistook something.

" Wha...what do you mean do it with you? " [ turns away ]

" Huh? dance of course " ( what the hell is he thinking what a pervert~)

"..... ah" ( somehow it was fine I thought of something else how ridiculous )

" Let's just meet my mom. The first brothers are quite busy right now. Maybe at night we'll see them. " She pats him because he might feel pressure.

- At the Garden -

" Mother... " in a lowly voice then she shouted.. " MAMA! "

" Aha..! Malishka darling~ why're you shouting? there's no need " [ in russian ] It's been 4 weeks she didn't see her because of work and made her mom travel to Russia because she was appointed there.

Her mom was born in Russia named Anastasia Petrova but since she's living in Japan when she got married became Shinomiya Anastasia and that is why her brothers named in Russian too except for Kaiyou named in Japanese for balance that time when she got pregnant with her, her father thinks it is time to named her from him and that's why she was named Kaiyou but still her mom made an official nickname for her when she's gonna call her not through the name Kaiyou but Malishka still the russian is there. She and her brothers are half blooded.

" Ma..risu..ka?? " He didn't understand what her mother called her so both of them had tea and talked about the whole story.

" Naoko It's Ma-rish-ka Malishka got it? "

Though she said it many times he still got it wrong and kept saying it with 'Su' instead of 's'.

" hoho~ is this the one you're dating right now Malishka? " she was speaking Japanese in order for Naoko to understand.

" Um... hello Ms. Shinomiya.."

" Ara~ don't be shy darling you're one of us now " [ smiles ]

" The name Malish-ka is a russian? I suppose? " He somehow got it right.

" Aha! that's correct " [ tap ]

" Mom is a polyglot and we sibling somehow inherit her mind and soul haha "

[ blabbing ]

" Incase you didn't know I am a pure russian and these siblings are half Japanese and half Russian ".

" wow... " [ facing her ] " Desho~ that's why I am beautiful ~ " she made a heart in her hand and showed it to him.

complimenting herself because of the mixed blooded she is.

[ blush ] her mom's laugh and make some tea so they can talk comfortably.

[Talking ] "ah.... so that's what happend how romantic ~"

[ laughing ]

" yes, yes her father came to Russia to bring me back here days past are really good to share with youngsters "

" Mom can you tell us why you made my nickname russian instead of having two official nicknames "

" okay! in the first place when your father and I been thinking what to name you since your brothers first name is russian already, your wants a baby girl named to Japanese that's why I let him named you and I made your official nickname to russian just to be fair with him we almost fought you know when we're in the hospital "

" But nickname Malishka is beautiful "

" Yes that's true the meaning of it is Baby girl~ " ( she's still a baby girl to me~ since she's the only girl in our family )

[ secretly laughing ] " why are you both laughing?!" She was annoyed.

" Ho Ho Ho~ it's way better to call you Malishka instead of Baby girl right~ " She joined in laughing with him.

" Well it's fun to talk with you.. ah... " now he remembers the honorifics of the last time he called her father Sir and changed it to call him Dad but right now her mom was thinking.

" You should also call me mom "

[ smiles ]

" Wow... nice " [ clapping ]

" mm.. by the way so your name mom is? "

" Oh I we haven't introduce yet " [ shock ]

" well it's fine mom "

" ..then I am Anastasia Petrova but since I'm married Shinomiya Anastasia " [eyes sparkle]

" wow such a beautiful name.. "

" I told you so~ " [ laughing ]

" Oh~ When will Ivan and Noah return? "

" Before dinner mom "

" Then let's prepare Malishka. Would you like to help Naoko-kun? "

" Yes I will "

While at the kitchen making delicious food for the brothers return. He asks if he can also call her Malishka instead of Kaiyou.

" Ah! kaiyou can I call you that? "

" huh? well... why not give it a try "

" Okay Malishka " he used it perfectly.

" woah~ you learned fast I remembered you know some languages right but not like mom? "

" Yes, just a few.. "

" The stew is kind of hot be careful on your way to the dining table~ "

The food smells so good that even Kaiyou gets a little bit of meat because of the smell of the food that her mom makes, making her tummy growls

" Okay! Good job everyone, Otsukare!"

" yahoo! otsukaresama! "

They cheered and waited for the brothers and also her father to come home.

" Oh yeah by the way mom.. the servants are calling me young master. Why is it? "

"ah... it's because of Tomio her father said that to be respectful to you because you're our future son in law~"

"T-thank you all of you for accepting me here in this family " [ bows ]

"No need to be formal when it comes to us being casual Naoko-kun " [ smiles lovely ] And he blush.

" Let's wait for them~"

" Hai! "

To Be Continued...

Hello It's me again hope you liked this chapter I revealed Kaiyo's mother also the offical nickname we'll be seeing Ivan and Noah in the next chapter Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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