
To change a fate(TVD)

A man with a dark past reincarnated into a younger version of himself in the town of Mystic Falls, he decides to live his youth once more and stay away from the main plot. Until a manipulative vampire takes an interest in him and decides to bring him into the eye of the hurricane {Author: It's going to have a power system similar to farming, but without all the clowning around in these genres.}

Vicor_Anvitso · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


short chapter, I had some personal problems that I'm solving, until then I'll be doing short chapters and it may take a while to release


December 2009

Time passed quickly and Victor didn't go to school that day. He invented a headache not to leave the house and lay next to Vicki watching the supernatural which was ironic since they were monsters.

Vicki was lying on Victor's chest as he took a bag of blood. she had already gotten used to the blood and was slowly controlling herself.

"Hey, isn't Jeremy a little weird lately?" Vicki looked at Victor "he seems more closed off"

"Don't worry, he's just discovering himself" Victor laughed passing his hand on Vicki's head "No problem, come let's continue watching" Victor massaged her head making her purr

He was right, Jeremy is starting to find out about the supernatural, he's already given Victor some hints about it, like the occasional question about the supernatural, more specifically vampires.

"Ok, I'm just worried" Vicki laughed lightly and lifted Victor's head "Today is your birthday isn't it?"

"You guessed?" Victor laughed

"No, Jeremy told me" She replied

"I imagined!" Victor laughed

"Hey, do you want a special gift?" Vicki climbed onto Victor's chest and got closer to his face, while her hand ran down his face.

His abdomen

"Well… since you're offering…"


"What do you want here? Leave my grandson alone you butcher" The scream of Victor's grandmother downstairs made them both widen their eyes, in less than a second, Victor was already on his feet and ran downstairs"Grandmother! happened" He skidded through the kitchen door to see Liz Forbes arguing with his grandmother

Victor sighed and took a step forward when he saw Vicki positioning herself strategically behind the stairs, he put his hand in his pockets and bit his lip going forward "Well, well, what does the admirable City Sheriff want in my house" Victor chuckled. And spoke with a loud voice getting everyone's attention

"Brat what are you doing?" Victoria growled at her grandson who came to the door and smiled "Come back"

Liz saw the opportunity seeing that Victor was at home and said "Victor Hong, you are under arrest on suspicion of murder"

Victor raised an eyebrow and looked into Liz's eyes, "if I were, blonde and had blue or green eyes, would I be suspicious too?" he said ironically

"Yes, you would!"

"Do you have a warrant?" he asked raising his head

"Have!" Liz showed a paper

"Wow, this person who died must be very famous or important for you to bring a warrant to an innocent" Victor laughed ironically and put his hands in front of him"Come on do your job and arrest a blonde no, for the crime he didn't commit" Victor chuckled and Liz raised her eyebrow.

"You are not taking my grandson"

"Alright, Granny!" Victor spoke and looked back 'Mr. Betfair beats his boyfriend and threatens his ex-wife and children, send an anonymous message to the police and say you saw him burying something in the woods'

He whispered and turned his attention to Liz. "Let's go? I'm sure I'll sue you for injury when I prove I'm innocent"

Victor's gaze was so intense that Liz and the other officers gulped.

"Alright, if you prove to be innocent, you can sue me at will" Liz replied and put the handcuff in Victor's hands "Let's go"

"tch, I'll hire the lawyer" Victoria replied with a frown

"Thanks, Grandma" Victor laughed at grandma showing that everything was fine "Come on, I have some money to earn!"


Victor leaned in his cell watching the ceiling until a popping sound touched his ears, looking out he saw sheriff Liz Forbes with a frown opening the cell

"Am I right?" Victor laughed "If I was right, what were you?"

"You were… well… sorry" Liz grimaced "I was wrong… sorry I should have assumed you would sell your stuff to help your mother"

"exactly... from now on stop worrying about such silly things as black and white, take it for life" Victor laughed and left the cell leaving a light with a guilty grimace behind


"Victor" Vicki yelled outside the police station and ran to Victor hugging him "I'm glad you were released... are you ok? Did the cops hurt you?"

She rubbed her face on Victor's chest as she cried, Victor laughed seeing that she was affected by the change in temper caused by vampirism, and stroked her head.

"it's ok..." Victor laughed lifting his arm showing his biceps and forcing him "look, I'm strong, those cops would never deal with me... you did a good job, I'm proud" He kissed her forehead and hugged her back" Shall we go for a walk?"

"Yea!" Vicki sniffled into Victor's chest.

So they'll go out to enjoy themselves, totally forgetting about the world around them, Victor felt reassured knowing he'd just changed Liz's perception of right and wrong a little.