
to blame

A group of rich kids trailed down to lake Kivu from Kigali in most ecstatic trip where they escaped to the lake without their parents permission. While they unleash the permanent ropes put on by their parents thinking that they are finally tasting freedom but little do they know that they are falling instead to the honest kidnappers who goes by the name judges. The judges don't need money as a ransom but want something more valuable. During the trip and kidnapping, they get to know the deadly secrets of each other and moreover they get to know the horrendous sins of their parents. The whole country is shook by the exposed crimes of their parents and after that the country will never be the same. *********************** Would do something lawfully wrong to do what's morally right? Could you risk your life over your beliefs? "I am a man of my words, I didn't promise them better life or life at all, I promised them justice and I am giving them justice" (This novel consist of verbal abuse, physical abuse, extreme violence, mature language, tense emotions. I therefore warn you if you are easily triggered.) This is a work of fiction.

9cappucino · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Original Clishe

~~~~kantona by dj pyfo ft E.t and kenny k shot~~~~~~~


"He even have broad shoulders" Melissa said and narrowed her eyes to zone out other things she knew about him in her dirty mind but Ben was staring at her.

"What do you mean by broad shoulders?" He asked as he shifted clumsily in his seat.

"You see the way they are broad even though he isn't muscled, his back didn't even bend from his tallness" she said admiringly.

Ben fell silent.

From the past hour after meeting the popular rich kids, they have been gossiping about them but most of the time the topics revolved around Shema, how intelligent, how handsome, how rich, how perfect, how popular and how nice.

She got to know rumors that Chloe had breast implants, David was dating Linda, Hughes was going into music industry that Manzi have been chased out by his parent and that Bill dropped out of his college.

And everytime Kirabo heard his name mentioned her ears perked up in curiosity even though she disliked him at the first sight while she pretend to be busy reading as she always did. She wondered what people saw in him,All she saw earlier was an uncomfortable aura around him.

Melissa was still talking about broad shoulders when she noticed how the guy next to her have gone from one hundred percent enthusiastic to one hundred percent stiff.

"Honey, are you jealous?" Melissa asked nicely.

"No" he said as he almost stopped driving and that gave him away.

"Don't worry you have broader shoulders than him you even have 'abs'" she said with a wink.

Ben turned red as he gave melissa a toothy grin."That's why I love you, always make me feel better"

That made Kirabo flinch even it was a simple cliche.

Why did the world suddenly turn cliche infront of her? Maybe it is because people nowadays watched to many cliche movies.

Sensible conclusion.

"I just can't wait for the thrill"Melissa said dreamily.

"We can always park the car aside for something good" Ben suggested innocently.

Kirabo coughed loudly.

They only looked at her innocently as if they didn't suggest doing explicit content now. Such shameless people on earth!

"I am never ever going anywhere with you guys again you are all unbelievable, you just had to go from gossiping at least something useful for  future use to be massimo and laura how chivalrous of you"

"I had a nap in mind when I said something good my dear Benitha" Ben said in an innocent tone but the facade was destroyed by his sinister grin.

"What was she thinking?" Melissa asked.

Ben shrugged "You never know your sister have wild imagination too much PG rated novels and movies"

"I never approved of it" Melissa commented.

Kirabo rolled her eyes and chose to shut up refusing to fall into a trap,she looked in the window wishing that she could be at home cuddling her spiderman sheets instead of being indirectly abducted by her party crazed sister and her nonchalant boyfriend going to go in party full of strangers near lake.

She cringed at the thought of that the strangers were rich that they could practically kill her and buy the judge.

She really should stop reading crime novels.

She didn't notice that they have reached their destination, she saw the rang rover and sedan were also parked in the parking lot,the others have already got out and were registering in their booked rooms.

Kirabo and the couple also got out to register their presence after that they trailed to the beach. Ben and melissa walked over to shema next to the was a guy who had a 'trois couche' haircut and his skin was dark he looked like he was arguing with Shema and next to him was a guy with dreadlocks, he had thick eyelashes.

Kirabo passed near Chloe who was laughing animatedly to her phone it appeared as if she was on live on instagram, Kirabo cringed the girl leaked of make up, she muttered a hello trying to be polite to the senator child who they were going to be in company with for the next hours.

Luckily she didn't hear her because she didn't know how she would have carried on a conversation, she chuckled as she stared at her chest to spot for some sign of an implants but she didn't know how to differentiate fake nails to real ones let alone body implants.

She continued to walk over her sister to only hear a heated debate.

"For godsake Manzi it's going to be fun I swear" shema said as he patted the dark skinned guy who looked as if only he wanted to cook him for dinner.

"Fun? You mean hiding our phones and dancing in a sand on this hot sun, No thank you, I prefer to sleep for now I am tired" the guy answered.

Finally someone with the same super idea and normal in the crowd, Kirabo thought.

"You know I am not allowing you that,We didn't come here all the way to sleep,we are going to have a beach party right now and beside that you wanted a break from work" shema answered.

"Sound like a nice idea" Melissa chimed in.

"Do you even have a budget?"

"What do you take me for?"

The guy with dreadlocks sighed picked up his huge blue bag and left them as if this conversation bore him, Kirabo watched him with as he unpacked his dj tools and settled them neatly on the stage table in the of center the beach which attracted attention of some people who were nearby.

Shema also approached the stage every eyes were on him now.

"This is my friend bill, his going to give you the vibe of the beach everything you take is on me just don't take too much because I am not a billionaire,hope you enjoy your life" everyone clapped in excitement and bill started playing songs and everyone was starting to dance.

Manzi face palmed himself.

As Shema climbed down, Kirabo was watching him with envy, God was always unfair, how could he create such beautiful, intelligent,cool, tall, social, rich, friendly creature yet here she was plain,dumb,boring,short, antisocial,broke as hell, unfriendly person and there was only two words that described her.

Symphony of failures.

Shema caught her staring and winked, Kirabo turned red, she walked away from the spot only to be pulled by her sister with other girl with an enormous hair.

"Whoa.... were are you taking me?" She inquired now she thought that she should write I-want-a-rest-mostly-from-people-especially-her-sister plastered all over her head.

They didn't reply just dragged her to a hut built by grass nearby when they entered she was amazed by the view, the hut was modern inside with a bright white paint over the walls with a neatly made bed.

Chloe was already inside sitting on the bed wearing a purple bikini before Kirabo realized what was going on they started rummaging through the bag near looking for clothes.

"Why are you standing there? come and look for what to wear you are not going in the beach party wearing like a computer geek" Melissa remarked without even glancing at her.

Kirabo looked at her outfit, she was wearing her multicolored blouse with her faded boyfriend jeans, the outfit was nice and comfy.

"This is way more comfortable"

Melissa crossed her arms and looked at her " Honey, you are not going anywhere wearing like that"

Now chloe and ritah were staring at her wondering which asylum she escaped from to thinking that going to a beach party wearing a blouse not even a nylon one on a hot day was comfortable.

"Then let me stay here" she requested putting a hopeful look on her face.

"Not happening,we paid for you and here you want to sleep"Melissa replied dismissively.

"Do you really want to miss all the fun?" Chloe finally asked in disbelief.

Kirabo wondered what fun would be in dancing in sand on hot day half naked feeling sleepy from the long journey.

"I see no fun in that"

"You should really come better regret what you did than what you didn't, speaking from experience" Rita added.

"Melissa, I am coming but only for 30 minutes to taste the waters and after that no more pestering me, I will do what I want"

Melissa faintly nodded.

Kirabo took a blue summer shirt, small jean shorts she took of her clothes and changed into the outfit, she opened the buttons of the shirt and let it loose. Melissa changed into a black bikini and put on a shawl, Ritah changed into tiger bikini.

"Look at you looking all beautiful and sexy" Ritah commented to Kirabo with a low chuckle.

Chloe came up to her suddenly and tied Kirabo's shirt above her navel, Kirabo froze in the spot, Chloe stepped back to admire her creation.


"Now we can join the others" Melissa also said already walking to the door,others also followed leaving Kirabo dumbfounded in the room.

She wondered if the girls remembered that they were still in Rwanda not some western country to wander outside barely clothed to dance and wondered how they thought she was going to get outside alone without fainting or clawing like tortoise.

She sighed and got out of the hut.

Afterall what could be worse outside? everyone was also wearing a bikini and to be exact everyone would be drunk to notice a girl with infinite insecurities.

As she got out, people were dancing maniacally Bill was playing 'nana by 2saint ft kivumbi king'. It was a funny scene to see people who were stoned at 5pm trying to dance without balance.

She joined and the crowd and started to dance to the rythm, she hoped that none on the group would spot her and spoil her new profound peace, she swung her body carelessly in peace enjoying the fact that she was finally free of melissa.

Unfortunate as she was, after like 20 minutes, Manzi appeared with a satisfied look on his face as if he wasn't dead against the whole idea earlier.

His eyes lit up as he took in Kirabo's outfit, Kirabo prayed that he wouldn't say anything because it would add up to her insecurities.

"You look..." unluckily and luckily as she was, he was interrupted by the arrival none else other than Ben.

Ben's eyes widened as he took in Kirabo's outfit only to say something unexpected.

"Where the heck is melissa?.....to have the guts to dress you like this" his voice didn't sound pleased at all, he started walking away calling Melissa.

"I am the one who chose the outfit" She called after him but he couldn't hear me as he was already in the mission of confronting the innocent Melissa at the moment.

She sighed, well that was fair after she forced her to come here instead of taking a nap only to leave me in drunk strangers.

Manzi let out a chuckle after he took in the unexpected turn out of events.

"Does he really consider her girlfriend to have good taste in fashion?" He added calmly, Kirabo flushed as she heard the indirect compliment.

Without even looking or notice them coming, Ritah and Hughes picked Manzi up they went toward the lake, Manzi was screaming out threats but the duo had other ideas when they reached the shore they put him down.

"I would have toasted you alive If you dared" Manzi said with relief.

Ritah and hughes looked at each other and picked up Manzi again and threw him in the water by surprise, he gawked in rage but the duo had already run away.

Kirabo laughed heartily as the scene unfolded, If they would be more pranks like that in the night, she was going to enjoy coming here.

"How is the party going so far for you?" She heard a voice behind her, she turned to see Shema holding two cups he handed her one.

She took it peeking in it to see if it was not drugged but almost smacked herself as he raised his eyebrow in amusement at the gesture.

She drank to redeem the awkwardness.

See? She should really burn her crime fiction books, everyone was a criminal in her conscience.

"I should be the one asking that since you are the benefactor, if you don't regret wasting your money" she replied casually.

Shema gave her one of his infamous chuckle it sounded ridiculous to Kirabo's ears.

"Well, I was asking for your opinion because I don't regret hosting it"

"Does it matter?"

"It does because you look like you would provide a really good critic"

"Do you really want to hear it?" Kirabo asked as she hopes for him to trace this hint that whatever she was going to say was very critic because she had that annoying skeptical nature.

"Try me"

"I really want to disappear everyone here is out of my league whether in looks or status and I feel as a stranger, so you suck at hosting party where anyone would feel welcome"

He looked at me seriously, considering something.

"What if I told you that I felt the same way as you do?" He asked in a tone she couldn't figure out.

She laughed.

"That's a wrong pick up line in a wrong situation"

He only stared at her.

"Maybe we could go somewhere nice to talk a place you would feel a belonging" He suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Kirabo nodded.

Just like that she found her hand held and led by Shema across the beach as if the regularly held hands, she was still warily about him because she couldn't help but hate him as she was jealous of him even though she was thrilled to be getting away from the party with the organizer and to add to that, he was too good looking to say no.

They stopped walking, she realized that they were on another side shore of the beach, it was very calm and scenery because there were no people to disrupt it.

Shema started picking stones, he threw one in the water the drop bounced all over to the farther point.

He handed her one stone.

"Are we here to throw stones ?" She asked in disappointment.

"And talk, what did you expect?" He asked innocently.

She sighed. Is it her fault that many netflix movies implied that whenever a guy wanted to talk somewhere private it was an excuse to make out? Now she really should limit the Netflix influence.

Shema was amused by her disappointed face.

"Kira, your face is really easy to read you don't have a facade" He remarked.

"Is it an insult or a compliment?"

"A compliment" He said with his usual smile always sent shiver to her brain.

She snorted.

"I wish I could say the same to you"She threw the stone but it inly sank deeper without any effects whatsoever, she looked at him to find bim already returning the stare then she registered her words, she immediately regretted saying them upon seeing the blank look on his face.

He smiled as if he didn't register the insult. "I don't want you to say the same either "

"That's great"

They continued throwing stones.

"You are nothing like your sister" He said casually without noticing the frown on her face.

How dare he compare to her sister? Isn't it already obvious that she is bothered by her own insecurities to add up to them? Doesn't he know the rule number one of families? Never compare siblings mostly sisters.

But here he was comparing her to none other than Melissa the queen bee.

"You are open to read even though you are awkward you are even more innocent to the world but she is neither, it looks like there is always something eating her up" he continued on without noticing the troubled emotion on her face.

"You are good at reading people not that I am open" that's all she could muster up in the situation.

He looked at her.

"Maybe, like how you have a crush on Benjamin"

That made her look away now she wanted to disappear, his eyes were taunting her mind it was as if he was looking through her yet another reason to hate him.

"Do you always come here?" She asked hoping to change the topic as it was leaving her naked.


"With your family I guess?"



He scowled.

"Maybe I will ask that later"

He raised his eyebrow.

"I am okay with never" such a scary guy whenever he smile or isn't smiling, for once she wanted to mind other people's business but all she got was a scowl as if he wasn't the one who intervened about her life first.

He smiled.

Such a bipolar person or he pretended every emotion.

"But it's your first time here if I am correct?" He asked changing the topic with ease.

They continued talking but Kirabo was aware of his unpredictable ways to change the topic when she was about to imply about his personal life or the way he was bipolar or even more he managed to keep the creep constant smile.

"So how is your father?"she finally asked abruptly tired of the way be was dodging personal question by asking other irrelevant questions.

"How do think he is?" He asked with no trace of his usual exaggerated cheerfulness.

"A caring loving rich dad who entrusted you to be the president of his company at a young age, my mom can't even entrust me with her bag says I would sell it" She said carelessly trying to lighten up the mood.

"Loving father?"

He laughed maniacally that now all Kirabo could see was a dark aura around him but she had an urge to apologize but didn't know where she messed up in first place.

He took steps toward her looking quite not like the guy who brought her here as his expression was grim, she stepped back but he caught her waist firmly and pulled her toward him.

If anyone someone looked at their position they would assume that they were some chemistry between them but it was far from that.

All Kirabo wanted to do now was run away as she stared in his eyes, he had a defiant look in his eyes that sent all her alarm in her nerves alert, he was smiling grimly as if he wasn't tightening her grip on her, she looked away zooming out how she was likely  to run away.

Maybe her whole life was a lie, she lived in a crime novel where she was the victim who died at the beginning of the novel.

"Look at me, what made you jump to that conclusion?" he hissed in her ear as he held her chin to make her look at him but she was closing her eyes as if she thought that she opened them he would disappear.

He kissed her.

She wanted to push him away but she was already tipsy from the drink and she was afraid even more of his reaction if she did.

He was kissing her aggressively while squezing her waist as if he was about to smash it, he grabbed her dreads violent as he continued his act, she let out groan as he bite her lips violently.

He stopped, they were breathing hard and Kirabo lips bred as he did bit her lips.

She pushes him away feeling disgusted of his sight, how could he?

"Is there anything loving about that? Tell me, Is there any love in that?" He inquired still wearing the same grim smile.

"That was a loving gesture but is there any love in that?"

Kirabo couldn't even form any word even all the rage burning inside her.

"You see that's the whole problem, you are too naive, too innocent to see anything around you, you don't want to grow up you want to stay under your sister's shadow forever, you can't even stand up to yourself" He cried out.

Kirabo felt tears dwelling up in her eyes as he was insulting her, he just sexually harassed her now and he is even accusing her of everything.

He grabbed her hand and gave her fifteen thousand francs.

"Take a taxi back to Kigali alone, I don't want to see you at this place anymore because as you said I suck at making inclusive parties, I only know how to host party for people of my kind"He said firmly in venomous tone.

Now Kirabo's eyes burned with tears but she refused to cry in front of him.

"If possible take your sister back because a shadow can't leave it's owner" He commented sizing her up and down .

"You don't belong here"

He received a call and he gave a look of don't-taste-my-patience and just like that he left.

Kirabo wanted to scream but she couldn't find her voice as her emotion were troubled but she was sure of one thing now.

She hated him.

She hated him that it hurt to think about it.'you don't belong here' it still rung in her ears. He wanted her to go away but as stubborn as she was, she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

He could be rich, He could be,do and say anything he wanted but he couldn't make her disappear after all he didn't own this place and she was tired of people pushing her around trying to tell her what to do.

She walked toward the fire Manzi was making and sat on a log, the sun have already setting making a beautiful and peaceful scene she would have enjoyed if she wasn't planning murdering some individuals.

"Are you okay? you look funny" Manzi asked with genuine worry.

"I am fine" not really, I just want to kill your psychotic two faced friend who insulted and sexually harassed me not while a go. She thought.

Manzi looked like he wanted to say more but the look on her face was scary enough to make him change his mind.

She untied the shirt and closed it properly and focused on the heat the fire emitted not wanting to thinking of anything else.

Rita brought two small coolers and placed them toward the logs and sat.

The others started coming,Ben and melissa who were full clothed now came toward them, Chloe and another guy came, he was really stoned. Bill also closed his tools and came to sit beside them.

When Shema saw her as he come, his face betrayed him and show his surprise to see her for a second but he just smiled and sat down to the log next to Ritah.

Lastly, the couple who have disappeared to their room the moment they have arrived came back and sat.

"Can we go home or the lodge you rent outside?" Kirabo whispered to Ben.

"Why are you keen to go home I thought you were settling in already?" He replied.

"I think.... "

"Are you planning to go home after I just booked you two exclusive rooms for you?" Shema chided in with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Re....really?" Melissa asked looking like she was about to jump and dance any minute. Count on Melissa to like free things.

Shema nodded.

"Then we are staying for the night" Melissa concluded and Ben nodded in approval.

Kirabo looked at tbe couple who were totally ignoring her utter existence then looked at Shema who was grinning victorious.

She swallowed hard.

This was not good.

The people continued talking, she wasn't in the mood to talk because as Shema said she didn't belong here. All the time she felt Shema analysing her all the time but she couldn't look at him.

She have seen through his facade and she didn't want to see more.

From nowhere, a guy wearing a pitch black outfit snatched Hughes beer from his grasp and drank the beer with thirsty.

"You....fucking bastard" Hughes cried out as he pushed the man violently.

The man returned the favor more aggressively. The rest the group stood up to back up Hughes.

"Man, I request you to go away If you don't want us to call the police or the security guards" Shema said in an authorative tone.

Chloe started to dial but out from nowhere some other guy in the same outfit snatched ber iphone 13 and smashed to the ground.

Making everyone gasp.

"You have step out of line, what do you want?Money or a bed in jail?" Shema yelled in rage as he held the collar of one of tbe guys

But other people wearing the same outfit came making the whole group divert their attention from the guy Shema was threatening to them, it was fourteen of them.

"Relax kids,we just want to join your little party" the one with a grim expression said he appeared to be the leader of the gang.

Two others took the roasted meat, Ritah protested as she was the one who brought them but they slapped her hard, Manzi stepped forward.

"Rubagisha playing hero isn't a fascinating just disgusting"the leader spat out bitterly as he pointed a gun to his forehead.

Everyone froze to their spot.

One: these people knew that Manzi was Minister Rubagisha's son which was not quite a known thing because the minister rarely appeared in public thus his children weren't known which made the rest of the group shiver because these people knew them.

Two: they had guns.

The rest of the gang removed their guns and obliged everyone to get on their knees.

"Those are fake guns" Hughes bellowed loudly.

"Believe me when I tell you that they are real" Ben said calmly as he got on his knees. he have already grasped the situation. They were being abducted in a place 400 km from home and help.

The others also kneel they tied them and took their phones.

Melissa and Ritah were threatening the abductors with childish threats which merely amused them like how they knew jejetsu and taekwondo.

Manzi and hughes were fighting with the abductors not making the work of tying them easy.

David were complaining that the ropes were two hard it was stopping the flow of his blood and it was not good for his career as a basketball player.

Ben and Shema were unusually calm as they have already accepted and grasped their situation.

Kirabo was cursing wondering why she didn't just go away after Shema gave the money. Damn she was skeptic about the trip from the beginning, sneering at the man who was trying to tie her up.

Chloe was begging the abductors to let her go and live her life peacefully because she suffering from a breast cancer and that she would die within one month.

Linda was crying.

"Now let's go and teach you how to have a safe trip kids"the leader said ironically as they finished tying them.

"Isn't it? the favorite son of Kabera?" the leader said in Shema's face.

Shema spat in his face and the leader beat him with the gun and he fell down.

And ironic as it looked Chloe got abducted as she wanted but what she was about to face was far from '365 days' expectation.



this chapter was exhausting

All I can say now is.


Many things yet to come!

Stay tuned , vote and share.

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