
to blame

A group of rich kids trailed down to lake Kivu from Kigali in most ecstatic trip where they escaped to the lake without their parents permission. While they unleash the permanent ropes put on by their parents thinking that they are finally tasting freedom but little do they know that they are falling instead to the honest kidnappers who goes by the name judges. The judges don't need money as a ransom but want something more valuable. During the trip and kidnapping, they get to know the deadly secrets of each other and moreover they get to know the horrendous sins of their parents. The whole country is shook by the exposed crimes of their parents and after that the country will never be the same. *********************** Would do something lawfully wrong to do what's morally right? Could you risk your life over your beliefs? "I am a man of my words, I didn't promise them better life or life at all, I promised them justice and I am giving them justice" (This novel consist of verbal abuse, physical abuse, extreme violence, mature language, tense emotions. I therefore warn you if you are easily triggered.) This is a work of fiction.

9cappucino · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Deliberate Mistake

~~~~oya by Kivumbi king~~~~~~

Shema increased the speed of the car abruptly automatically pushing the car forward.

Manzi groaned.

Because he smacked his head in Chloé's belly luckily because he almost hit somewhere else he didn't want like her chest because it would bring a very long unnecessary conversation and debate he wouldn't win.

He regretted why he had decided to sit beside the lovers and the infamous Chloe but then remembered who brought and planned the whole sitting plan, he looked in the rearview mirror to find Shema aka master planner already chuckling at the whole situation as if he wasn't the one who decided to play matchmaker between him and chloe.

He pushed aside Linda gently who was placing her right hand in somewhere unholy, uh, location David's chest because his summer shirt buttons were opened. Shema glanced at Manzi and then his gaze fell on the overated action of his sister but he averted his gaze on the high driveway as he didn't witness it.

Manzi struggle to sit on the empty front seat and threw the bag which was in the seat behind to have space, he sighed when he finally sat down relieved that at least he was free of many nonessential drama taking place behind him at the same time wondering why shema had left the seat empty the whole time while he was sulking in the seats behind.

Oh right ! To remind him how annoying and illogical he can be.

He also wondered why he hadn't thought about sitting here at first but remembered that he had zoned out the moment he entered in this car thinking about his work he had left behind undone and calling on of his colleagues to cover for him, all because Shema have emotionally blackmailed him that he didn't find time for him anymore (as if it wasn't the other way round) and declared dramatically that if he doesn't come they will stop being friends.

Things he did for this idiot!

"Don't you think they will notice?" Manzi asked of all the sudden. He looked behind again to see chloe still talking to her fans on instagram live, some people don't change, Linda was still in the same position with David whispering something in her ear.

David have recently had the guts to ask Linda to be his girlfriend after an eternity, he always had a crush on her, but he wasn't the guy to say his feelings and that night happened because he was drunk, he always needed something to push him forward like the time his friends blurted out that he was going in basketball camp in his birthday, so he was left with no choice but to explain that he wanted to be a basketball player, his parents were dumbfounded because they wanted him to get an office job but ended up agreeing and they never talked about his career at home.

"If you look pretty closely, they are pretty busy to notice a guy who ditched  them out of envy to sit in front, they won't notice" Shema said as if he was pointing out how X is probably a lover who abandoned Y like a math teacher except that he had a dreamily sinister smile on his face. He also looked behind in the rearview mirror

"You know pretty well that's not what I mean, I meant if my father and other parents notice that we disappeared and to spoil your I-know-everything-ego I am merely disgusted by their actions to be envious" Manzi replied dryly.

"Why am I not believing it?" Shema added obviously wanting to pull the last thread and ignoring Manzi's first question.

"You don't believe in anything" Manzi spat out harshly.

You don't know, Shema thought.

"Well if it calms your hysterical nerves, our parents will notice after we have a good time, you know" Shema added with a playful wink hoping that he takes the thoughts of going back to Kigali out of Manzi's mind but of course Manzi was a guy who even worried over matters like why his phone battery was suddenly lasting longer.

Manzi shook his head not believing a word Shema as expected " I have a bad feeling about this whole trip ordeal, are you using that crap of live today and die tomorrow, this is a life and death matter Shema" he snapped angrily.

"It's not live today and die tomorrow, it's live today like there is no tomorrow " Shema added pretending to be annoyed by Manzi misuse of his one famous quote.

"I see no difference"

"There is. Live today die tomorrow is all about suicidal recklessness but live like there is no tomorrow is the best policy to see life in a realistic way after all death is always lurking in the corner just keep that in mind" Shema explained hastily.

"I still see no difference"

"You should, after all you major in mass media right?"

"We don't have 'a Shema's quotes curriculum' beside me having not interest in them"Manzi deadpanned.

Shema raised his eyebrow in amusement.

"Really?....I think I once caught you using my quotes to woo some girl and don't deny it I have valid proof"

"It was a merely pick up line and it's a common one not yours"

"It was a quote"

"I don't think so"

"You won't to bet on that? I feel like my wallet have been packed lately I am willing to use some money to save the reputation you tainted right now" he cried out.

"As if there is any to protect"

"You just sabotaged my quotes into merely pick up lines"

"You should at least watch more action movies to study how to blackmailing someone instead of claiming pick up lines to be your quotes because..." Manzi poked Shema's shoulder with a finger "Your knowledge in blackmailing is the size of my index finger nail, emotional blackmail you should leave it to the ladies"

"But you came anyway" Shema tried to reason.

"Because I wanted to come to take a break from work not to enlighten your dull mind"

Shema gasped dramatically.

"Who are you?.... What did you do to Our workaholic Manzi?.... Where did you bury him?"

Manzi rolled his eyes.

"And for some unknown reasons I am starting to regret coming"

"Life is not all about making money, it's also about spending money" Shema pointed out.

"You and your quotes !" Manzi exclaimed with a roll of eyes and threw himself in his seat proclaiming his defeat ignoring his enraged dramatic friend beside him.

Shema peeked at Manzi who was looking out in his mirror who was pretending to ignore everything which was happening on the earth, apparently mostly what was happening now mostly the fact that they have escaped their homes to take a trip to kivu without their parents permission.

Even though they were adults who had their own lives, their parents were over protective and very strict due to the fact that their parents held high position in the cabinet or their country, they watched them like fragile kids where four of them even had bodyguards, a thing which was unusual in Rwanda, their life was still controlled by their parents.

In this whole group of rich kids, Shema admired Manzi and Bill, Manzi because he was mature, caring and responsible even though he had a load burdensome insecurities in his gall bladder, he was also someone who knew how to live on his own without depending on his parents, he didn't enjoy luxuries like others in their company because from 20 years of age he started living off his hard earned money.

Bill because he had that carefree nature that he could smell his weed peacefully in front of a police station and he was a strong individual who handled the pressure of his parents with a flick of his fingers, he was once caught by his parent trying to feed their dog some pot saying that he needed to hold a conversation with someone high as him deciding the dog would handle it better than anyone.

Speaking of Bill, Bill's car which was trailing behind them wildly as the people inside the car but Bill's car came beside their car on the abruptly, Now because the road was narrow their filled the whole space that no car can pass them. Bill'so car was a black brand new open space Benz Mercedes while Shema's car was a dark blue rang rover.

Rita was taking endless videos such as Hughes videos because Hughes was sitting over the porch with a Malibu bottle in his left hand, for Hughes,it was unusual thing for him to be sober eight in the morning so now he was doing everything that could attract the cops like a simple fact that he was not wearing any belt at the speed Bill was driving on.

Hughes always had a new hobby and talent every month, last month he said that he felt like he was blessed with cooking talent and started a cooking show only to blow up the whole kitchen, that wasn't even epic when he decide that he was a descendant of Ruganzu II Ndoli, the legendary warrior king of Rwanda and engaged into street fights which made him stay in hospital for two weeks for his damaged balls or at least not embarrassing when he thought that he could draw better than Leonardo da Vinci and tried to open a gallery full of weird drawn cars which he convicted people that that was a new trending art form.

And now he was convinced that he had a telepathy with Bruno Mars where he could use his vocals and sing better and now ever dared to convince him otherwise.

At first,Shema was worried about how Ritah would react to the sitting arrangement because sitting with Hughes, apparently, Hughes had that inborn talent he never shed that made people regret their life decisions and to add to that nowadays she had a dumpy expression that she would give everyone that funny look as she didn't approve of something but right now she was making the best out of it laughing at Hughes who was making a fool out of himself.

Bill held his cigarette carefully between his fingers but everyone except Manzi and Shema knew that Bill smoke weed or uses cocaine, they were many secrets between the trio but shema was the one who had many secrets.

But who knows? everyone has their own secrets.

Bill waved maniacally to them as if to show him that they were already surpassing them, Shema smiled at the childish game they were trying to pull on. But other than trying to race in a narrow road on a supposedly lethal speed while drunk in the morning, what would you expect from rich spoilt kids who got their allowance and inheritance without a sweat?

Or a beating?

"I thought I advised you to tell your father to buy you a new car your car is so pathetic and slow as it's owner! Did he refuse? For God sake you are a president of a company you could buy a Lamborghini, I don't know why you always steep low" Hughes shouted loudly laughing at his own humorlessly joke, you could always trust Hughes to say rude comments freely with no remorse.

Shema snorted.

"At least, I know how to use and earn my personal finance unlike a peculiar person who can't even spell the name of a golddigger who emptied his pocket, did you say her name was Pamoa again?" Shema retorted with his fixed smile, Manzi snickered beside him.

"That's none of your business"Hughes replied, his cheeks turning a shade of. red because of embarrassment and anger.

"The same applies to you and thank you for your concern....maybe you should buy me one if you consider me as a charity case.... in your little pocket money dad provides" Shema replied drily.

Even if Hughes heard him he didn't reply because Bill decided to pull the car infront of them which annoyed Shema because his car was supposed to be infront as he was the one who knew direction and was in charge of everything.

He also pulled the car aside Bill's car so that he could surpass them but to his bad luck he almost hit a dark green corolla car, the car went forward it hit an eucalyptus tree beside the road.

Bill's and Shema's car stopped.

Out of the car stepped out a man who looked like he was in mid forties, he has fat belly, he had a bald head an he was very enraged as he glanced at his car.

"Nyagasani, uru rubyiruko rwubu,ubu rero mwibara mubazayobora igihugu izi mbecile nta ntubwo mugira ikinyabupfura muri ibyomanzi Tete vide Oh Lord,this kids nowadays you may even be fooling yourself that you will lead this country you are just imbecile you are impolite, YOU ARE WANTONS" the man spat out bitterly pointing his shaking finger in their direction in rage.

Hughes chuckled.

"Your highness, We will be polite if you grow a hair on that head or if the child you are carrying comes out of your belly"Hughes replied looking proud of his rude comeback. Everyone froze in their spot not wanting to add anything else to heat up the situation even more.

Shema signaled Bill to start the car because the man couldn't do anything to them as they were in a desserted road but stopped when he heard the next words.

"You.... rude bastards, you think this world is yours as you are rich spoilt kids If I don't sue you or call the police on you then I won't be Kalisa anymore" he added furiously right now as he removed his phone to tap something.

Bastards, that was the last straw for Shema. He hated the word bastard with his every 6 inches.

He got out off his car and headed toward the man.

He snatched the phone from his grip and smashed it on the ground, the man gasped in the surprise.

Shema removed his wallet from the his pocket and calmly removed a handful money of 5000 rwandan francs and handed it to the troubled man next to him.

"Take it"

The man just stared at him in amazement after realizing who he was talking to right now. Kabera Shema the famous son of Kabera augustin who is also the youngest rich person in Rwanda according to the fact that he had inherited his father's textile company at a young age of 18.

The man glanced behind Shema to also see familiar faces and cold sweat dropped on his head.

He was in trouble.

Shema smirked as he registered the shock in the man's expression,he took the man's hand forcefully and placed the wand of money in his hands.

"This is for your phone"

"I don't... need... it" The man tried to save his already shattered dignity." Because I am going to sue you, I can not let go of this insolence"

He threw the money on the ground.

"You should need it because this a warning" Shema came close to the man face and the man cowered back upon seeing the sinister smile " If you tell a soul that you saw any of us, I will make sure that the child you're carrying in your belly arrive in this world safely and know that I am watching you"

"Then do what? You....are not... above the law"the man managed to voice out but only came out as a whimper.

"Do you really want to sue us?" Shema held his eye contact "Because I may not be above the law but I am beside it"

The man gulped as the significance of his words sank in. He thought of his grounds even though he was right that the kids have overlooked the traffic laws but they would bring best lawyers and buy their way out and after all no one saw what happened.

"And for more, know your place, I am doing this because I am reasonable but no one there in that group, so collect yourself and flee, remember to watch your words" with that Shema stepped back with a victorious grin on his smile seeing the effect of his words on the poor man.

With a scoff, the man bent down and picked the scattered money.

The man muttered something under his breath like 'ntawuburana nu muhatse' 'none argue with their master' then entered his car.

Shema glanced in the car and saw the kid who was watching the scene unfold.

"Hey, kid tell your father to buy you some sweet and if I hear some birds ever singing about us I will make sure I turn you into that porcelain doll you are holding" the kid sulked in her seat.

The man started his car and left.

Shema waved in their direction before receiving a phone call.

He glanced at the smashed CCTV but didn't give it any consideration.

Manzi stared at Shema intently,the guy was always out of reach, none knew how his mind functioned, he was always joking but his life wasn't a joke. He was a genius mind that he was studying standard economy to get his master degree at Stanford University as he previously studied in Yale University.

He was absolutely a perfect guy, it was like every deity was in his favor, a perfect mind, a perfect social status, a perfect family, a perfect and desirable life position as the president of Jabana textile at his young age, he could get everyone on his side.

Manzi now wondered what was he thinking right now to dessert his studies and duties in the middle of summer to go to kivu while he could always do that anytime but then he concluded that with Shema you never knew.

After receiving the phone call, Shema came back wearing his same old smile totally ignoring curious stare boring into the back of his head.

He calmly entered the car and sat.

"What did you tell him to make him ran away like that?" Chloe broke the silence.

Shema glanced in the rearview mirror to face her "I told him who my father is and he cowered up"

"Just like....that?" Manzi asked skeptically.

Shema nodded.

"That easy?" Chloe started "Whenever I threaten people saying that my father would turn them into beggars they only laugh"

"I wonder why" Shema added sarcastically because of course no one ever takes Chloe's words serious even her parents.

Shema nodded "Well, this isn't funny anymore colliding with troubled people on the way wasn't what I hoped for and I think I have left my Id card and driving license and we can't risk running into policemen who would immediately call out parents what about passing through rural areas traveling on high speed as we want?" he asked loud enough for the others to hear.

"Totally in" Bill said as he was started the car. The others cheered. Shema also started the car all over again.

"I feel like we are turning into Tom cruise now, never have I been thrilled like this in my life" David added enthusiastically next to Linda who cringed.

Manzi's face paled as he took in what was about to happen,he hated danger, he looked at Shema with a look that said 'After this trip, I am going to make sure I turn you into a watermelon and feed you to your so called danger crazed friends'

As if he heard his best friend internal monologue, Shema chuckled and patted him on his shoulder.

"You are a masochist go to therapy" Manzi spat out as he buckled his seat belt tighter and leaned closer to the car to hold his balance.

"That's true, I have a tendency to prefer pain over pleasure" Shema replied sweetly.

"Now why do I feel like we will be kidnapped? First passing in rural routes and coming with no permission, at least I hope it turns into 365 days" Chloe exclaimed with a sigh.

"There's no mafia in Rwanda" Manzi replied.

" Tsk"

"Now let's get over with this" Shema said but more to himself than to others.

But what they were going to get was far from 365 days.

Just like that they raced to their fate.