
To Become The Best Adventure In A Fantasy World

John is an 18 year old skinny weak orphan. His dream is to be a strong adventure to explore the world and get a girlfriend. He doesn't have much hope given his circumstances. But he has a chance with the help of a few wishes from a genie. One of his wishes doesn't go as he wants though. Is there will be/is R-18 in the story. MC is not a playboy he will not go after any any girl there will be feelings between him and all the girls. I'm going to try and focus it more on the adventuring and character development. Right now I have an idea for 8 girls to join him. Each girl will be unique in body and personality. Cover photo not my own I am not much of a writer. I'm more of an idea person. I've always had issues getting my ideas written out. But I'm trying this anyways let's see how it goes. I have ideas for several fanfics but but I'm not sure if I can get that if I can get that written down. I can't think of the filler to go with the idea overall. If you're a writer and have interest in some of my ideas let me know and all right them in their own chapter under a different book call ideas

Beersman2412 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Ch. 3 Wishes

John woke up with Ariona crying on top of him. It took him a bit to remember where he was and what was going on. When he did he got up and tried to console Ariona. She kept "repeating I killed my master I killed my master."

To get her to calm down he asked her "What would happen to you if I actually died."

"I would be sucked back in to the lamp to wait for the next master." She sobbed out.

He stared at her with a deadpan expression until it finally dawned on her. Finally realizing that she didn't kill him, she dried her tears with a piece of her shear garment. Inadvertently exposing a nipple to him, he was lost for words again.

"Master would you like to make your first wish now?" She asked happily as if she wasn't just a second ago morning killing him with her breasts.

Regaining his senses after being thrown for a loop from everything that just happened. (Ariona smothering him with her chest, seeing her nipple and her erratic behavior.) John thought of and made a decision on his wishes.

"Ariona for my first wish, I wish for unlimited stamina in all things, mind and body."

Ariona immediately made a kissing face and blew a kiss at him. He could feel something in the air and suddenly he didn't feel tired anymore in any way.

"Ooo that's a good one master"

"Ya, now I can train, fight or really do anything and never get tired. I won't even need sleep."

John was very happy with his wish. He could keep getting stronger and stronger without the need for rest or sleep. He could fight for days, weeks, years or even longer along as he didn't take to bad of injuries. He would always be full of energy. He felt it now, having never felt so good in his life.

Feeling as good as he did and not really thinking it through John yelled out his second and third wishes.

"I wish to have a big and strong body. And I wish you were a free Ariona."

She immediately made the kissing face again. She blew one kiss towards him and one towards the lamp. John immediately felt an explosion of energy but he couldn't focus on that as his body started to grow. And grow it did. It didn't seem to be stopping.  5ft, 6ft, 7ft and finally stopping around 7ft8in tall. He was now looking down at Ariona. She was not paying attention to him as was so happy dancing around, now being free.

He started inspecting his new body. His arms were massive, bulging with muscles. He flexed and the veins bulged out. All he could think was that he was to big. He looked down… what the fuck was that.

He was currently naked due to the rags he was warring being ripped off with his rapped and massive size change.  His dick was HUGE. It had to be 12-13in long, very thick and vaney. On top of that he was soft. How big was it actually? Did he even want to know.

"Ariona!!!" He screamed. She didn't hear him as she was so happy that she was free. He yelled her name a few more times until she realized he was calling her.

"What is it mast… ummm, John."

And she was off in her happy little world dancing around again. She had realize she wasn't forced to call him master any more. Thus reaffirming her freedom.

 John was dumbfounded by how scattered she was. Her actions were all over the place. He started yelling her name trying to bring her back again. It took a while but she came around.

"Yes John." She said with a massive smile on her face, coming back to reality. He decided it was best to just start talking quickly before she was off her own world again.

"Ariona what did you do to my body!!"

"I made your body big and strong just like you wished."

"Not like this. I'm to big. I won't be able to fit through door or buildings easily. Not to mention this monstrosity." He said indicating the huge club between his legs. "How am I supposed to get a girlfriend with this thing. Anyone who even sees its outline will run screaming."

"Well John you weren't specific like your stamina wish. So the genie magic wasn't specific either. It did what you wished for. Your entire body got big and strong."

 John thought about it for a bit and realize it was his own fault. He was so excited and caught up with his new stamina, so he just yelled out his wish for his body and to free her. He didn't ask her for more details about how the wishes worked or how her magic works.

"Ariona can you change me to be more reasonable."

"I can not. The genie magic can't be reversed."

She paused for a bit and I was feeling depressed when she sed. "I can add to it and now that I am free I can do this for you." She suddenly moved forward, bent down and kissed the tip of my monsters dick. He felt a warm energy go through his penis. His dick got hard instantly and now it was truly monsters. He'd guess around 18in long and looking angry it was so thick and vaney.

Before he could ask what she did she stood up from his crotch and sed cheerily. "OK John thanks for freeing me. I'm going to explore the world with my new freedom. Bye and thanks again."

And with a poof of pink smoke she disappeared…