
To be with you, to the next

When being pushed to the limit, will one break or come out still in one piece? Does having supernatural power do good? When wielding powers that do not belong to a body that was not meant to hold it, will it shatter? Or will it create distortion to your very existence? Is the you now from the past or the future? Everyone changes with time. For their loved ones, their willingness to give up their lives. And to be with the one you love, one might go over and beyond dimension for them. Even I as the author of this fiction story wonders if there is an end.

Neol · Fantasi
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39 Chs

Award Ceremony

The event ended and all the classes assembled at the school hall. Joey went up on stage and said "Hello everyone, we will now start the award ceremony. Let us invite our school principal up on stage to give out the awards". The principal got up from his seat and went up on stage. "Now, let's start by announcing the winners for the obstacle course. In third place we have Class K1408, please send your class leader to receive the award".

After announcing the winners for the obstacle course, Joey continued with the winner of other events. "Now, I shall announce the winners in the soccer match. The winners are from Class B1204! Please send one of your teammates up on stage". Kristan pushed Ben to go up to take the award on behalf of the team. Sora said, "Go on. If not for you we wouldn't have won. You are the MVP for today". Ben quickly made his way up on stage. He received the award from the school principal and thanked him. He went up to Joey and said "Now, we can have ice cream" and left quickly.

Joey was surprised that Ben walked up to her just to say this. She smiled happily. He must have participated because he wanted the ice cream. But deep down in Joey's heart, she indeed liked Ben.

"Now we also have a special category, cheering competition! The judges have been going around listening to cheers and they decided. The winners are class B1204! According to the judges, the class had a unique cheer. It's like a fangirl cheer for their idols. Can we have the B1204 class leader come up on stage to receive their trophy".

Class B1204 girls were shocked that their cheer won them another prize. The entire class cheered. Joey who was going to end received another card from one of the teachers. "We have another special prize to give out, the prize is called Class Unity award. This award is for classes that showed the most unity and effort to support their classmates. The teachers decided on this category. Class K1401, please send a representative up".

Class K1401 knew they weren't going to win. But this sudden award, they can't help but be happy. "Liam, James you both go up. If not for you guys, I don't think we will be able to win anything today". Said one of Liam's classmates. Liam and James helped each other up the stairs to the stage. "Congratulation!" said the principal. Both Liam and James thanked the principal and went back to their class.

"That's the end of the award ceremony. Everyone will receive a certificate for today's event. Lastly, our school principal has something to say". The principal took over the mic and said "Good Job everyone, today I seen a lot of sportsmanship, team effort. I want to thank the teachers who set up the first aid area, the student's council, the news club and etc. Remember when I said that the winning class gets ice cream. Everyone did well, I believe everyone deserved some ice cream". The whole school cheered happily.

"That's the end of the ceremony, everyone is to wait in class for their ice cream. Class representatives select 5 students to collect the ice cream at the foyer. Those who cannot take dairy please tell your class rep so that they can collect non-dairy options for you. The student council will now dismiss you, listen to their instruction so that we can receive our ice cream fast".

Back at Sora's class, "Ben! I didn't know you can play so well. You should join us for next week's match." Said Gregg. Everyone was amazed at Ben's skill when he entered the field, the match was so fluid like a calm river. Not long, the ice cream arrived in their class. "Guys! The ice cream is here!" shouted Kristan. "You did a good job, Ben. Even a nerd like you have a hidden skill". Said Kristan.

After everyone cleaned up their classroom and throw away their trash. They were dismissed. They were informed that the rest of the week's classes will be held online, and they will collect their new school badge next week, the entire school will undergo repair during the week.

As school ended, a black car drove right up to the school gates. A butler came out and waited by the car door. Liam who was walking with James saw Butler Kei, bid farewell to James, and walk quickly to Butler Kei.

Butler Kei, bowed and greeted "Young master, did you have a great day?". "Grandpa Kei, today we have a sudden sport event!". Not long Sora also arrived at the car when he saw Liam and butler Kei. "Sora, are your parents rich?" said Kristan.

"Didn't you heard him mention that his mom is a vice president?", said Gregg. The group of boys shakes their heads at the fact of Kristan's selective hearing.

"Greeting you must be our young master's friends," said Butler Kei. "Nice to meet you!" greeted Sora's classmates. Butler Kei opened the car door and helped Liam to his child's seat. "Sora, you have a brother?" asked one of the boys. Sora pondered, he was not that close to Liam, they have the same mom but different father. But Xyleria is Liam's biological mom, and towards him, she is his god mom. "Is it that hard to answer?" asked another boy. The butler came up and answered for Sora "Yes, they are brothers. They live together in the same house. Their mom asked me to pick them up from school as she was busy".

Sora bid farewell to his classmates and butler Kei helped him fasten his child seat belt. The car drove off.

While back B1204 classroom, Ben was waiting for someone. He was worried that the ice cream might melt fast, not long Joey opened the classroom door. "Hey! You still here? I thought you went home already". Said Joey. Ben placed the cup of ice cream on Joey's desk and said "I hope my words didn't hurt you this morning. Sorry. I kept one ice cream for you, you didn't come back after the award ceremony so I kept one for you".

Joey was already surprised that Ben waited for her in class, when he always wait for her at least 10 meters away from the school gates, now that he kept an ice cream for her she was even surprised. Joey was happy, she smiled at Ben and said "Thank You! But I already had my share with my club members". Ben blushed and tried to take away the ice cream cup that he kept for Joey but was a step slower. Joey quickly snatched the ice cream and said "You gave it to me, you can't take it back!".

"Give it back since you ate, plus by now it's just melted ice cream". Joey opened the ice cream cover and saw that it really has melted and drink it down instead. Ben was speechless at what Joey did but was secretly happy that Joey smiled again. Joey and Ben packed their bags and went back home.

"Joey, aren't you going to throw away the rubbish?". Asked Ben. Joey who was holding onto the ice cream cup that Ben gave to her and said "It was a gift from you, how can I throw it away". Ben just shook his head and continued walking faster than Joey. Meanwhile, Joey was extremely happy, smiling like an idiot, and quickly ran up beside Ben as they go home together.

I may have inconsistent updates. But the least I can do is upload at least 3 chapters per week. Thanks for reading! On to the next chapter!

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