
To Be Everything

A high-school boy named "Ryūki". In his early life his dad died mysteriously in the "Tower" he makes a promise to his father that he would make it to the top of the tower!.

Ximis · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs

To Be Thankful

Ryūki wakes up, he is excited and jumps out of bed with a smile on his face.

"Aww Man! I can't wait for Matsubara to help me overcome my shyness!"

It seems at home his is a totally different person, he is a kind caring boy who likes to talk with his family a lot – At school he is shy and doesn't know how to talk to people without getting nervous.

Ryūki puts on his uniform and gets ready to leave the house.

"Mom! Keneko!... I'm leaving for school now.. I love you!"

"We love you too Ryūki.. have a good day!"

They both say to Ryūki.

He leaves, He is walking to school when he comes across Matsubara, he slowly walks up to her with a smile on his face.

"Hey Matsubara... good morning"

She looks at him with a surprised face.

"Wow look at you acting all confident.. you ready to make all kinds of new friends today and overcome your shyness?"

"I'm definitely ready"

He said with a big smile.

Eventually they both make it to school – they walk into the classroom together and Matsubara walks up to one of her friends, he name is Kaya Aiko, she is not very well know around the school but she still does have lots of friends, Kaya is smart and likes to study. She has blond hair and dark brown eyes and she often wears a big black bow in her hair.

Matsubara brings up Ryūki and tells him to introduce himself.

"I-i im.. I'm Ryūki Shiro, I look f-forward to talking to you."

He looks down at his feet in fear of being rejected

It's like all of Ryūki confidence had went all the way down again, he wasn't all bright like he was this morning, the second he talked to Kaya he immediately went back to being all shy and scared.

"Hello I'm Kaya Aiko, Nice to meet ya!"

She says with a kind and welcoming voice

"H-huh?... I wasn't rejected?"

He said with his eyes wide open and a shocked face

"See I told you Ryūki, meeting people and talking to them isn't as hard as you think, you just need to be more confident with yourself."

Said Matsubara leaning down at him with a smile on her face.

"Now... I want you to meet someone new by yourself Ryūki... I did say I was going to push you out of your comfort zone right?... right I did didn't I. Well good luck out there, I'm rooting for you"

As Ryūki hears what she is saying he is in complete shock mode, he is as still as a statue and as pale as a ghost.

"Uhm... Are you okay Ryūki?"

Said Kaya with a worried and confused fave.

"Yeah you okay there buddy?"

Ryūki is still the same.

"Hey snap out of it!"

He won't move or acknowledge her... Matsubara gets mad...

"I said... SNAP OUT OF IT!"

She slaps the side of his head really hard


Ryūki suddenly comes back to life...

"i-i think I was dead or something?"

"You weren't dead you were just in shock when I said you have to meet someone new by yourself idiot"

Said Matsubara in a frustrated tone.

"O-oh that makes snese... sorry about that you two."

Ryūki stood there with a sad expression on his face.

"It's okay"

Kaya said with a smile on her face.

"I actually thought it was pretty funny"

Ryūki look at Kaya with a weird face, he had never heard someone say that to him before and his heart start to rave fast.

"O-oh you thought it was funny haha?"

He had a nervous laugh at the end

"Yeah... it was pretty cute and weird, it's kind of refreshing to have people like you around."

Ryūki blushes as he hears this.

"I really hate to crash the flirting but could we please focus on getting you to fix your social problem?"

Matsubara says with a uninterested face.

"Hey! we were not flirting!"

Kaya and Ryūki say at the same time.

Matsubara looks at them in a teasing way.

"Woah... already copying each other's sentences... it almost as if it was meant to be between you too~"

"Hey shut up Matsubara!"

Said Ryūki with a mad face, Ryūki seems to be starting a scene again. People in the classroom are watching them both argue.

"Could you two both stop it!?"

Said Kaya while looking at them with a mad face... she seemed super serious, Ryūki and Matsubara both stopped clean in there tracks.

"Sorry ma'am!..."

Matsubara and Ryūki say at the same time while look scared for there lives.

"That's what I thought, Now... Ryūki how about you go and try to make a new friend all by yourself okay?"

Said Kaya with a smirk on her face, Ryūki looks at her confidently.

"I understand... I think my shyness has went away a bit well.. hm.. look over there, I'll get him to be my new friend."

He points his finger at the boy as he says that,They both look at Ryūki with a weird and surprised face.

"That weird loner kid!?"

Matsubara said while still looking confused.

"Yes!... thats right"

Ryūki said with a smile on his face.

"Okay then, good luck."

Kaya says with a little smirk on her face.

Ryūki thanks both of them for wishing him luck – He walks towards the "Weird loner" kid in the back corner of the classroom.

Ryūki is now right in front of him, The kid looks up at him.

"Hey there... I was wonder if you wanted to become friends?"

Ryūki says while smile and being very nice and respectful.

"No. Why would I want to be friends with a loser like you?"

Ryūki jumps back with a super shocked face, he wasn't expecting to get rejected so hard or even at all.

"W-what the hell?!"

"What's wrong?... I didn't say anything rude did i?"

The boy says with a innocent looking face.

"Yes! You told me "No. Why would I want to be friends with a loser like you".

He said while stomping up and down like a monster trying his best to impersonate his voice.

"O-oh... I don't remember that sorry?"

The boy seems to be trying to act like he doesn't know but he knows fulls well what's he is doing.

At this point Ryūki is pretty irritated, he slams his hands on the desk with force, the boy jumps back a little and his eyes widen with fear.


"STOP acting so innocent!"

The boy slightly looks down to the point where you could only see his mouth, He has a big grin on his face.

"You right kid!... maybe you're not such a loser after all!"

Says the kid.

Ryūki smirks at him.

"Good to know... now does that mean we're friends now?"

"Sure, you impressed me with your force, I like it."

Ryūki holds out his hand.

"Good now let's shake on it."

Ryūki says with a evil grin on his face.

"Hey! Guys look I made a friend all on my own!"

He jumps up and down and runs up to Matsubara and Kaya, the way he was acting just suddenly disappeared, the boy looked at him with a confused face but accepted it.. Ryūki's evil acting personality was just acting.

"Thank you too!... I'm thankful that you helped me and pushed me to go make a friend on my own."

This is my second chapter, I'm not sure if I'm doing well but I think I am, anyways, I'm always greatful to whomever reads this. thanks you


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