We start with an everyday cosplaying otaku walking down the street and boom truck kun ! (No one expected that) and when he awakes he is given wishes now let's see if he can live up to her legend ?
Heyoo author is here sorry if anyone thought "woooah two chapters in 1 day she must be crazy ?!" We your wrong sorry I made this to ask some questions
1. Which of my stories do you prefer ? To be a leader or Following Shield (personally I enjoy "To be a leader" more)
2. Is there anyway I could improve my writing style to make it less confusing ?
3. If I make another story would you also read it ? And if so what would you like to see (it'll be a genderbender probably with fate series somewhere in there)
4. Have you had a good day ?
I'm sorry once again if anyone thought this was a chapter but I just had some questions on my mind lately and thought I'll get more answers here than making an announcement