
The Rhino, The Pig, And The Turtle

Shredder wasn't happy that they didn't take the infant turtle from Venus-like he originally planned after telling her. No matter, he would make sure that nothing else happened other than things were going to be going as planned. Once the helicopter landed on the roof of the Sacks building where they would be able to continue making sure that things would be stopped this time. Sack and his team were working on the female mutant's blood to see how it would cause the side effects on a person. Mixing the DNA of a rhino with the mutagen walking over to one of the captures they had been doing in secret.

Injecting the person with this was the missing piece of the puzzle was a successful mutation with animal and human DNA. The person changed into a rhino, and his friend had been changed into a warthog, knowing that this would change the world, thinking it would be something new. The duo was excited about their new appearance since it was different, and they were happy with it. Honestly, they took this whole mutation thing better than most people, which wasn't something that he was excepting. Shredder figured they could be their new muscle for taking down the turtles, thinking about things that would be different for them.

"Rock, this is just awesome that we are like this now," Bebop said with excitement, knowing that this was just crazy they were animals now.

Rocksteady nodded before he looked back at Bebop, "Yeah, I know Be this is just something we are going to get used to."

Shredder sighed in annoyance. They were even more of a nuisance than they were in their human forms, but they were going to have to do. At least the first trial run of the mutation was a success considering that he planned to disperse it throughout the city. Changing the city's citizens into mutants would be something that he needed to create a mutant army against his enemies. The main objective was to make sure that things were to be on schedule with taking over this city, knowing that everything must not go astray. For it would have all have been for nothing, all of his planning and work put into this would have been a waste of time and resources. Sacks soon made enough the mutation though they also went far to create it into a vaporized gas that was odorless and could scatter without being detected.

The effects would be the same as the liquid; Shredder smirked devilishly about everything, finally going to plan this time though he always assumed victory before he actually won. It was always his downfall; in the end, he couldn't this time knowing that everything was close to taking the form of his plans of the city becoming his. Things were going how he had planned them up until the alarm system went off, wondering what was going on. One of his men to check the security footage with his face turning grimace upon seeing the turtles along with their friend Ms. O'Neil. He had to act quickly, telling Sacks that he needed to ensure that this lab was secure while he took the "cure" with him to the rooftop. Rocksteady and Bebop were sent to the lobby level, where the enemy had been located, getting excited with their time to shine.

A few hours earlier....in the turtle's lair.....

Donnie figured out where Shredder and Sacks had been hiding, which was in plain sight. Surprised, he hadn't figured it out sooner but later worked just as good though he made sure that he would tell the others calling him into his lab.

"You found something out, Donnie," Leo asked while the others filed into Donnie's lab.

Donnie relaxed before explaining, "Well, I discovered where Shredder and Sacks have been hiding since we last fought. After saving Venus, I placed a turtle tracker on Shredder's armor without noticing during the fight. Now I finally know where they are at the Sacks building, which is where they are going to bring out the unleash the toxin over the city."

The others listening to Donnie telling them about where Sacks and Shredder were at the Sacks building this whole where they had been completing their plans.

"Let's rock 'n' roll boys and girls, to stop Shredder and Sacks for good this time," Leo said, heading towards the battle shell.

The turtles and April filed into the battle shell with Donnie driving behind the wheel, thinking about how this would play out this time.

The present time is happening now.

Once inside the building, they were stealthy sneaking around while Donnie and April were hacking into the computers to find out where Sacks and Shredder were located. Mikey ended up tripping a motion sensor alarm causing the others to look over in his general direction shaking his head.

"Idiot," Raph said to his little brother, shaking his head.

Leo knew that they had to split up now, knowing that the others would be sending the Foot Soldiers to their location. Venus got an uneasy feeling about what would soon follow with this whole new situation that was happening, thinking that Shredder probably figured out the mutation by now. Rocksteady and Bebop entered the lobby seeing the turtles standing there, thinking that this was really interesting wondering what they would be like? Mikey nodded at Bebop and Rocksteady, thinking that the mutants were really awesome looking never seen ones like them before.

"Dude, way to bring back the mohawk good for you," Mikey said to Bebop.

Bebop looked over to Rock, "He's trying to intimate us, Rock."

"Well, he won't talking like that for long Be," Rocksteady said back to his buddy.

Rocksteady and Bebop engaged at them though Donnie protected April taking her to the room. They were all in where the security cameras are to find Sacks and Shredder. At the same time, the others would take on the two new mutants knowing that Shredder was going to using the mutation to change the people in the city. They needed to stop them since they couldn't allow Shredder's plans to happen since it wasn't something they would ever let happen. Rocksteady and Bebop weren't the brightest of the Foot Clan though they weren't short on muscle and fighting.

Since Shredder knew they would help be a distraction for the turtles to start working on the plans that he had in place. Venus thought the part was worse than Mikey though she really couldn't say much about the young turtle since he did have some brains. Thinking about what to do, she knew that this was going to be an interesting fight though Karai ended up showing up and had a score to settle with her. Leo and the others noticed Karai though he needed to stop the two mutants calling themselves Rocksteady and Bebop.

"You three worry about the mutants. I'll deal with Karai," Venus ordered before the boys could be saying anything; she engaged at Karai, taking out her katana.

Leo got concerned about her thinking it wouldn't be a good idea, but he knew that she could hold her own in a fight.

Raph looked at Leo, "Hey, Fearless Leader, you need to get your head out of the clouds and help us out here."

Hearing Raph shout at him breaking him from his thoughts with him pulling out his weapons along with the others. Engaging at two mutants knowing that the mutation worked, worried about what Shredder and Sacks planned on doing to the city. Of course, they found out they would infect the city with a deadly virus but would the mutation change them into mutants or something else? Venus huffed though she kept herself strong-willed to not give up on this since she didn't want to have the enemy win. Karai didn't show signs of stopping any time soon because she knew that Venus' help with her master's plans was perfect. Darkly smirking at her, wiping the blood dripping from her bottom lip from a punch Venus inflicted on her during their fight.

"Give up for your head would look nice on my wall, turtle," Karai taunted her engaging at her to continue the fight.

Venus growled, blocking her attack, "You know I won't just like the last time we fought each other for I'm a warrior, and I won't lose to the likes of you."

Karai groaned when Venus high kicked her in the gut, coughing before making a grimacing face at Venus. This time, going at Venus again, she used her shinobi powers, which shocked Karai being sent into a wall knocked out cold. Satisfied with the fight, Venus turned her attention to April and Donnie, wondering if they located the Shredder and Sacks yet?

Meanwhile, Rocksteady and Bebop looked around for the turtles since they had disappeared though they were hiding coming with a plan. Leo knew that they were dumb, but they were still stronger than them and needed a different way to take them out. Thinking quickly, Leo told Mikey to be a distraction while Raph and himself went to take them both out. Mikey, of course, had his skateboard in their general direction with Rocksteady and Bebop noticing them.

"What up, Bebop and Rocksteady! You know those names sound like an 80's rapper names," Mikey said while skateboarding around them.

Bebop and Rocksteady starting going off in his direction, unaware of Raph and Leo were stealthy; they're over to them. Mikey continued to dodge them while getting them annoyed they weren't landing a hit on the turtle only to get kicked in the back by Leo and Raph. It didn't prevent Leo from fighting Bebop and Rocksteady fighting Raph; Mikey continued to help out both of his brothers. Together they stopped the mutants trapping them in a shipment crate with a bomb Rocksteady had only with it going off with them in it. They were still fine passing out; Leo, Raph, and Mikey were heading to the security room to see if Donnie and April found their enemies' location yet?

"Donnie, April, where's Sacks and Shredder," asked Venus them while looking at the cameras.

Donnie looked up at Venus nodded, "Yeah, we did Shredder's on the roof while Sacks is on the 31st floor. I've disabled the security system."

Leo, Raph, and Mikey were told while April to head up to the 31st floor to get Sacks while the turtles and Venus went to stop Shredder.