
New Mutate Turtle

Venus could not believe this; her only family in this world moved back to their home country. Now she left even more alone than ever. First, she was turned into a humanoid turtle, second, now living in the Manhattan sewers, and third, can't tell anyone about it because they would call her a freak. All Venus wanted was to try and live everyday life without any more surprises in her life. That was wishful thinking, for what Venus didn't know living in the very sewers were four mutant ninja turtles just like her and a mutant rat for their father and Sensei. Venus could not go back empty-handed, for Mimi needed some food for she didn't care about herself right now. Venus headed back to rooftops hoping there was a garden on one of them at least; unfortunately, there wasn't.

Heading back to the sewers with nothing, she heard some movement behind her. Venus stopped to turn around; see nothing was there, but she still sensed a presence. She always held her bow and arrow underneath her cloak, waiting for the figure to come closer. When it did, Venus quickly turned around to see another humanoid turtle standing in front of her wearing an orange ninja mask, gray hoodie wrapped around his waist, Nike shoes, baby blue eyes, sea-green skin, and two nunchakus coupled to his belt. She lowered her bow and arrow, putting them away, for she thought she was the only humanoid turtle running around.

The orange masked turtle looked behind him, shouting, "Bros, it's all good; she's cool and surprisingly not afraid of us."

The orange masked turtle had a surfer accent, which Venus thought was strange. Venus watched three other dark figures climbing down the water tower, walking out into the moonlight to see they too were turtles. The three turtles were taller than the orange masked turtle. The purple-masked turtle was third tallest though it was shorter than the red-masked but about the same height as the blue-masked turtle. He had olive green skin, brown eyes, Adidas shoes, techno gear strapped on him, gray framed glasses with tape covering the nose piece, and a bo staff.

The blue-masked turtle was the second tallest but a couple of inches shorter than the red-masked turtle, battle armor, had forest green skin, gold eyes, and two katanas. The red mask turtle was taller than the others, more muscle mass than the others, dark brown eyes, emerald-green skin, had a toothpick in his mouth, black framed sunglasses on top of his head, and twin sais coupled to his belt. She was excited she was not alone and hoped they would be her new friends.

"Who are you," asked the blue-masked turtle.

Venus looked at them, saying, "I could ask you four the same question."

"Cute, but my brother asked you because you were ready tried to shoot shell for brains over here," said the red-masked turtle with the stronger Brooklyn accent.

"Look, I'm sorry about pulling my weapon out on your brother, but I've had the worst day to top all worst days. I don't know this right now," said Venus jumping off the roof the running down the alley.

Venus knew they were following her and knew she could not run a ninja though she would have to get back to her lair to see if Mimi was okay. She went back onto the rooftops jumping on and off, climbing onto the water tower, sticking to the shadows. Venus saw them looking for her, but they went off the building. She knew they were toying with her. Knowing they would make a jump for her as soon as Venus moved and knew they weren't going to show themselves in broad daylight to humans. Luckily for her, she had a cloak covering her whole body for no one to see her figure. Unfortunately, Venus had no smoke bombs or pellets to escape from this sticky situation. She waited until daylight was rising; she saw them coming out of their hiding places this time rushing to the sewers.

She waited until the sun came up fully until she went into the alley, making sure no one watched her go down into the sewers. She didn't sense anyone until she headed towards her lair and walked right past it to throw them off. She didn't say anything but waited until one of them grabbed her shoulder. She grabbed the hand and arm, throwing them off her shell onto their back. It was the red-masked turtle who was behind her this time and quite frankly deserved what he got. The others were behind her, snickering at their brother being taken out by her. He got up from his beat down by Venus and got angry at his who were laughing at what happened.

"What is it with guys not taking a hint when a woman walks away from them," asked Venus.

The red-masked turtle walked over to his brother, hinting at the anger in her voice and not wanting to be her punching bag again just in case she wanted to hit something close by her. They looked at each other, knowing it was wrong but wanted to know why she was in the sewers anyway.

"Why were you following us," asked the red-masked turtle with his arms folded.

Venus snickered, saying, "Don't flatter yourselves. I live down here, and you four haven't stopped following since the rooftops."

"Look, we just want to know why you were hostile to our brother," asked the purple masked turtle.

"The only reason I would ever be hostile is when psycho nerds like you four are following me," answered Venus, frustrated.

"Woah, we're not psychos or nerds well except for our brother over here," explained the red-masked turtle, frustrated.

"Oh really, well, only psychos continuously look for someone, and you were still following me. You know, ninjas, you're not good at keeping a low profile," explained Venus, frustrated.

"Listen, we're sorry for making you hostile, but who are you? We've never seen you before," explained the blue-masked turtle.

Venus rolled her eyes under her hood, letting out a sigh, saying, "My name is Venus De Milo; I'm 17, grew up in Japan but moved to New York to live with my aunt and uncle. However, that was short-lived when something happened to me. There you boys happy now, geez."

"Nice to meet you, Venus; I'm Michelangelo," introduced the orange masked turtle with the surfer accent.

"I'm Leonardo," introduced the blue-masked turtle.

"I'm Donatello," introduced the purple masked turtle.

"I'm Raphael," introduced the red-masked turtle.

"Venus, I know I'll be asking a touchy subject, but what happened to you for you to take refuge in the sewers," asked Donatello nervously.

"Well, it's too horrible and confusing for me to explain," said Venus hoping for the subject to change.

"It can't be more horrible than Mikey over here," joked Raphael.

"Hey, I'm not horrible. I'm the pretty one," said Michelangelo smiling.

Raphael rolled his eyes at Michelangelo's remark.

Venus was too nervous about showing them, but she knew they were right about it not being worst to understand about looks.

"Well, it's not something I can tell you but show you," said Venus.

Venus pulled her hood off her head to reveal her proper form with them wide-eyed, and she pulled it back on because they were staring plus she was always shy around people.

"Dude, there's another turtle beside us," said Michelangelo stating the obvious.

"Gee, you think, she's standing right in front of ya shell for brains," said Raphael smacking Mikey in the back the head.

"Ow," moaned Mikey rubbing his head.

"Venus, you don't have to hide. I mean, we're all turtles here," explained Donatello.

"It's nothing personal I've always been shy around people I've never met before," explained Venus.

"Well, you know us, we're the other turtles who are your friends," said Mikey, friendly.

"Plus, you weren't shy when you were about to shot Mikey there," explained Raph.

"I'm not used to my new form yet," explained Venus, nervous.

"Venus, I think you look beautiful, doesn't she guys," asked Mikey.

The others nodded their heads in agreement this one time agree with Mikey because Venus was beautiful.

She finally pulled the hood off her head again, looking at her, and she uncoupled her weapons, placing them on the ground.

She untied the cloak rolled up in a ball, holding it in her hands.

The guys looked at her wearing a light blue ninja mask she had braided, delicate evergreen skin, emerald eyes, bow and arrow along with a katana blade, lightweight blue fabric tied around her wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles.

She wore a golden heart-shaped locket around her neck, and her waist was a maroon-colored fabric with the yin and yang symbol in the middle.

Her cheeks were turning red from them, staring at her, and they stopped staring.

"Venus, where are you staying," asked Leonardo.

"Well, right here," she said, pointing behind them.

She grabbed her weapons while she walked past them, opening the gate to her new home, walking in rushing over to Mimi to make sure she was okay. The guys walked in, amazed by her family, which was different from their home. They walked around, seeing there were only two rooms, which were her dojo and bedroom. The turtles looked over to her, seeing in her hand was another turtle but not mutated like they were.

"Who's your friend," asked Mikey.

"This is Mimi, my friend. I had her since I was 12 years old, and I didn't want to leave her behind when this happened," explained Venus holding her friend in her arms.

"Venus, how did you turn into a mutate turtle," asked Don.

"Well, it happened on Friday; ironically enough, it was down pouring that day too. Anyway, I was walking home from school waiting at the crosswalk when a semi-truck turned around the corner, and someone was crossing the street; the truck honked the horn. The truck started swerving the man pulled onto the sidewalk just before the truck hit him. I heard something break in front of me but focused on the accident. The police showed up asking us all the questions about what they saw, and I came home late. However, I wasn't in trouble because they were talking about it all over the news. I went to my room, taking off my backpack and cloak walking over to Mimi's aquarium, taking her out, and reading one of my books. When I put her back, I saw some strange glowing liquid on the bottom of my cloak. I wipe it off only to feel my hands were on fire, and I was rubbing arms, hoping to get the feeling back into my hands. Though it only made it worst, the pain spread throughout my whole body. I ended up blacking out, then waking up to find myself turned into a humanoid turtle," explained Venus.

"Guys, it sounds like the ooze that Eric Sacks had injected us with which mutated us," explained Don.

"What are you talking about Donatello," asked Venus curiously.

"Well, it's a long story Venus which happened in a genetics lab because we were originally turtles and Master Splinter who's a rat. He trained us in the Art of Ninjitsu for 17 years," explained Don.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me," asked Venus?

They explained that they were used as guinea pigs for an experiment to be injected with a deadly virus into their bodies ooze immune them. Mr. 'O' Neil had discovered the nature of Sacks' accurate plan and set the lab on fire. They explained Mr. 'O' Neil's daughter April rushed into the lab and saved them, carrying them to the sewers. The turtles were drawn to the outside world's pop cultures, but Splinter made sure they never went topside.

Splinter taught himself how to do ninjutsu, then they followed his movements, which they lived and breathed martial arts. They explained how they met April and Vern, how they foiled Sacks' and the Shredder's plans of mutating the city. After the turtles explained everything to Venus, leaving her speechless. She started to feel more comfortable around her new mutant friends who happened to be training in the same art as her except for being a Shinobi.

"We need to take you to Master Splinter," explained Leo.