
Change 7

Title: Crazy Nanny

(swears, I'm not a gay)

Tracy snow

It's already after a day and we haven't found a solution. I couldn't even find any other way to provide money.

"Aunt...actually, I met Mrs Crew" I said.

I think I need to tell her.

"Diamonds?" She asked

I nodded.

"Wow! How did you manage to meet someone like her?" Aunt asked in stun.

Not everyone knows what she looks like, even though she had been to Aunt's restaurant, aunt didn't recognize her.

"It's a long story....she wants me as a nanny for her kids" I explained


"She promised to let me attend the same school with her sons and also pay me well" I added

"Did you agree to it?" She asked

"No, I didn't like the idea of being a nanny" I said.

"It's okay, I will leave the decision for you to make and I promise to accept it" She said

She is so considerate.

"I think I'll have to go for it" I said finally

She turned to me with surprise.

"Are you for real?" She asked

"It's a nice idea, I can return to school, pay your debt and we can start all over again" I said

She smiled

"I agree with you"




I sat down patiently in the restaurant, honey foods, where Mrs Crew and I agreed to meet.

I called her, thanks to her business card which I have in my possession. I then saw a figure like her entering the restaurant.

I waved my hand to give her a signal that I'm here.

She smiled and walked towards me then she sat.

"Sorry, I'm late" She said

"it's okay" I said

"I'm surprised you called me back, because you seemed so determined" She said

"Thanks anyway" She said with a smile

I nodded

"But the conditions remain the same" I said moving straight to the point.

"Yes, but you will have to be staying at our place" She said

I sighed

"Okay, but...can I get the money now, I promise to resume tomorrow, I'm in an urgent need of money" I said

She gave me a short stare

"Okay" She said