
Timeless: Love Lost in the Darkness (BL)

Fifteen years have gone by since the day where one life was sacrificed to save the life of another. Lixin was born into a well-off family with everything he could have needed. The only exceptions were his cold-hearted father and his two-faced stepmother. The only light in his dark and gloomy world was his childhood friend from next door. They were practically stuck to each other like glue. One day, Lixin’s actions caused his world to fall apart. He lost nothing, but at the same time, he lost everything. Author’s Note: Although it does not seem like it, it is a BL story with a decent amount of sweetness. I might change the description/blurb later on. Feel free to leave comments on what I can improve on or need to change! Rather than having an editor, all y’all can be my editor! I’m also taking requests for plots since I am planning on making this a long story. A little about me: Hardcore BL fan! Loves seggsy stuff, but isn’t comfortable with writing about them yet so this might be shounen ai rather than yaoi! This author-nim is pretty busy and broke as poop… Will try to post maybe twice a week if I can stay on track! I'm also a noob writer, so I'll be slowly adjusting my writing! Any artists that want to help out and make me a cover would be greatly appreciated. DM me for how I want my male leads to look hehe. Twitter: @mogul_crimson I’m also gauging interest as of now to see if I want to continue so please give me some positive reinforcement to keep me going!!!

The_Mogul · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

A Guest

Lixin was in patient room 214. He was kneeling beside the bed, holding onto the unconscious man's hand.

It was a terrifying sight looking at the man. He was hooked up to various machines. Beeping sounds filled the room. Despite his situation, his face looked peaceful, as if he was only in a nap.

{Knock knock}

The door opened. Yuze came in with Junfeng right behind him. He was holding onto a tray with food.

Everyone had been trying to convince Lixin to eat. Even his adoptive parents, Guiying and Zihan, had come back from their brief anniversary trip to get him to eat. However, it was to no avail.

General Commander An even tried his old tricks, but because Lixin saw the condition of his Yu gege, it didn't work. They had to hook him up to an IV to get the nutrients he needed to survive. Because Lixin didn't respond to anything, they did not have trouble inserting the needle into him.

"Lixin, eat something." Yuze set the food on the table next to the bed.

Lixin didn't respond.

Seeing the situation of his commander, Junfeng shed a tear. In his memory, Lixin was brave and quick-witted. Although he doesn't show much emotions, he was kind and considerate to others. Now looking at the thin and frail man, Junfeng couldn't connect him to the strong Lixin in his memories.

Yuze shook his head. "Lixin. The food is right next to you if you ever feel like eating. If you need anything, let Junfeng or I know."

Yuze indicated to Junfeng that they should go. Before Junfeng left, he took a last glance at Lixin and softly closed the door.

Lixin never responded. He was in a world where it was just him and his Yu gege. What no one was aware of was that there had been another person in the room the entire time.

It was a lady with raven black locks with ample bosoms. She had fair skin with a white sundress and a boater hat.

The lady had been observing Lixin from a distance for the last couple of years. She had been sitting on the window ledge for the last three days since Yufei was transported to the hospital room.

She had seen enough. "Lixin."


"LIXIN!" Contrary to her gentle image, the lady raised her voice.

Seeing how Lixin still didn't respond. She jumped off the ledge and walked towards him. When she was right behind him, she… BONKED Lixin on the top of his head with her fist.

"AYO." The lady placed her hands on her waists. She looked at the slumped over man. "Listen to me, kiddo. I can help you save him."

The lady waited for a response. It took a hot second, but Lixin slowly lifted his head up.

His face was pale and lifeless. He turned around and looked at the lady.

"Save him. P…please…" Lixin was desperate. He was willing to do anything to save Yu gege.

"I don't need anything from you." The lady smiled. "I just pity you."

Hallo. I've been busy this week, so this is kind of a short chapter. To make up for it, I will release a longer chapter next time!!!

NGL, my sleep schedule has been messed up, so I am dead tired, but pretty excited, too! Hehe. Not gonna tell y'all y.

Anyways, if I make any mistakes, feel free to LMK. I am open to suggestions and criticisms.

Have a blessed day!!!

The_Mogulcreators' thoughts