

Slightly wind blowing, horns of the vehicle, sound of machines and constructions and jenny noticing all these and walking on the footpath says to herself " why is this place so crowded and noisy? " kylie her friend beside her walking with her replies " jenny its because people want luxury life everyone is busy in making their life better, no one cares about others here in this world." To this jenny replies yaa I know kylie I wish we would go back to the time where nature was clean and people didnt want luxury life and spent their time with their family and loved once! jenny don't be silly! its not going to happen and you know that, dont wish for impossible things just come out of your dream. They continued their conversation and had a walk in their city. by the time it was evening and had to return to their home. jenny dropped her friend and was walking alone on the streets of her city, while walking she notices a street which was so silent and had no vehicle nor any buildings! she enters into that street and sees their is no one on that street but a small shop of candies. she enters that shop and sees it was so old shop with so much dirt, looks like no one visited it in a while. Then suddenly she sees a old lady asking her what do you want pretty lady? with a soft voice jenny replied I dont want anything old lady I was just passing by and saw your shop, but why is it so empty there's no one here and you alone? To this old lady replied " its my husband's shop which I don't want to sell, he left me while I was so young and from then I took care of this shop but now I have become so old to look after it, I need someone to take care of this shop, can you do it for me? old lady questioned jenny with sligh tears in her eyes. Jenny in confusion voice asked me? but how can I take care of this I dont know anything about this shop and I have my own things to do i cant do it and then jenny just run from their but she sees the shutter of the shop is closed and she can't open it she tells old lady to open it but their is no response she looks back but their was no one behind she runs and searches for that old lady and go inside the shop and sees its so big than it looks from outside! their were steps to get upstairs and she goes their, as she gets upstairs , stdown. starts increasing she cant see whats up thier she just climb and go on climbing now she was scared but won't stop she goes on climibing. It feels like she is climibing the stairs since a month and one day she sees a strong white light flashes her eyes and she falls down. suddenly a deep strong voice saying who are you? Are you an alien? when she looks up there she sees soldiers with swords on horse and gets scared. she replies I dont know how did I come here and what is this place with small voice and scared voice she says I want to go back!! they tie her up and says take her to the palace let king decide this what is she. she is being taken to palace and they put her into the bars. she is now afraid and confused what was happening and who are this people? suddenly she hears voice of soldiers saying king of calimorta king of all kings great sebastian is coming!! she hear the voice of shoes of soldiers and now she thinks they are coming to kill me because they think I am an alien oh god please save me! she closes her eyes and pray and then she hears a strong but soft voice we are sorry for the trouble my lady! she slowly opens her eye and see a tall and wide man standing infront of her with shiny eyes, black silky hair's, with light beard face, soft pink lips, wearing some kind of traditional clothes and shoes made of leather holding a sword in one hand wearing a crown on head and giving her one hand! she slowly lifts her hand thinking whether to give him hands or not then she give her hand to him and he lifts her up and says I am sorry for the experience you had my soldiers thought you are an alien but they didnt knew whom they were talking with! they were talking to their future queen! she was shocked and says me and future queen! what are you saying? yes my lady you heard it right you are our queen and I am king lf this kingdom. she was shock and didnt knew what to say with big confused eyes she said I want to go home back. king smiled and said dont worry I will take you thier my lady first let me introduce you to my kingdom. He holds her hands and take her out to his palace . she was amazed to see that palace as it was so amazing with big rooms, beautiful corridors, soldiers standing in a line, butterflies flying all around, birds singing, lovely smelling flowers, beautiful decoration made and then the most beautiful chair of king and queen. He takes her to that chair and make her to sit thier and announce meet you queen.....the queen of calimorta the beautiful lady gazel! To this softly she replied my name is jenny not gazel! king laughed and said from now you are my gazel.