
Who is Elisa?

After waking up both Elisa and Robert looked at each other and said sorry . By chance Robert looked at the doller Elisa wearing . Robert felt the doller was familiar . So he decided to follow her . She entered into a tunnel in the taxi and Robert car was following it coming out of the tunnel the car came out but Robert in the car was dead. Elisa asked the taxi driver to stop the taxi . Goes back to the car and looks at Robert's dead body and gets shocked . She immediately informs to the police . The police comes over there and starts taking the details about the murder . In the postmotrem it is known that Robert died because of cyanide . The forigen police calls Robert's parents and informs the news . The news soon speeds the media .

The next day morning Hyena and Arthur comes to the office in the office there are staff whispering . Hyena asks Sam what happend . Sam says I will find the news . Mean while zayan comes and switch on the news . The news says Robert was murdered in the forgein country and there were no suspects the only one who can help this case move forward was a women anf she is at present missing. Listening to the news Arthur and Hyena starts crying. Hyena says I should have not have induced revenge in Robert. I think he went to that country in order to k ow about the death of Suzy . Arthur tries to comfort her but Hyena couldn't hold her tears . she started blaming her self . Arthur says first we need to know about the girl who was the witness in this case we need to know weather she is a witness or a suspect . Hyena nodes her head while tears falling down . That was a shock to both Hyena and Arthur.

Zayan and Sam were talking in the corridor . Sam asks I don't think she will be fine with thus news . Zayan said yes . zayan says tomorrow I am going to that country to investigate the case of Robert. Sam says I don't think that is safe for you let me come along with you . zayan said no you know I won't let you any danger that was the promise I made during our proposal . Sam says but I think that country is too dangerous for people like us so please let me join you so that I can atleast stay calm . Zayan smiles and say you are safe here but you can't be calm you want to get into danger and search for peace of mind. Sam says then what am I supposed to do . Zayan catches the cheek of Sam and wipes the tears and says wait for me I will definitely come in one piece. Sam hugs zayan and says ok then I will at least come to airport . please don't say no to it . zayan says yes .

At the very same time Arthur and Hyena come over there and looks at it . After looking at them Sam releases zayan and wipes her tears . Arthur and Hyena were a little embarrassed but not so shocked because they were expecting this . They both laughed at looking each other . And then all four went back to there work . In the middle both Arthur and Hyena asks zayan and Sam respectively in their cabin when did it start . Sam says to Hyena it was at the investigation when we spent each other a lot of time . There was a situation where he said I was his girlfriend and tried to act such . But now I am really his. Hyena asked what was the situation Sam smiled and said nothing . Zayan said it was the first time I saw her I fell for her . Arthur asked how do you know that she was the one just by looking at her zayan replies the probability of relationship ship shifts when you start thinking from why to why not . Arthur says hmmm that was a statistical answer . zayan asked since when do you know that we were in a relationship ship. Arthur replied that is when I started hearing we from you instead of me . Zayan replied thank God you didn't think I became a Saint. Arthur asked why will I think like that. Zayan replied because you are the one who is least expirensed in relationship from the people I have seen. Arthur looked at him and said leave the country as early as possible. Zayan replied I know you will tell this because you don't know the pain of leaving a lover . Arthur grabs a thing on his table in order to throw on zayan and zayan runs away .