
Time Swap System:~ I'm Gonna Swap Time And Space

Somewhere in Milky-way, there exists a wrold beyond comparison, and the entity's here taking records of various ups and downs of entire Humanitarian and Non-Humanitarians. Not just that, some times they bet's on the Chosen one's,. whoever is favourite for doing chores of their desires. For that purpose and to not dying of boredom, they established, a firm creation of Systems. Then Various systems of multi purpose were sent to guide the entity's favourites. Well, billannia passed without an error but now, as nothing is absolute, nor a thing is eternal. During the transition, one spirit of a system attacks another and disrupted both of their routes. Since they weren't on lifeline of Milky-way, soon going to be vanished, in a hurry both unconscious Systems merged together for unknown reasons, and gets caught in the gravity of a planet and sucked in. A new identity emerged from both systems merging and it found a person on the verge of death, as its function showing only one life force suitable for inhabiting, while others are incapable. For better or worse now Our main lead is a good for nothing, nor blessed nor lucky but favourite of a cursed black star of Tragedy. Well, find out what the future ahead for this piece of simpleton, when he starts his journey of the cursed king.......

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22 Chs

Twin Systems~ A

Luke:- "So that's what happened. No wonder, that Pesky! always played trick's with me. Although on the verge of death, that one, helped me a lot too but then again, now it's clarifies by you, that Pesky! sure got a strain in brain like this fellow here. What's her name was... aha, yes, Greeny!."

"Ah! Pesky! sure got some personality issues from her, that's for sure. Now! what to do....., but first, tell me..... everything about yourselves. I want all the information in details, that means all n all, You get it, Darkin!. Well this one is out of service. You're the only one can help me here."

Luke! Inhales a lot of breath to calm his turbulent emotions, looks directly in Darkin's expectant sparkling eyes of anticipation. He gently puts down Greeny! on the cave floor and while she was silent as well calm, the moment she was released from Luke's grip, she ran off further away from him and started nonchalant bickering like has a loose crack like a maniac.

Whereas, With wide smile and a knowing smirk playing on her tiny squirrely lips, Darkin! is ready to fulfill her masters very first order, from her perspective though. She nodded and elaborates more, from her understandings,

Darkin:- "Master! can I take this as your first order. That way I will have more access and clear all of your worries."

Without blinking his eyes, Luke! just nods in affirmation and Darkin starts her clarification step by step.

Darkin:- "Thanks for Master's permission. Ding!"

This time two transparent screens with one on left is white whereas on right is dark, appears visible to Luke! and with familiar sound which has been part of his soul from few days ago.

Devoid of motion he just looked back and forth after all, system has been part of him for so long but this time though, a new screen pop up, off course his curiosity heighten up. After looking all around he gazed back at the tiny squirrel girl, who in response waited for him to get calm and after that, she gesture by her tiny paws towards the white screen.

Darkin:- "Master! as you can see, this white window screen is related to me, as I'm the Cosmic Supreme of Time. All time related queries, I can handle them all. Whenever you face anything related to time, I will help you."

'Oh so that's what it is. hun hu, yes! I can understand, I...' Luke! ended up trailing in his own thoughts, half way through of Darkin's explaining. She looked at a wide stupid grin on his face and face palm herself knowing that, her master has tendency of trail in hiw own fantasies. She interjects by shouting at him, as much loud as she could.

"Wait Master! first hear me out. This screen here represent me and also you can name it. As for the function, here is only three available.

<1. Shop of Time:- There were things which has been lost in time, host can take them all as much as he wants.

<2. Law of Time (Locked)

<3. Attributes:- Represent elements as well non elemental. Available- None

<4. Skill:- Help host to understand Law of Time better. Remember host Time is not an element but flawless current of river which is as vast as Universe and bottomless. Currently in use:-

A.- Smile of Cru:- With heartful smile can fasten itself. While the surrounding gets slower. Can use Two times a day.

B.- Cry of Cru:- Can call forth catastrophe of past for once a month.

C.- Sinners Chamber:- Trap Someone in a loop. Depends upon Hosts Mana capacity From Low to Hazardous.

<5. Time Quests {One Time}:- Host need to use Smile of Cru Skill for a week.

Rewards:- Single thread of Law of Time Apprehension."

Once Darkin! stops as well words appears on white screen in dark green fonts. Luke's hair all over his body were standing with him grasping this unforeseen knowledge. He got astounded by the surprises Darkin! has given.

He carefully reading those words with every sentence as well looking with observing eyes like feeding his sharks brain, as if has been empty from ages.

Darkin! seeing her Masters! newfound bewilderment, just stood on the place she was before and looking up with thrilling expression, amuse by her little advancement in making a bond with her new Master!, she is thinking,

"My new Master! is quite intellectual. He understood in one brief and I never have to explain things to simplify. Well that would be a headache if I had to." taking sigh of relief, as if a huge boulder has been lifted off of her tiny shoulders, she muses herself and patted back of her head to congratulate.

"Now I'm going to help him achieve things which will help me too, in my advancement, then in future I will be able to see him again. Just wait you all, once I'm back, you all will never see any sunrises again, in your never ending lives. Hee, hee, hee, hee."

Darkin! unaware of Luke's asking her a lot of questions, seems a crack in telepathy, enjoying her own little phantasm until a huge palm descended and grab her, then lifts her in front of two huge eyeballs. The moment she was grabbed she came back to realisation and before could move a muscle, saw those eyeballs and cry out loud.

"Annniyaaaa...! No, No, No don't eat me. I'm but a fragile maiden with no meat whatsoever. PLEASE don't eat me." In return of her response a light smack upon her head gets her out of her frighten state. She upon opening her two squirrely meatball shaped eyes looks above simultaneously hears , familiar voice which can succumb her all fears.

Luke:- "You little. How dare you think I'm some kind of man-eater, no in your way, squirrel girl-eater and by the way I'm not into system eating fetishes. Who knows, will I becomes sick or worse. Huh!"

With his right hand he touched his right tample and starts massaging, with a low bowing head he looks at the tiny Darkin! who has stopped shaking and gently puts her back on floor, all the while looked behind her. The second squirrel girl like a daddy's pampered little annoying brat, currently rolling left to right or vice versa, on the dirty cave floor, while shouting in otherworldly words.

Luke! pointed at her and speaks to Darkin, "Will you keep shut her up or I will forgets the law and beeat the shit out of her. She's giving me a lot of headache and what's with those silly things she is baffling off?"

Luke! has started having headache the moment he started hearing, Greeny's nonchalant vocabulary of alien words. For all he understood she is clearly badmouthing him, for sure. Now the calm lake has surpasses the calm level, like a dam going to break and engulf things in its floody jaws, from Luke's presence such kind of vibe is coming.

Darkin! understood and immediately grabbed Greeny's back of neck, from her tiny left paw and like has no weight, easily carried her in front of Luke! and with a Slam! lift her down on the cold floor. Her butt hits and yup! she again was about to burst into tears cuz of the pain she gain unwillingly. Just then, two big eyes eying her and a voice which has taken all her senses for next moments.

Luke:- Yo! what's we have here, a messed up tiny piqsqueak! Hahahaa! So messy! wanna enlighten me, as off what the heck I owner your badmouthing with added spices of sobbing. Is it a mourning session of your relatives or I have taken your innocence, just answer me damn it!"

Luke! furiously shouted aloud that even the wild beasts lurking in within the shadows of caves perimeter, gotten goosebumps, shuddered for who knows how long which felt like eternity. This led those beasts of low intelligence to undertake, the prey they are eyeing to devour is not something they can trample, so slowly all of them reassess their predicament and retreats to their normal blood feuds.