
Time Swap System:~ I'm Gonna Swap Time And Space

Somewhere in Milky-way, there exists a wrold beyond comparison, and the entity's here taking records of various ups and downs of entire Humanitarian and Non-Humanitarians. Not just that, some times they bet's on the Chosen one's,. whoever is favourite for doing chores of their desires. For that purpose and to not dying of boredom, they established, a firm creation of Systems. Then Various systems of multi purpose were sent to guide the entity's favourites. Well, billannia passed without an error but now, as nothing is absolute, nor a thing is eternal. During the transition, one spirit of a system attacks another and disrupted both of their routes. Since they weren't on lifeline of Milky-way, soon going to be vanished, in a hurry both unconscious Systems merged together for unknown reasons, and gets caught in the gravity of a planet and sucked in. A new identity emerged from both systems merging and it found a person on the verge of death, as its function showing only one life force suitable for inhabiting, while others are incapable. For better or worse now Our main lead is a good for nothing, nor blessed nor lucky but favourite of a cursed black star of Tragedy. Well, find out what the future ahead for this piece of simpleton, when he starts his journey of the cursed king.......

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22 Chs

Do or Die~ I'm Screws

"System alert! System alert! System alert!"

This sudden familiar announcement, gave him a shock, "Oh! Aiyyaaa! you system, one of these days, whether that beast will kill me or not but I sure will die with your sudden announcing in my head. Huff! Huff! Scared me to death. See how much my heart is pounding. It sky rockets. Huff! Kills me, you pest." Sudden voice of system, scared him to his spine, he panics, but get his composure back in some seconds later. Put his left hand on his chest, patting to calm the sudden increase of heart rate.

Then with right hand, touched the warning notice on transparent window, the notification enlarged, showing the written contents. "Huh! Let's see what this warning is all about." He read it in a low voice, "huh! Huh! Huh! Seriously, you damn stupid junk system. How dare you shorten the time limit of this quest, and only four and half minutes left to complete. You damn pest. Screw you. I'm not gonna do it. Go to hell."

The moment he uttered those words, another set of warning windows, with systems voice reverberate his brain mechanism, "Due to master's continuous disagreement with system, system now entering the 'Wishy-Washy' mode. Now! If master failed to accomplish the goal, in less than three minutes, master's body will explode, soul will forever sealed within systems core, never to enter in reincarnation path. So good luck. Heee! Heee!" System giggled at the end of warning.

sweats drops from boy's forehead, drenched in sweat and dirt, a fearful frown appear on his cold stiff face, as he ran across to find the finishing line.

Following the grey yellow line pattern arrow, he ran miles in mini seconds, didn't realise how much he has improved after the regeneration. Only one thing cross his endless waves of thoughts, that is to survive. Once he survives this cunning systems unfavorable quest, he might be able to find about himself, his past, if there is any, so he ran, ran and ran as swiftly as he can.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Only one minute and thirty seconds remains Master!, twenty eight... seven.....six..." And so on. He closed the appeared window in haste, halting his view closed it by touching the cross mark at top left corner on quest window. As time passes, minutes turned to seconds. During this unfathomable questing, he crossed small to mid sized mountain, shrouds in Darkness, just ran through all of them, passed by many dark beasts lurks here and there, eating dead corpses of unfortunate fallen ones, or howling.

These dark beast were sensitive to warm blood beings, they follow through, soon catch up to him. But regardless he didn't flinch to there gruesome appearance, instead ignores it, just focuses his task in hand. After some miles from his destination those dark beasts shrugged, cupped there head down to the ground, and sits there, didn't utter a sound, cuz they have entered in territory of extraterrestrial Heavenly Beast, who can purge them with his mere sniff. But for this boy, who has no idea why those dark beasts stopped following him, moved forward to face the unwanted.

"Ding! Master has finished the first task to reach the Heavenly Beasts hideout. Now! Giving extra thirty seconds to accomplish the require goal. Hope to see ya alive master. Hehe!" System chuckle again, but he ignores, cuz his life means more than systems unusual mockery.

"Aah! Oh! Huff! Huff! That's good, with remaining two seconds earlier, I finished, first requirement, now to the main task. How am I suppose to steal an egg from such monstrosity, and even without any noise. I have this gut feeling if I made a mistake, my life will be over, needs to be extra sharp and careful." With that in mind he made decision inwardly in his head.

Pitch darkness embrace whole place like a child holds by his/her mother. Without the path showing arrow, This boy wouldn't have any chances of survival at all.

He is now in front of four sided huge rocky mountains, before he followed systems arrow and came from a narrow alley between two rocky mountains, from behind.

Moments ago system had sent another notification of giving him extra thirty seconds, from it now only twenty seconds has remain. "No! No! No! I-I need to find a way out of here. How I'm suppose to climb such rocky mountains to cross it to reach other side to finish this task. Huff! Where is the way ou..." before he could have finished his bickering, previous arrow mark on corner of his left eye appears again. He smiles and looked, where that arrow is showing an exit of this spooky place.

The arrow made him turned around, pointed to the mountain behind his back. Without further ado, he starts climbing. Every steps he took were precise and accurate with total control over his body. Step by step he moved upwards.

"Huff! Huff! Huff! Huh! I-I never knew that I was like this better in climbing Mountain. Huff! My body feels refresh and light and also this strange feeling itching in my heart, that I can do anything with this much confidence. My body reacts like it has previous experience of climbing such rocks. This, this inexplicable feeling is so warm and calm, I think it's better to face what's ahead of me than indulge in such matters. Huff! Huh! I will ask system later, what's going on with me?" With that mind set, he climbed upwards with determine eyes.

Suddenly arrow started blinking, he understood with previous experiences, glanced up to down, then left to right, couldn't find anything specific. Then climbs a little more to his left, saw a gap, in which everything has been shrouds in darkness with an empty dog hole.

He climbed there, the arrow blinks like has found a treasure. "What the heck? What I'm going to do with this place? This dog size hole, what I'm suppose to do...."

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Task completion only ten seconds remains...nine... eight...seven..." Systems intervention in his inwardly thoughts warped him out of his endless assumption, force him to witness his wrecking reality. "No way!"

He shouted aloud, his shout reverberate in that confined place, he hits that dog hole with his left fist several times. Anger is the power and power transfer to fists, demolishes that hole with five seconds remains. Timer is ticking, he enters inside the demolished human shape dark hole, and accidentally slid inside face flat.

He tries to get a grip to hold himself from sliding down to earth, but no avail, his every effort were in vain, he slid and slid. There wasn't much room to move his figure, but to save himself, he came up with countless crazy ideas that pop up inwardly.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Master has..." "Get the hell out of my way you pesky wretch, you are blocking my way, or do you wants me dead." System alerted him but his aggressiveness took over his thoughts, he interjected the system Pesky, didn't bother to watch what the system has to offer, ignores it and closed all windows. Still sliding on ramping swift.

Until, a bright orange hue encompasses him. He was thrown out of that sliding play hole with a slight 'Thud' on the lucious green, sky blue soft grasses, which were squeeze to nonexistent by sheer weight of his body, as he fell face flat here.

"Ouch! That hurts damn it. Ah! Ah! Auh! Soo, sooo, soo, fu, fu, fu." Throws some grass and dirt which entered in his mouth when he fall face flat on this grassland. Rubbs his chin, forehead, cheeks with both hands, as he sits on his butt with flat open legs. Bruises were seen on his face, shoulders, legs, but not life threatening though it seems he has fallen too deep beneath the earth.

After comforting himself for about ten breath, he looked at the transparent window has open when he falls here, but ignores. Now he opens the previous transparent window with quest information in it. He read it carefully.

"Master has found a secret passage way to enter the Heavenly Sacred Beasts domain, which has been surrounded by intelligence and strong fencing, and which no one has been able to penetrate till date, he has done it now. Master has accomplished the requirement of completion of his first quest by entering this Heavenly Sacred GARGOFLUN's domain. Now only need to steal an egg of from its hive. The timer has been stop at 0.00003 seconds after completion of this hidden task. Once the remaining task will be completed, Master will be rewarded. So keep up the good work Master! hee, hee."

"Phew! Huff! Just in brink of time, otherwise my obliterated organs should be here, instead of alive me. Seems like here is no time limit, so let's take a nap, which I haven't taken for a while, I'm exhausted." Wth a 'Thud' he fall on his back on the softnes of such lusciousness of these grasses and closed his eyes.