
Time Swap System:~ I'm Gonna Swap Time And Space

Somewhere in Milky-way, there exists a wrold beyond comparison, and the entity's here taking records of various ups and downs of entire Humanitarian and Non-Humanitarians. Not just that, some times they bet's on the Chosen one's,. whoever is favourite for doing chores of their desires. For that purpose and to not dying of boredom, they established, a firm creation of Systems. Then Various systems of multi purpose were sent to guide the entity's favourites. Well, billannia passed without an error but now, as nothing is absolute, nor a thing is eternal. During the transition, one spirit of a system attacks another and disrupted both of their routes. Since they weren't on lifeline of Milky-way, soon going to be vanished, in a hurry both unconscious Systems merged together for unknown reasons, and gets caught in the gravity of a planet and sucked in. A new identity emerged from both systems merging and it found a person on the verge of death, as its function showing only one life force suitable for inhabiting, while others are incapable. For better or worse now Our main lead is a good for nothing, nor blessed nor lucky but favourite of a cursed black star of Tragedy. Well, find out what the future ahead for this piece of simpleton, when he starts his journey of the cursed king.......

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22 Chs

Ah! It Hurts To Do Task

The view near the pond is extravagant. Sweet smell of fragrance flowers with several colors fishes dancing in waving water in this purple pond along with marvelous design of the walls like has been cut down by various claws and stomped by powerful materialised mana attacks from ages, gives this place an Otherworldly look.

He looked to his right, and astonished to see a narrow path of never ending cave which has ended up enshrined in darkness after several meters going inside.

Of course not the right choice, even the quest pointing arrow fainted on his lack of awareness, when he saunter to his right path, but realised his foolishness, gets back to heeled to his left, he brim with joy, so does a curl on sides of his lips.

Passed by one of the biggest wide and tall boulder filled with Mana Crystals of various attributes. He wanted to atleast touch them, but suddenly a timer of five seconds like a tickling bomb hum inside his head. Shifting his focus from the thick rocky boulder of various crystal and orbs, to a short system notice.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Master has to finish the quest within time limit or Master will explode to nonexistent and his previous accusations will force upon his soul to Trap forever within System Core. Be safe Master! Huff! Hunnn!"

This time around System didn't mock him, must have gotten bored of his non reactions. Well, for the boy it seems, his life is now depends on these five seconds.

Fury red eyes, veins pops up all over his body, already drenched in sweat and dirt, no time to waste, saw the direction the orange arrow pointing a cave, on the other side of pond, only reachable acces is from passing through the stone pads pathway connecting both sides banks. From his side to the far left on the other side of bank of such pond, he heeled forward.

Leaving behind some trail of gusty wind of filled with dirt, grass, couldn't even be able to touch to get actual experience for the first time, have to rush or die, such fate he has tangled with now.

He leaps leaving three stone pads behind, before reaching to fourth one, he slightly touch it, then leaps again to cross whole pond. The moment he jump, a big grey face piranha with open jaws of zig zag teeths, attacks him but his senses let him evade.

The moment piranha came from his right and jump in air with a water splash behind, leaving big to small water droplets behind, it was already near to shove its spike filled mouth to sink deep in his spine and crush his bones, but the boy touches piranhas left slippery scales and punched, turns fingers into fist, pushed it down while saving himself.

His hands strength overpowered the piranha, as it has tumbled down and gave him enough time to safely lands near the cave, simultaneously piranha falls in water. He has no time to stick around and be this one's prey, without looking back enters the spooky cave.

All this has taken three seconds, because of his swift running. An inexplicable energy runs ramping inside him, he is getting warm. His remain half pant tattered, left-right.

With this strange energy coursing through his muscles, veins, blood, as he ran, everything around him seems has lost momentum or stuck still. Like all time of other things in this world except of him, has stopped and he has gotten faster, he ran.

No other obstacles were in the way, even though it was dark but somehow he managed to see through all of it and came out of such creepines intact. The view caught his attention, other side of the cave, along with the sight of his hope, the Golden shining eggs of The Heavenly Sacred Beasts GARGOFLUN's, except of its presence.

A wide smile of conquer with a hope of light glisten in his eyes as he race through the time to steal an egg. Without further ado, he reaches and grabs one of the red one with dark circle in front and black stings mark in back.

It weighs more than he could have gained in his entire life, as he was about to let it fall from his hands due to heaviness, but he sat down on ground and took the 55 Cm tall and fifteen inch wide Dark red egg on his lap. As he finished the task, and waiting for the rewards, another warning chimed in rather than the awards he was waiting for.

"Screw you Pest system. Can't you feel ashamed off, making a feeble, weak boy like me to run around doing your errands all day and night. I haven't even had any meal for ages and you, you ask me to run again. I dooooooonnnnn'tttt hhhhhhh...."

He stutter in middle of his compassionate speech, ruined by the appearance of the one who left him disfigured before, now has came back, but more furious than ever, no need to guess as this is the god of doom of boy's life, The Heavenly Sacred GARGOFLUN.


There's crystal icicles hanging on from the caves ceiling from the entrance and boy's left hand side when he came before. Whole ceiling has been covered with round, cylindrical ice cubes as well Ice boulders filled with countless ice arrows, pointing down to earth, might be showing 'Dare to Die, I will happily oblige.'

Like a huge whales painting, the icicles were printed there on the ceiling, follows the wall to meet the ground. Alongside some sunlight pierced through from far corner on left form some gaps, mus be made of natural phenomenon.

Melting the snow to produce natural resource in a way of thin line of water, help comes from ceiling by in water droplets, making this thin line of water submerge with the natural pond. Must have been made long ago, already filled to top. Along with overjoyed fishes, crabs playing around in water.

As its waves vanishes in far left, behind a mighty triangular brown rock filled with green Moss top to bottom, as high like wants to kiss its wide grey dark bride, but due to less height wasn't able to, but let some other small beasts to hive it, must be happy to see them mating in regretful sigh!.

This whole place has rocks, only greenery is near the left pond, rest have huge stones. His right side has isolated this place with the huge wall of grey rocks as well some places have flowers and red grasses. There has another cave in center of such rocky mountain, must be a way of somewhere, then there's another one in far right in north, must be this beasts doing, to get rid of it's boredom.

Well, all n all this whole area is sealed off, for normal person to reach or even escape is difficult, don't ask why.

Currently, The boy has been sitting in the centre near a widely large and tall like a Banyan Tree, even has pierced the ceiling to show its height as it's branches has spreaded all around as well rooted too deep to pluck out as well thick too. Splendour vibe it gives when, larger than two palms leaves, has serrate margin patterns in light red inside sky blue outside, happily swings in joy whenever stray gust of winds warmly pat its branches, it leaves, flowers dance, making it extravagent and special.

Trees left sides branches has sinked within icicle shards and snow flowers shapes. There are some strange fruits hanging in these branches, some have fallen on the ground too, alongside blue lotus of red trunk with moon dew in middle, welcomes by smiling petals.

The Boy has just sat down to save this falling Egg. When it sensing her child's life in danger, this GARGOFLUN! rushed back here as soon as it has gone to chew down the savoring smell of such boy, who is now exist within its preying grasp.

*Roaar! GROAAR! Roaar! GROAAR!*

*Thomp! Thomp! Thomp!*

The Heavenly Sacred GARGOFLUN! licks its lips with a smile on its stiff face, it starts slowly motioning from left to right and within its sharp steps it Groarrrrr! Which chills down boy's spine, a fearfull shiver rose within him but interjects by system.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Oh My! My! My incompetent Master has Huff!... finally finished this temporary quest. Huh! so thirsty, wait a minute master let me drink first, gulp! gulp! gulp!!! so for re..." systems unnerving, stinky behaviour nailed the rage burst out, he tried hard to lock down within him, forgotten another slick bastard is stalking him in bloodlust and waits for a chance to savour the mouth watering flaming scent to gauge and devour him all at once.