
Time Slayer : A Demon Slayer Fanfiction

In the mystical world of Demon Slayers, where blades clashed with demons and courage was forged from the depths of the heart, there existed a legendary slayer known as "Time Slayer." This enigmatic figure was said to have harnessed the powers of time itself, bending its flow to protect the innocent and vanquish the vile. Centuries ago, during the peak of the Demon Slayer Corps' glory, a young and talented swordsman witnessed his best friend fall victim to a powerful demon. Fueled by grief and vengeance, he dedicated himself to becoming a Demon Slayer to eradicate the demons responsible for the tragedy. But he was no ordinary swordsman; he possessed a legendary technique known as "Time Breathing." This extraordinary breathing style allows its users to manipulate time itself, granting them unparalleled speed and agility in combat. One day, the head of Demon Slayer Corps has reached The Slayer's ears about a high-ranking demon wreaking havoc upon a nearby village. The demon was said to possess unimaginable powers and had terrorised the villagers, leaving destruction and despair in its wake. The Slayer, hearing the cries for help, knew that their journey had found its purpose. Note: "Time Slayer" is a work of fanfiction inspired by the manga "Demon Slayer" (Kimetsu no Yaiba) and pays tribute to its universe and characters while introducing original elements to create a new narrative.

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4 Chs

Chapter 4: The Final Chapter

Confused and disoriented, The Slayer found himself questioning his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he muttered, bewildered by the unfamiliar environment.

As he took in the sights, he couldn't help but wonder, "Ehhh, what is this place? Why is everything so... modern?"

The once-familiar world of demons and ancient villages had been replaced by a bustling 21st-century city. Tall buildings loomed overhead, and the cacophony of cars and bustling crowds replaced the serene sounds of nature he was accustomed to.

Finding himself awakened under a bridge, The Slayer stood out with his traditional garb and carrying his unmistakable weapon. Passersby regarded him with puzzlement and suspicion, assuming he was a character from another time or perhaps a performer in an elaborate costume.

Unaware of the temporal shift that had transported him to this strange era, The Slayer was faced with the daunting challenge of blending into a world vastly different from his own. As he ventured through the city streets, his appearance drew curious glances and whispered conversations.

His thoughts raced, trying to comprehend this bewildering reality. "How did I get here? Why am I in this modern world?"

Unaccustomed to the conveniences and technology surrounding him, The Slayer felt a sense of displacement. The memory of his home and the customs of his time weighed heavily on his heart.

Yet, amid the uncertainty of the unknown, The Slayer's determination remained unshaken. Though he may be perceived as an outsider, he knew that his duty as a demon slayer transcended the barriers of time and space.

With resilience and adaptability, The Slayer resolved to navigate this new world. While he may be viewed as an enigma to those around him, he would embrace the present while never forgetting his purpose.

As the bustling city carried on around him, The Slayer took his first steps into an unknown chapter of his journey. The future beckoned, and he was determined to face the challenges ahead as a warrior, unfazed by the unfamiliar. For, in the end, he knew that time held mysteries waiting to be unravelled, and his destiny was forever entwined with the flow of time.

He continued to roam the city, utilising his teleportation technique to navigate swiftly through the bustling streets.

"Interesting, the oldest person here shares the same last name as the Head," The Slayer mused, noticing a peculiar coincidence in the name of a local elder.

As he wandered further, he came across a magnificent shrine, its architecture awe-inspiring and familiar to him. "What is this shrine?" he wondered aloud, intrigued by the ornate details and spiritual aura surrounding it.

During his exploration, The Slayer stumbled upon a vibrant gathering where people were engaged in a traditional dance. The performance was called "Dance of the Sun God," and he watched in fascination as the rhythmic movements captivated the crowd.

Memories of his own time flooded back, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the familiar traditions and customs of his past. Yet, he acknowledged that he was in a different era now, surrounded by a society that thrived on modernity.

The memories and experiences he had accumulated as a demon slayer fueled his determination to adapt and evolve in this unfamiliar world. With a mix of nostalgia and resolve, The Slayer continued his journey, using his teleportation technique to explore the enigmatic world of the 21st century.

As he encountered more wonders and challenges in this new age, The Slayer knew that the road ahead would be filled with surprises. The mysteries of time awaited him, and he was determined to face them with unwavering purpose, as his destiny remained forever entwined with the ever-changing world around him.

During the time The Slayer found himself immersed in the bewildering world of the future, his thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the waitress he had encountered in the 15th-century. The image of her elegant appearance and captivating presence lingered in his mind, even amidst the hustle and bustle of the modern city.

"Wonder how the waitress is doing now," The Slayer murmured to himself, a tinge of concern woven into his words. He couldn't shake the thought of leaving her behind, even though he had made the difficult decision to focus on his duty as a Time Slayer.

As he continued his journey through the city streets, he couldn't help but wonder if she was safe and how she was coping with the absence of the mysterious swordsman who had briefly crossed her path. The memories of their encounter now merged with the uncertainties of the future, intertwining his mission as a Time Slayer with his sense of responsibility towards the people he encountered.

Hope flickered within him, reminding him that time had its way of bringing people together in unexpected ways. Perhaps, in the course of his travels through time, their paths would cross again, and he could reassure himself that she was doing well.

With determination guiding his steps, The Slayer ventured onward, carrying the memories of the past and the mysteries of the future within him. And as he faced the challenges that lay ahead, he vowed to remain vigilant, protecting the innocent from the shadows of darkness, while still holding onto the connections that transcended the barriers of time.

As night fell, The Slayer prepared himself to see if any demons would appear, vigilant in his duty as a time slayer.

Suddenly, a young boy arrived at the playground and began practicing the same dance he had seen earlier—the "Dance of the Sun God."

Intrigued, The Slayer approached the boy, who seemed taken aback by his unusual outfit.

"Sorry if I'm asking you this, why are you wearing like that, mister?" the boy inquired.

"I am not from around here," The Slayer replied calmly as he sat down next to the boy.

"What's your name, kid?" The Slayer asked with genuine interest.

"My name is Kamado Sumihiko," the boy introduced himself with a respectful bow.

"You are very polite," The Slayer complimented him.

Curious about the boy's activities, The Slayer inquired, "What are you up to this night?"

"I was practicing my ancestor's dance," Sumihiko replied with enthusiasm.

"Dance of the Sun God?" The Slayer guessed.

"Yeah, that one!" Sumihiko confirmed with a smile.

"The dance that was once used to slay demons, though demons don't even exist nowadays," The boy remarked, taken aback by the The Slayer's curious perspective.

Despite the revelation, The Slayer continued to chat with the boy, acknowledging the passage of time that had transformed the world and its beliefs.

"Say, kid, do you want me to show you my dance move?" The Slayer proposed playfully.

"Do you even have one?" Sumihiko asked, intrigued.

"Sure, I do. It's called Time Breathing," The Slayer responded.

"I'll demonstrate it to you by demolishing the park," The Slayer added, his mischievous intent evident.

"Ehhh, you shouldn't do that! This is public property," Sumihiko protested, concerned.

"Don't worry, I can rewind time with my Eighth Form," The Slayer reassured the boy.

"I wanna see!" Sumihiko cheered, his curiosity piqued, though he couldn't help but wonder if The Slayer might be a little crazy.

Ready to display his extraordinary abilities, The Slayer prepared himself and uttered, "Time Breathing First Form: The Solar Linear From the Sky!"

With that, he launched his powerful technique, leaving Sumihiko in awe of the spectacle that unfolded before him. The boy had no idea that the ancient legends of demon slayers were still very much alive in the presence of this enigmatic warrior from another time. As The Slayer demonstrated the essence of his Time Breathing, he realised that while time may change the world and the people in it, the indomitable spirit of a slayer remained timeless. And as he shared a fleeting connection with the young boy, The Slayer understood that the allure of preserving tradition and passing down the knowledge of the past was just as important as embracing the changing world.

The End

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