
Time is Money

What if you can convert time into money what will you do? Ace got a system where this question applies to him very personal. Let's follow Ace on how will he spend his money to improve himself, his friends, his family and the world around him.

Mellow_Byte · perkotaan
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Name: Ace

Age: 17 years old

Current Wealth: 24$

Level: One

Every one second, you will get: 0.0005$

Spend: 0/500


It's been two minutes since a blue screen appear in front of him, and Ace can't stop shaking in excitement. A sudden thought comes into his mind as Ace tries to run through all possibilities.

'Finally I got my cheat after 3 years of transmigrating to this world that's similar to my previous world.' Ace smiled happily to himself, thinking about how fantastic his future will be.

'One, two, three, four, five.' Ace counted from his head, then looked at his wrist that had his watch on it; it was 11:00, so he just needed to leave now. The moment Ace turns around, he enters his classroom after the bell rings for the lunch break.

After school, Ace then looked at his watch, and it was 6:00pm and called the system interface in his mind.




Name: Ace

Age: 17 years old

Current Wealth:36.66$

Level: One Every one second, you will get: 0.0005$

Spend: 0/500


"It really is true." Ace smiles and go back home to his apartment, where his mother and father were still cooking food in their kitchen.

"how was school? You will graduate tomorrow, right?" asked his mother, putting some food on the table.

Ace nods his head and sits down near the table. "Yeah, I already choose Colombia University here in New York." Ace told them, and his mother looked surprised and happy.

"That's great!! Well, I don't know if your father has any jobs but if you want we can always help you. You can work at a bar or restaurant, even though its quite hard to find an income there." his mother said to which he shook his head lightly.

He doesn't feel like working anywhere, but he has to do something for now. After all, he already got a cheat system that can help him make money faster.

"I'll think about it later, mom."


The next day, when his class finished taking a graduate picture, Ace went to his locker to pick up his bag and started to pack his things.

When he reached it, he saw someone standing near him.

"Hey!" said the person when Ace looked at her.

The girl is wearing a white shirt and blue skirt, and she also wears a yellow cardigan that covers her shoulders and black sneakers. She has long black hair, blue eyes and red lips. She also has a big smile plastered on her face.

"Are you done packing, I guess?" she asked while holding a white box.

"Yeah, you should hurry up and start packing, too," Ace replies.

The girl laughs softly.

"Yes sir, but it seems I'm gonna be in your life for quite a while." the girl said playfully.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Ace curiously; he wasn't sure what the girl meant.

"You will study in Columbia University, right?" the girl asks.

"Yeah, why?" Ace asks, curious once again.

"Well, I'm going to the same university as you." the girl replied casually. "Oh, that's great, Lisha." Ace said while smiling.

The girl giggled again and put her things inside her box and close the locker.

Lisha took her bag and threw it on her shoulder while waving goodbye. Before she left, she gave Ace a handwave and then ran away to catch up with her friends.

As the days passed, Ace started to think about what to do with his money. Ace then recalls the System's interface.




Name: Ace

Age: 17 years old

Current Wealth: 166.26$

Level: One Every one second, you will get: 0.0005$ Spend: 0/500


I should buy my parents some presents before I leave to go to college. Ace then got dressed up and called a Uber.

"Midtown Shopping Mall, thank you." Ace said after getting inside the Uber car.

"Sure thing boss." the driver said.

A few minutes passed. Ace then got to his destination and retrieved his phone from his pocket.

"So, I will buy some clothes for me and then some necessities for the college dorm . What should I buy for Mom and Dad?" Ace asks himself.

Ace then walks towards the supermarket and sees Lisha in the corner also shopping for necessities.

As soon as they noticed each other, Lisha waved her arm and smiled widely.

"Hello Ace!" she greeted him cheerily.

"Lisha, coincidence to meet you here," said Ace and greeted back her.

The two continued shopping and bought a bunch of items. When they were finally ready, they decided to eat some lunch together. It didn't take long since they finished eating, so they went directly to the subway station.

While walking, the two continued to talk about what college life will look like and their plans for the future. They went directly to the train and boarded it. Ace sits beside Lisha. They didn't exchange many words until the train reached their destination.

"Ace, do you still remember our monthsary date?" Lisha whispered to Ace.

Ace look at Lisha and nod.

"Of course, I don't forget things like that." Ace replied while smirking. Lisha chuckled lightly and looked outside the window. They both continue their conversation when they arrive at their stop, Lisha goes out first, and Ace says goodbye.

"goodbye, See you tomorrow." Lisha says to Ace.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," answered Ace. Then Ace went back to his apartment. He immediately took off his shoes and went upstairs.

When entering the apartment, he sees his dad is still working.

"Dad." Ace calls out his dad's name. His dad looked up to Ace and smiled warmly.

"I have a present for you and mom." Ace then continued to get a box in the living room and opened it.

"it is a flat screen tv."

Ace then shows it to his parents. His father immediately touched the TV while his mother stared at the tv wide-eyed in astonishment.

"Wow.." his mother says in awe.

"This is amazing, son." said his dad, then he grabbed hold of Ace's wrist. "But do you still have money left for your tuition? Shouldn't you save up?" asked Ace's father worriedly.

"Don't worry, I saved up a lot; you don't have to worry about me." Ace reassures his father.

The Ace family then continue to eat lunch and watch programs on their new tv.

After one week, Ace was now officially enrolled in the college; he is currently studying Finance. He has been living in the dorm ever since the first day of school. He was watching his [Current Wealth] grow day by day.

Ace was currently at the campus cafeteria eating lunch while scrolling through his phone when suddenly somebody knocked at the table. Ace looked up sees a girl. She has light brown hair and a black eyes, and she is wearing a white crop-top shirt with a black leather jacket.

"Oh, hello." Ace greeted with a small smile. The girl returned the smile and sat down beside him. "Hmmm... So, you are Ace, right?" Asked the girl curiously. Ace nodded.

"What did you major in?" asked the girl.

"Economics," answered Ace. The girl smiled brightly.

"Wow, that's amazing. You're smart; you'll surely get good grades." complimented the girl.

"I hope so." Ace said and continued looking at the screen of his phone.

Ace then sees Lisha coming over with a food tray and sitting in front of Ace.

"Hey Nami." Lisha said to the girl besides Ace.

"Do you know her?" Ace asks Lisha.

"Yeah, we met on the first day during the first semester," Lisha explained.

"Oh, so Lisha's boyfriend is called Ace, huh," Naomi said.

"It's trivial," Lisha replied with a blush on her cheeks.

Ace just looks at the girls' interaction. The Nami seemed to be really friendly to Lisha, and Lisha doesn't seem bothered by it. Nami then continued eating her lunch while talking to Lisha about random topics. Soon, Ace finished his lunch and excused himself.

"Bye," Lisha said, smiling. Ace then waved his hand back and walked away to go to his next class.

Once he was far enough from Nami and Lisha, he turned his phone on and checked his messages. [----------]

Ace: Lisha, let's go to the mall after the classes.


He waited for a while and Lisha replies back with a 'yeah'. Just then, his professor came out with a paper.

"Okay, students. Let's begin the first class." said the professor. When he heard that, he got up and read the lecture.

After his classes ended, Ace went outside and waited for Lisha to go to the mall.

After a few minutes passed, he saw her running out of the building and approach his side. He then holds her bag.

"Ready to go?" Ace asked. Lisha then nods and smiles widely. They then started walking to the mall where they were heading today.

They entered the mall first and began browsing all the stores around there. After browsing a little more, Ace decided to buy a pair of runner shoes in Nike Store, a black suit in Armani and a white shirt from Dior.

Lisha, who was following Ace closely, was staring at Ace in amazement. She then asks him. "Ace, why are you spending so much!" she said.

"Huh?" Ace responded, turning to face Lisha confusedly.

"Don't you need to work for part time jobs to afford your tuition?" asked Lisha.


Ace hesitated, "that was not always the case because I discovered that I have a talent for trading stocks. So I have been making around some money." Ace said, trying to convince Lisha.

Lisha sighed slightly.

"Alright. But please make sure to not waste money." Lisha said to him while giving him a tight hug. They then break their hug.

"Thanks Lisha." Ace said and smiled happily at his girlfriend.

"Don't mention it. I'm always worrying about you anyway."

After the two finished shopping, they both returned to the university and into their own dorm.

Ace then decided to shower, and while doing so, he called the system interface.

' System.'



Name: Ace

Age: 17 years old

Current Wealth: 9.04$

Level: One Every one second, you will get: 0.0005$

Spend: 468/500


'I'm nearly close to levelling up my System. Tomorrow I will buy Lisha a gift and level up my system at the same time. Two birds one stone.' Ace thought to himself while washing his body. Once he was done, he quickly changed into his pajamas. He then lay down on the bed and slept.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mellow_Bytecreators' thoughts